Maricopa, AZ (Geographic Keyword)
1-6 (6 Records)
This report discusses the results of archaeological testing at AZ T:16:19 (ASM) by SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA). Previous archaeological survey in the area of a proposed residential development identified prehistoric Hohokam artifacts, more recent O’odham sherds, and a few Euroamerican artifacts that were collectively grouped into site AZ T:16:19 (ASM). Miller Holdings, Inc. (Miller Holdings) of Scottsdale, Arizona requested that SWCA conduct archaeological testing to determine if the...
An Archaeological Survey of 780 Acres for the Proposed Bridges at Maricopa, Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona (2005)
This survey resulted in the recording of two archaeological sites, AZ T:16:156 (ASM) and AZ T:16:157 (ASM), and 13 isolated artifacts. AZ T:16:156 (ASM) is a late historic period/modern trash dump. The earliest identifiable material dates to the 1940s. AZ T:16:157 (ASM) is a large artifact scatter located along the western edge of the project area in undisturbed (agriculturally) desert. The site encompasses nearly 160 ac (647,490 m2). Despite its size, artifacts are sparse and consist mainly of...
An Archaeological Treatment Plan for a Portion of AZ T:16:19 (ASM), Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona (2003)
This document represents a treatment plan that is designed to investigate the extent of subsurface cultural resources in a portion of AZ T:16:19 (ASM) located on private land at the southwest comer of the community of Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona. Approximately 139 acres of AZ T:16:19 (ASM) occurs within two parcels (Solid State and Hogenes) proposed to be developed as residential sites. At the request of Pinal County, Miller Holdings, Inc. contracted with SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants...
A Class I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Pinal West to Southeast Valley/Browning 500 kV Project, Pinal and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (2004)
Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc., on behalf of Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP), has developed this Class I Cultural Resources Inventory for the Pinal West to Southeast Valley/Browning 500 kV Project (Project) as part of the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) Application. SRP contracted with Greystone Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Greystone) to complete the Class I report. The Project includes the construction of one single circuit...
The Middle Gila Basin: An Archaeological and Historical Overview (1982)
The Central Arizona Project (CAP) , Indian Distribution Division (IDD) is designed to deliver allocated CAP water to Indian users. The Middle Gila Basin Overview is the initial cultural resources planning study for the system. It summarizes and evaluates the extant data in an area 3,570 square miles (9,139 sq km) large, centered on the Gila River. The data suggests that archaeological sites in this area are numerous and varied, but most of all poorly-studied despite 100 years of research. A...
Phase I Data Recovery at Eight Sites along the Estrella-Stockham Segment of the Union Pacific Railroad in Pima, Pinal, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (2008)
The Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) has planned a major construction effort within its 200-foot-wide right-of-way (ROW) throughout much of Arizona. The UPRR Sunset Accelerated Capacity Project includes construction of a second rail line running from Tucson (in Pima County) to Yuma (in Yuma County), as well as renovations to the existing line, such as construction of new bridges and culverts. A Section 404 permit requires that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) consider the cultural resources...