Mano (Material Keyword)

76-100 (127 Records)

Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:869 (ASM): Results of Archaeological Data Recovery for the Shannon Business Park Development, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David B. Tucker.

SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted archaeological data recovery investigations within a portion of AZ AA:12:869 for the Shannon Business Park LLC in compliance with Pima County regulations for a grading permit as required for the construction. Previously, SWCA conducted archaeological testing at the site, which had been completed in October 2000 (Tucker 2000). During testing, much of the site was found to be heavily disturbed due to modern agricultural plowing, but several...

Data Recovery at AZ T:12:413(ASM) for the Roeser Haciendas Development Project, Phoenix, Arizona (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell.

The site (AZ T:12:413[ASM]) was recommended as eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. Avoidance to the site was not feasible so data recovery was conducted under an existing City-approved Plan, entitled “General Historic Properties Treatment Plan for Archaeological Projects Within the Boundaries of the City of Phoenix, Arizona” (Montero et al. 2008). A Supplemental Data Recovery Work Plan submitted to the City (see Mitchell 2011) was approved and implemented. As a...

Data Recovery Report, North End of the Frank Luke Addition, Site AZ T:12:1 (ASM), La Ciudad, City of Phoenix (2012)
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Archaeological data recovery was conducted in the north end of the Frank Luke Addition in the City of Phoenix within a portion of the Hohokam site of La Ciudad, also known as AZ T:12:1 (ASM). This is a report on data recovery conducted in the north end of the project area. The excavations documented a borrow pit reused as a reservoir (Feature 32), an irrigation lateral (Feature 27), a small field house (Feature 29), five extramural pits and thermal features, and two pits containing historic...

The Eastern Mining Area 115 KV Transmission Line Survey: Archaeological Resources in the Salt-Gila Uplands of Central Arizona (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas N. Motsinger. Heidi Roberts. Richard V. N. Ahlstrom.

SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (SWCA), of Tucson, Arizona, conducted the Eastern Mining Area (EMA) survey project under contract to Salt River Project (SRP) between October, 1993, and February, 1994. One central purpose of the project was to create an inventory of archaeological resources to assist in the planning of future improvements and other modifications to existing SRP transmission lines. The project included 107 person-field days of Class III archaeological survey along...

Excavations at La Villa: Continuity and Change at an Agricultural Village (2015)
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The archaeological excavations documented in this volume examine the Hohokam village of La Villa, AZ T:12:148 (ASM). From its founding in the sixth century A.D., until abandonment in the eleventh century, La Villa was one of the largest villages in the Phoenix Basin. Current excavations preceded the installation of a storm drain that was part of the larger Storm Drain project and provided a rare glimpse of a large pre-Classic period village. Fieldwork occurred in multiple phases. Archaeological...

Further Investigations at Los Pozos: Descriptions of Excavated Features at AZ AA:12:91 and AZ AA:12:103 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stacy L. Ryan.

This report presents descriptions of features excavated during the 1998 investigations at the Central Cluster locus of the Los Pozos site, which was occupied during the Late Cienega phase (circa 400 B.C.-A.D. 50) of the Early Agricultural period. The project was conducted for the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT Contract 94-46) for the Interstate 10 Corridor Improvement project. Features were identified during the testing phase of the project and subsequently excavated by Desert...

Historic Properties Treatment of Nine Sites within the Anthem at Merrill Ranch Development, Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Samuel Duwe. Lynn A. Neal.

Given the relatively uniform nature of the seven identified resource processing sites in the Anthem at Merrill Ranch project area, as well as, Site AZ U:15:237(ASM) with its agricultural features, the research focus of the data recovery plan was to gain a better basic understanding of the temporal affiliations of and subsistence strategies represented by the project area’s eight prehistoric sites. An additional goal was to place these sites within the greater context of Hohokam occupation along...

Hohokam Farming Settlements in North Scottsdale: Archaeological Excavations at AZ U:1:183 (ASM) and AZ U:1:186 (ASM) (2001)
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This report discusses excavation results at two Hohokam farmsteads (AZ U:1:183 [ASM] and AZ U:1:186 [ASM]) in north Scottsdale, Arizona. Data recovery investigations identified one pithouse and several extramural features at both sites. In addition, a pole-and-brush-lined surface structure was identified at AZ U:1:186 (ASM) that suggests the pithouse may have functioned as a cold-season dwelling while the surface structure served as a warm-season dwelling. Architecture and material culture...

Hohokam Farmsteads Along Cave Creek, Arizona (2002)
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In 1998 and 1999, archaeologists from SWCA and volunteers from the Desert Foothills Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society conducted archaeological investigations at four sites in the Estado de Cholla project area, located southwest of the town of Cave Creek, Arizona. Three isolated Hohokam habitation structures were fully excavated at two of the sites. Each of the three houses was catastrophically burned and each contained intact, abundant, floor-contact artifact assemblages. More than...

Identification of the Pima Tribe No. 10, Improved Order of Red Men Plot Within the Court Street Cemetery, AZ BB:13:156 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Homer Thiel.

Archaeological testing was conducted at the Salvation Army property. Work identified 20 graves within the Improved Order of Red Men plot in the Court Street Cemetery, as well as eight prehistoric features. A portion of the property contained a single prehistoric pit and no Compliance Summary Page iii human burials. The pit was sampled. The area tested on the eastern side contained 20 graves from the Improved Order of Red Men plot, present in two separate clusters of 10 burials. Two pit houses...

Investigations at Milagro, A Late Preceramic Site in the Eastern Tucson Basin (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce B. Huckell. Lisa W. Huckell. Suzanne K. Fish.

This report presents the results of archaeological excavations undertaken as part of a land exchange between Pima County and Magna Investment and Development, Ltd. A portion of this right-of-way included a prehistoric archaeological site known as Milagro (AZ BB:10:46), parts of which had been investigated previously. Pima County indicated that prior to completion of the land exchange, archaeological investigations must be performed along the route of a proposed sewer line, and the cutting of a...

Kirtland Air Force Base 1981 Archaeological Survey Project in Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William R. Neal.

An archaeological survey of 390 acres of Kirtland Air Force Base was undertaken and completed by the Center for Anthropological Studies. Thirteen isolated loci produced 18 prehistoric artifacts. Six archaeological sites were located, recorded, and partially collected. One site is assigned to the Rio Grande Coalition Period (A.D. 1200-1325), and represents a temporary encampment. The five historic sites relate to early twentieth century (1900-1930's) mining and ranching activities.

Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
PROJECT Uploaded by: Charlene Collazzi

Project metadata for resources within the Kirtland Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.

Monitoring Results for the Arizona Federal Credit Union Utility Trenches at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:7 [ASM]), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cory Breternitz.

Between March 9 and April 6 2009, PaleoWest Solutions in Archaeology monitored approximately 45-50 meters (m) of utility trenching. Two trenches were excavated to a depth of approximately 2.25 m for the new Arizona Federal Credit Union (AFCU) building currently under construction. The longest trench, only a portion of which was monitored (approximately 35-40 m), ran across the entire width of the street. The second trench, also only a portion of which was monitored (approximately 10 m), was...

On the Banks of Big Wash: Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:9:171 (ASM), Oro Valley, Arizona (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text SWCA Environmental Consultants.

A combined testing and data recovery program was undertaken by SWCA, Inc. between August 25 and September 22, 2000 at AZ BB:9:171 (ASM). Fourteen backhoe trenches totaling approximately 275 linear meters were cut during testing. Seventeen cultural features and six possible features were subsequently identified. Data recovery involved testing of all seven pithouses that were identified. This was followed by intensive excavation of four of the pithouses as well as four extramural features. The...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Melissa K. Logan.

A mano recovered from the Big Stay site (48CA1420) in Campbell County, Wyoming was submitted for organic residue analysis. Organic residues were examined using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR).

Outpost Estates II: Archaeological Testing Results and Data Recovery Plan for AZ BB:10:59 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text India S. Hesse.

SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA), under contract with Outpost Development, conducted archaeological testing at site AZ BB:10:59 (ASM) in unincorporated Pima County, near Tucson, Arizona. Site AZ BB:10:59 (ASM) lies partially within the site of a proposed residential development located on privately held land. Site AZ BB:10:59 (ASM) was originally recorded by Professional Archaeological Services of Tucson (P.A.S.T.) as an extensive, light-to-moderate prehistoric Native American lithic and...

Phase II Data Recovery at AZ EE:1:145 (ASM), AZ EE:1:146 (ASM), and AZ EE:1:149 (ASM), Arizona School Facilities Board Property, Town of Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
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Between July 18 and August 15, 2005, SWCA Environmental Consultants conducted Phase II archaeological data recovery at AZ EE:1:145 (ASM), AZ EE:1:146 (ASM), and AZ EE:1:149 (ASM), on the Arizona School Facilities Board (ASFB) property in Rancho Sahuarita, Town of Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona. The project was conducted through a contractual agreement with ASFB and AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc., and the Phase II data recovery work plan and subsequent analysis and reportage subject to review...

Phase II Data Recovery at Pozos de Sonoqui / AZ U:14:49 (ASM) within the Proposed Alignment in Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
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This report documents Phase II data recovery at a portion of the project site performed by archaeologists from Jacobs Engineering (Jacobs) in Phoenix, Arizona. Under contract with Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), archaeologists from Jacobs conducted data recovery at the site from January 8, 2013, through May 1, 2013. The Phase II data recovery resulted in the discovery of 104 features and excavation of 85 features, along with the recovery of thousands of artifacts.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

Located on a highly undulating plain, amid interfluvial ridges and broad, shallow valleys, Site 48CR9599 represents a small prehistoric camp situated at the toe of a low, sand-covered hill in the Washakie Basin. Identified through 2009 WFS Coal Bank 5-50 pipeline monitoring, Site 48CR9599 lies between Sugarloaf Butte and Coal Bank Draw, demonstrating charcoal stained sediment dating to 1290 ± 40 BP, the Late Prehistoric Uinta phase. Subsequent testing identified six hearth features (Jan...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings. Paul M. Miller.

As designed for the Intercontinental Potash, Inc. (ICP) Ochoa Project, a proposed ICP plant facility will be built approximately 2 km east of the Double X Ranch and 35 km west of the town of Jal in Lea County, New Mexico. Samples from three prehistoric sites (LA 108617, LA 172154, and LA 172155), collected during cultural resource data recovery, were submitted for phytolith and starch analyses. In addition to phytolith and starch analyses, pollen analysis was performed on three of the seven...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings. Peter Kováčik.

Sites CA-SDI-21240 and CA-SDI-21805 are located on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in northern San Diego County, California. Cultural deposits at both sites contain marine shell and animal bones, as well as flaked stone and groundstone tools (Tanya Wahoff, personal communication April 26, 2018). Various artifacts collected from both sites were submitted for protein residue, pollen, and phytolith analysis. Soil control samples associated with artifacts also were provided. Macrofloral analysis...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings. Chad Yost. David V. Hill. Kathryn Puseman.

A mano was recovered during excavation of the Peppertree Heights Project in the city of Hemet, southern California. The site consists of a lithic scatter and bedrock milling features with multiple grinding slicks. This mano was washed to recover pollen, starch, phytoliths, and protein residues, and was examined using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR). These analyses are used to determine plant and animal resources processed using this tool.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

A sandstone mano, recovered from Shelter C in the Trinchera Cave Archaeological District, was submitted for pollen and starch analysis to determine its use. A small concentration of blue pigment observed on the mano surface was the subject of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis.

A Prehistoric Agricultural Field and Protohistoric Camp at AZ AA:16:335 (ASM) in the Tucson Basin: Data Recovery for the Road Widening Project (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jonathan B. Mabry.

Two archaeological sites (AZ AA:16:334,335 ASM) on the edge of the Pleistocene terrace above the historic floodplain of the Santa Cruz River west of downtown Tucson, Arizona, threatened by widening of a road, were investigated to recover information prior to construction. The prehistoric rock features at site AZ AA:16:334 (ASM) were destroyed by a backhoe before this data recovery program began. On the basis of mapping of surface cultural features and artifact distributions, and total collection...