Consultation (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves discussions and meetings with communities, stakeholders, and other interested parties for the purpose of describing proposed archaeological activities and eliciting their comments, perspectives and feedback.

351-375 (581 Records)

Memorandum of Understanding Among U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation on Interagency Coordination and Collaboration for the Protection of Indian Sacred Sites (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sally Jewell. Ashton Carter. Thomas J. Vilsack. Ernest J. Moniz. Milford Wayne Donaldson.

The Departments of Defense, Interior, Agriculture, and Energy, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, (Participating Agencies) entered into the Memorandum of Understanding, Interagency Coordination and Collaboration for the Protection of Indian Sacred Sites (MOU), to improve the protection of, and tribal access to, Indian sacred sites through enhanced and improved interdepartmental coordination and collaboration.

Memorandum of Understanding for Curatorial Services between the United States Air Force, Air Combat Command, Shaw Air Force Base and the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffery Jackson. Jonathan Leader.

This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into by and between the United States Air Force, Air Combat Command, Shaw Air Force Base, hereinafter called the "Depositor," and the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA), in the State of South Carolina, hereinafter called the "Repository."

Mexican Potters of Prado (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John M. Foster. Gwendolyn R. Romani. A. George Toren. R. Paul Hampson. Vicki L. Solheid.

Since 1985, the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CoE) has been planning improvements to Prado Dam and the Prado Flood Control Basin. Federal involvement in such undertakings invokes the Section 106 consultation process of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (as amended) to consider project effects upon significant cultural resources. As part of the planning and consultation process, the CoE has sponsored several investigations to identify and evaluate...

Mid-America Airport Environmental Mitigation Plan (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

St. Clair County, Illinois, has endeavored to provide passenger and package express/cargo air service to southwestern Illinois by developing land adjacent to Scott Air Force Base. This proposed action will provide joint military and civil use of the new civil airport which has been named Mid-America Airport. This report is an Environmental Mitigation Plan for Mid-American Airport. Mitigation requirements for each area of concern are described. The areas of concern include: Biotic communities,...

Military Housing Privatization Initiative: Belle Chance Property (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Elizabeth J. Cole.

The Maryland Historic Trust's response to the Military Housing Privatization Initiative (MHPI) at Andrews Air Force Base. The Maryland Historic Trust agrees that the covenant attached to the letter would be sufficient to provide long-term preservation and maintenance of Belle Chance.

Multiple Projects at Joint Base Andrews - Naval Air Facility Prince George's County, Maryland (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth Cole.

Response from the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) regarding Joint Base Andrews' proposed Installation Development Plan (IDP) projects, including the construction of a Consolidated Communications Center, replacement of the West Side Deluge System, demolition of Buildings 3602, 3603, 3605, and 3808, and various stream outfall repairs and restorations. The Maryland Historical Trust has requested Joint Base Andrews submit Determination of Eligibility (DOE) Forms and additional documentation for...

A National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of a Portion of the Bridge Site (Site 15LV98), Livingston County, Kentucky (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Herndon. Brian DelCastello.

The National Register of Historic Places evaluation of a portion of the Bridge Site (15Lv98) in Livingston County, Kentucky, was carried out by Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc., personnel between mid-December 2015 and late March 2016. Investigations were conducted at the request of Tony Hunley of Stantec on behalf of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (Item Number 1-1142.00). The portion investigated was situated within the proposed boundary for the U.S. 60 bridge replacement project and...

Native American Consultation for Land Use Values and Traditional Cultural Properties, BLM Vernal and Price Field Offices (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Molly Molenaar.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is mandated to consult with Native American tribes to identify their concerns and "to assure that tribal governments, Native American communities, and individuals whose interests might be affected have a sufficient opportunity for productive participation in BLM planning and resource management decision making" (U.S. Department of Interior I, BLM n.d.). In 2002, the BLM, Price and Vernal Field Offices (the Field Offices) began the process of revising the...

Native American Historic Land Use At Kirtland Air Force Base Bernalillo County, New Mexico (Draft) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard D. Holmes.

Historic land use of the Kirtland Air Force Base area by Native American groups was researched by TRC Mariah Associates, Inc. The principal questions were what ways did these groups use the land and what areas were used. Potential Native American groups using the project area include people of Isleta Pueblo, Sandia Pueblo, residents of the Salinas Province east of the Manzano Mountains, as well as Apaches and Comanches. The focus is on the people of Isleta Pueblo in that they are the closest to...

Nellis Air Force Base and Range Complex Ethnographic and Ethnohistoric Overview (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

The main objective of this account is to identify Native American groups and individuals who occupied the NAFR region, describe some areas traditionally occupied and used by Native inhabitants, and locate sacred sites and cultural landscapes recorded historically, which may be important to local Native American communities. A second objective is to identify important gaps in our understanding of these traditional cultural ties, and to suggest promising avenues toward filling those gaps. A third...

The Nellis Air Force Base Native American Dry Lakes Study (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tracey Henderson.

It was the goal of this project to gather information from Native American informants regarding the use of dry lake margins in the Great Basin and southern Utah. The information was both supportive to and supported by regional ethnographic data.

New Boston Air Force Station Native American Interaction Plan, New Boston, Mount Vernon and Amherst, New Hampshire (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Timothy Light.

This report is intended to provide guidance and direction to New Boston Air Force Station in the development of a process for consulting with Native American tribes who may claim ancestral ties to the lands managed by NBAFS. This process is intended to identify areas and sites of concern to these tribes and establish an on-going program that will create a strong foundation for informal and formal negotiations and consultations between NBAFS and Native American tribes that will partially address...

Niche Construction and Common Pool Resource Management in Marginal Environments: A Diachronic Approach (WGF - Dissertation Fieldwork Grant) (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text R. J. Sinensky.

This resource is an application for the Dissertation Fieldwork Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Anthropologists have long been concerned with the immense variety of collective institutions developed by small-scale societies to foster solidarity, inculcate values, and manage resources. Long-term studies tracking the development and maintenance of such institutions would greatly benefit a range of social science disciplines, but are unfortunately rare. To this end, the proposed project...

North Columbia Quarry Tract Survey
PROJECT Uploaded by: Jonathan Leader

All archaeological gray literature held within the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthroplogy relating to the North Quarry Tract in Richland County, South Carolina.

Notes on amplification of human mtDNA from tools and leather jacket of the Alpine Iceman (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas H. Loy. T. Brown. J. Connell. K. Dusza.

This unpublished report is a technical summary of results of testing organic residues and the leather coat of Otzi the Alpine Iceman using samples taken in Bolzano, Italy at the Sudtiroler Archaeologiemuseum June 29 to July 4, 1993. The impetus to re-sample from the tools came as part of the production of a documentary about the Iceman for Discovery Channel (Brando Quilici Productions). Previous microscopic and biochemical analysis had revealed the presence of hemoglobin, mammalian...

NTTR Acreage Released Through Section 106 Consultation (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tracy Henderson.

The 98th Range Wing and Environmental Management Flight often accumulate data for projects that without creation of an exchange vehicle is not shared. Discussions with Range Wing determined a combination of efforts would present parameters of acreage previously inventoried and released through consultation that could be used to make future planning more efficient. The NAFB archaeologists routinely inventory areas larger than requested. This acreage could be superimposed on Range maps with the...

Oral History of Kirtland Air Force Base Area Bernalillo County, New Mexico Based on Interviews Conducted Under the Direction of Dan Scurlock (Draft) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard D. Holmes.

Historic land use of what became Kirtland Air Force Base can be studied through archaeological, documentary, and oral historical records. In 1993, TRC Mariah Associates Inc., interviewed persons who had either lived on land that became part of Kirtland Air Force Base or had a long association with the area and had first hand knowledge of how the land was used and how people made a living. Informants were taken to the Coyote Springs area, a place near which some had lived before World War II....

Orange Grove
PROJECT Chris Drover. Shelby Manney.

Multi-component project containing both historic and pre-historic elements. It is located in Pala San Diego. This project is for JPOWER and will consist of a new Power Station that will be placed directly onto the footprint of a historic orange grove. The other impacts will include water, natural gas, and energy lines that will be dug and laid between 10 and fifteen miles coming to the power plant. The power station location is approx. 4 miles from the Pala mission and the eastern boarder...

Orange Grove (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Shelby Manney.

Multi-component project containing both historic and pre-historic elements. It is located in Pala San Diego. This project was for JPOWER and consisted of a new Power Station that will be placed directly onto the footprint of a historic orange grove. The other impacts included water, natural gas, and energy lines that will be dug and laid between 10 and fifteen miles coming to the power plant. The power station location is approx. 4 miles from the Pala mission and the eastern boarder of the...

"Osceola: Portraits, Features, and Dress," The Florida Historical Quarterly
PROJECT Uploaded by: Julia Zakrewsky

Portraits, Features, and Dress of the Florida Seminole Indians" The Florida Historical Quarterly,

Ossabaw Island
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Black

Ossabaw Island State Land Files

Ossabaw Island Comprehensive Management Plan (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David Waller.

Development and Management Plan for Ossabaw Island

Ossabaw Island: Brochure regarding Prohibition of Disturbing or Collecting Archaeological and Historical Resources (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David C. Crass. Chip Morgan.

Correspondence and Report Draft

An Overview of Native American Land Use in East Central Utah, Grand, Emery, Carbon, Sanpete, and Utah Counties: The Aspen Products Pipeline Project (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Virginia Newton.

The Aspen Products Pipeline Limited Liability Corporation (Aspen L.L.C.) proposes to transport refined petroleum products from west Texas to markets in New Mexico, western Colorado, and Utah. To facilitate compliance with federal statutes and regulations regarding consultation with Native American tribes, the Bureau of Land Management in conjunction with Manti-La Sal and Uinta National Forests, requested that the Aspen L.L.C. produce an overview of Native American ethnohistory and land use based...

Oyster and Pipe Site (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robin L. Sutherland.

Maps and report related to the Oyster and Pipe Site.