USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

2,326-2,350 (35,799 Records)

Archaeological Testing Within the Adamsville Ruin for Wood Pole Replacements in the Oracle-Coolidge 115 KV Transmission Line, Pinal County, Arizona (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Stubing. Douglas R. Mitchell.

The results of archaeological testing within a portion of the Adamsville Ruin, a large Classic Period Hohokam site, are presented in this report. The testing was done at the request of the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), owners of the Oracle-Coolidge 115 KV transmission line, a segment of which lies within the boundaries of the Adamsville Ruin. The testing was done to evaluate the effects of power pole replacement on the site. The Adamsville Ruin, AZ U:15:1 (ASM), is a large Hohokam...

Archaeological Testing Within the Santa Cruz Industrial Park, Tucson, Arizona (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John C. Ravesloot.

The Institute for American Research, while under contract with the City of Tucson, conducted a program of archaeological testing within the Santa Cruz Industrial Park. The Santa Cruz Industrial Park, which is currently under development by the city, covers 186 acres of city owned land in southwestern Tucson. The purpose of the testing program within the Industrial Park was to evaluate the direct and indirect impacts that construction of a road segment would have on cultural resources within the...

Archaeological Testing within the St. Mary's Hospital Site (AZ AA:16:26 [ASM]), Tucson, Arizona (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text S. Jerome Hesse.

This report contains the results of archaeological testing at the St. Mary’s Hospital Site (AZ AA:16:26 [ASM]) conducted in anticipation of a planned natural gas pipeline installation. El Paso Corporation (El Paso) is upgrading the EPNG 1007 pipeline (Line 1007) so that it can be tested for corrosion using an internal inspection device known as an “intelligent pig.” The current 6-inch pipeline passing through the St. Mary’s Hospital complex is too narrow for the intelligent pig and plans were...

Archaeological Testing Within the Upper Tonto Basin the Rye Creek Project (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. Deborah L. Swartz.

The archaeological testing of 19 sites within a 5.4 mile (8.7 km) stretch of State Route 87 in the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona provided a wealth of new and significant information on the prehistory of this little known area. The testing was undertaken to determine the cultural significance of the 19 sites prior to an Arizona Department of Transportation road widening and realignment construction project (ADOT Project Number F -053-1-315PE ). Investigated site types include small...

Archaeological Theory and Snake-Oil Peddling: the role of Ethnoarchaeology in Archaeology (2009)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James M Skibo.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

An Archaeological Transect Across the Western Prescott Periphery: Prehistoric Site Distribution Based on Combined Survey Results (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas E. Wright. David E. Purcell.

Three archaeological surveys have been conducted along parallel transects through west-central Arizona: the Museum of Northern Arizona's survey of the Mead to Phoenix powerline right-of-way, SWCA's survey of Mead to Phoenix project construction access roads, and Archaeological Research Services's survey of the U. S. Highway 93 right-of-way for the Arizona Department of Transportation. Combining the results of these surveys and previous research reveals three major concentrations of sites. These...

An Archaeological Treatment Plan for a Portion of AZ T:16:19 (ASM), Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert J. Watt.

This document represents a treatment plan that is designed to investigate the extent of subsurface cultural resources in a portion of AZ T:16:19 (ASM) located on private land at the southwest comer of the community of Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona. Approximately 139 acres of AZ T:16:19 (ASM) occurs within two parcels (Solid State and Hogenes) proposed to be developed as residential sites. At the request of Pinal County, Miller Holdings, Inc. contracted with SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants...

An Archaeological Treatment Plan for Two Sites in the Concho East Well Field, Apache County, Arizona (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell. Dennis Gilpin.

This document represents a treatment plan that is designed to conduct eligibility testing and data recovery at two archaeological sites within the Concho East Well field project area. SWCA, Inc. conducted a cultural resource survey at the request of Salt River Project (SRP) north of Concho, Apache County, Arizona in November 2000, which involved a 10,613-foot-long, 100-foot wide corridor and a total of 110 acres in four parcels adjacent to the corridor. SRP is proposing to construct two new...

An Archaeological-Needs Assessment for the US Air Force, Air Mobility Command (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Natalie M. Drew. Rhonda Lueck. Teresa Militello. Lynn Neher. Christopher Pulliam.

During the fall of 1993, the US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections (MCX) conducted a survey of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted on 13 U.S. Air Force, Air Mobility Command (AMC) installations. Only four-Charleston Air Force Base (and its sub-installation, North Auxiliary Field), South Carolina; Dover Air Force Base,...

Archaeologically Assembling The Full Picture of the Political-Economy of Late 18th Century Colonial Trade Relations on the Margins of Empire from the Bisc-2 Shipwreck Site. (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephen Lubkemann. Charles Lawson. Justine Benanty. Tara Van Niekerk. David Morgan. Sean Reid. John Bright.

This paper will provide provisional conclusions drawn from the analysis of all our data within a particular methodological framework while identifying critical gaps that remain.  We will first discuss how the BISC-2 site may provide new insights into the political-economy of trade at the permeable boarder of British and Spanish spheres of competing influence; and into the relationship between imperial centers and their often non-compliant peripheries.  Finally, BISC-2 suggests a rethinking of...

Archaeologies of Antislavery Resistance (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only terrancw weik.

Archaeologists have explored self-liberated Africans ("Maroons") in the Americas and proponents of collaborative resistance movements (for instance, the Underground Railroad or African-Native American alliances), especially material aspects of them that fall within the period 1600–1865.  Despite this focus, researchers working in the Americas have much to gain from considering the global dimensions of antislavery resistance, a term that will be used to signify any form of defiance against...

Archaeologies of Disinvestment and Displacement: Documenting Detroit’s Foreclosure Crisis (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kaeleigh Herstad.

The City of Detroit boasts "the largest and most transparent" demolition program in the US, having demolished approximately 12,000 structures in under 3 years. While the city is best known for its decaying industrial sites, the majority of Detroit’s vacant structures are residential: recently occupied homes, schools, churches, and businesses.This presentation focuses on the production and destruction of these more ordinary ‘ruins,’ examining the political and historical processes that create...

Archaeologies of Foodways through Butchery at Manzanar National Historic Site (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caity M Bishop.

In reaction to the 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor by Imperial Japan, Americans of Japanese descent were forcibly relocated to internment camps. Internment camps created an environment where Americans constantly had to prove their loyalty to not only white Americans, but also to fellow Japanese Americans. This dynamic challenged Japanese Americans to choose a cultural affiliation, American or Japanese, which denied who they really were as Japanese Americans. Research into the food ways of interned...

Archaeologies of Legacy: Southern Memory and the Archaeological Archive at 87 Church Street, Charleston (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Platt.

This is an abstract from the "Storeroom Taphonomies: Site Formation in the Archaeological Archive" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 87 Church Street, now known as the Heyward-Washington House, is one of the most extensively excavated sites in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, representing a cross-section of urban life spanning the earliest decades of the eighteenth century to its reimagining as a historic house museum in 1929 on the leading edge...

Archaeologies of the After-lives of Slavery (Discussant Comments) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Theresa Singleton.

Discussion of the themes raised in the  papers presented in this session.

An Archaeologist's Field Guide to Playa Features Nellis Air Force Base (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert P. Dickerson.

The purpose of this document is to offer archaeologists a basis for understanding natural features in playa systems. Nellis Air Force Base previously commissioned a study that describes in text and photographs the geology for source materials on the NTTR and in the southern Nevada region (Dickerson 2003). Its purpose was to provide archaeologists with descriptive data to identify locations of source materials most likely used by the aboriginal inhabitants of the Great Basin. This field guide...

Archaeologists In Parks (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John P McCarthy.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Community Archaeology in 2020: Conventional or Revolutionary?" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. State and local natural resources and parks agencies have added archaeologists to their staffs in the decades since the passing of the National Historic Preservation Act. Archaeological professionals, like the author, were hired to help ensure compliance with Section 106 of NHPA and related provisions of the...

Archaeology and Architecture: How to restore an 18th century manor house at Melwood Parke (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Thomas Bodor. Matthew D. Cochran. Lyle Torp.

Generally speaking standing structures are most typically the domain of Architects, Structural Engineers, or Architectural Historians.  Recent efforts to stabilize the Melwood Parke, a ca.  c.1715-1767 manor house  located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, highlight the critical role of archaeology in understanding construction chronologies, as well as form and function of colonial American architecture. Topics to be addressed within this paper include: the role archeology can play in the...

Archaeology and augmented reality: applications and advice (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Debbie Wallsmith. Jeff Mummert.

Digital technology has made archaeological sites and artifacts much more accessible to the general public. Augmented reality (AR) allows visitors to "handle" artifacts and view archaeological features in their exact locations even after the units have been backfilled. Implementation of AR comes at a cost; not just in the planning process but long after the site has been backfilled, the artifacts analyzed and conserved, and the site report written. The discussion will focus on an archaeological...

Archaeology and Dissonant Memories of Japanese American Incarceration (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Koji H. Ozawa.

Memories of the Japanese American Incarceration Camps during WWII vary widely across America. For some, memories of the incarceration are a focal point of their identity and a driver of political action. Others who underwent this imprisonment chose not to recall their experiences. The incarceration can haunt their descendants as an ever-present but silenced past. Broadly, the United States’ relationship to this past is fractured. Activists invoke the incarceration as an affront to American...

Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Sahuaripa Region of Eastern Sonora (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Carpenter. Guadalupe Sanchez Miranda.

There is little doubt that there exists cultural continuity linking the Río Sonora tradition and the Ópata (a term referring to an amalgamation of several groups, generally including Eudeve, Teguima and Jova-cf. Yetman 2010; Spicer 1962). The socio-political organization of the late prehispanic Rio Sonora archaeological tradition remains controversial though little studied. Carroll Riley (1982, 1987, 1999, 2005; see also Doolittle 1984, 1988, 2008) proposed that they constitute "statelets",...

Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Western Papaguería: Let's Not Forget the People (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maren Hopkins.

The O’odham and other tribes of southern Arizona and northern Sonora have occupied the Western Papaguería since time immemorial. This dry and desolate corner of the Sonoran Desert is home to rich histories and living traditions that have left their subtle marks on the land, and that archaeologists have continuously tried to identify, describe, and interpret. For too long, ethnographic and ethnohistoric records from this region have run in parallel to the archaeology; however several recent...

The Archaeology And Forgeries Department: A Novel Interdepartmental Approach For Obtaining Historically Accurate Reproductions At George Washington’s Boyhood Home (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mara Kaktins. Elyse Adams. Judith Jobrack. Meghan Budinger.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The newly reconstructed Washington Family Home at Ferry Farm is unique in that visitors are encouraged to immerse themselves in eighteenth century life by sitting on the chairs, lying on the beds, going through the drawers of desks, and handling the tea and tablewares. Additionally, the entire structure and everything in it is informed by Washington’s historical and archaeological...

Archaeology And Gardens At A WWII Japanese American Incarceration Camp In Gila River, Arizona (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Koji Ozawa.

Violence can be seen in the archaeological record in many different ways, from trauma in the osteological record to depictions in iconography. This paper will focus on reactions to violence.  In World War II, all those of Japanese Ancestry living on the West Coast of the United States were forcibly incarcerated in prison camps. These people reacted to this violent act of imprisonment with many different strategies.  Recent archaeological work has examined the material manifestations of these...

Archaeology and Geomorphology of Paleo-shorelines at Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Douglas MacDonald. Matthew Nelson. Jordan McIntyre.

Recent archaeological and geomorphological studies illuminate an understanding of paleo-shorelines along Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming. Current shorelines are not always adequate predictors of prehistoric archaeological site locations due to ever-shifting lake levels over the last 12,000 years. The 20-mile-long Yellowstone Lake is within a caldera and, thus, has experienced dramatic shifts in lake levels associated with volcanism. In addition, lake levels have changed greatly due to Late Pleistocene...