Data Recovery Report, North End of the Frank Luke Addition, Site AZ T:12:1 (ASM), La Ciudad, City of Phoenix

Editor(s): Glen E. Rice; Erik Steinbach

Year: 2012


Archaeological data recovery was conducted in the north end of the Frank Luke Addition in the City of Phoenix within a portion of the Hohokam site of La Ciudad, also known as AZ T:12:1 (ASM). This is a report on data recovery conducted in the north end of the project area. The excavations documented a borrow pit reused as a reservoir (Feature 32), an irrigation lateral (Feature 27), a small field house (Feature 29), five extramural pits and thermal features, and two pits containing historic material. Ceramic styles and a single radiocarbon date show the features were in use from the Gila Butte through the Soho phases, with a possible hiatus corresponding to the Middle to Late Sacaton phase. These excavations have contributed information on feature function, period of occupation, ceramic exchange, and have helped define a portion of the site boundary. These data, feature descriptions, artifact and environmental analyses are presented in this document for incorporation with the data that will be generated in the future by the excavation of the remainder of the site.

Cite this Record

Data Recovery Report, North End of the Frank Luke Addition, Site AZ T:12:1 (ASM), La Ciudad, City of Phoenix, 12. Glen E. Rice, Erik Steinbach. 2012 ( tDAR id: 440943) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8440943

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.063; min lat: 33.444 ; max long: -112.027; max lat: 33.476 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Contributor(s): Karen R. Adams; Steven Bozarth; Vaughn M. Bryant; Andrew D. Lack; John D. Rockhill

Prepared By(s): Rio Salado Archaeology, LLC

Submitted To(s): City of Phoenix Housing Department

Record Identifiers

Pueblo Grande Project No.(s): 2009-46

Technical Report No.(s): 12-12

Arizona Antiquities Project Specific Permit No.(s): 2011-108ps

Cost Center Number:(s): AH60100015

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
RSA-12-12-Data-Recovery-North-End-FLA_OCR_PDFA.pdf 14.67mb Dec 5, 2012 Mar 13, 2018 11:58:28 AM Confidential
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RSA-12-12-Data-Recovery-North-End-FLA_OCR_Redacted.pdf 16.23mb Aug 27, 2020 3:22:49 PM Public
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Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

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