Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 4: Synthesis and Conclusions

Editor(s): Teresa L. Pinter

Year: 2006


As part of the State Route 88-Wheatfields (SR 88-Wheatfields) project, Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc., (ACS) was provided the opportunity to investigate portions of 20 prehistoric and historic archaeological sites in the Globe Highlands of central Arizona (Figure 1, Table 1). These resources represented a broad spectrum of the cultural trajectory that distinguished this region, extending from the Late Archaic-Historic periods. Most sites were occupied between the Late Formative and early Classic periods (ca. A.D. 750-1350).

The SR 88-Wheatfields project was the first component of a multiphase cultural resources study being undertaken to widen and realign 45 km of SR 88 between its junction with US 60 near Globe-Miami and Tonto National Monument. Funded by Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), the project took place on Tonto National Forest (Forest) and Phelps Dodge-Miami land. The SR 88-Wheatfields corridor was approximately 6 km long, ranged from 60-140 m wide, and was situated west of the existing SR 88 on terraces and lower bajada west of Pinal Creek (Figure 2). In order of planning and construction, the remaining sections of the project include (1) Wheatfields-Phase 2, Hicks Wash; (2) Resort Road to Devore Wash; (3) Tonto National Monument to Resort Road; and (4) the junction of US 60 to Wheatfields. The first three are situated north of the SR 88-Wheatfields section, and the fourth is situated south of the SR 88-Wheatfields section.

Volume 4 is the last in the series for the State Route 88-Wheatfields (SR 88-Wheatfields) project, and provides a synthetic treatment of the significant project results and their bearing on the general research focus of settlement history along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands. Perspectives on subsistence-settlement systems and demography; social-political-ideological systems; technology and industry; production, exchange, and commerce; and cultural ecology are offered.

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Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 4: Synthesis and Conclusions. Teresa L. Pinter. 2006 ( tDAR id: 428049) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8428049

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Site Type
Archaeological Feature Burial Pit Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex Domestic Structures Farmstead Field House Funerary and Burial Structures or Features Hearth Pit Pit House / Earth Lodge Plaza Post Hole / Post Mold Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features Road Road, Trail, and Related Structures or Features Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno Room Block / Compound / Pueblo Storage Pit

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Cultural Resources Report No.(s): 112

Project No.(s): 1996-12-133; F-038-1-202

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Contract No.(s): 96-34

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