Stone (Material Keyword)
1-25 (87 Records)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the A.W. Site, located on State Trust land. The site is comprised of a multi-room habitation, sherd and lithic scatter, and a petroglyph boulder. The file consists of a site data form and six color photographs documenting site vandalism. The earliest dated document is from 2000.
Al's Mt. Sheep Arizona Site Steward File (1999)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Al's Mt. Sheep site, located on State Trust land. The site is comprised of six to eight room blocks, artifact scatter, and one petroglyph. The file consists of a site data form.
AR-03-12-04-428 Arizona Site Steward File (1990)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for AR-03-12-04-428, comprised of petroglyphs and a small number of artifacts, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of a site data form, two maps of the site location, a page of petroglyph sketches, a site map, and an unlabeled page of site data. The earliest dated document is from 1980.
AR-03-12-04-460 Arizona Site Steward File (1982)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the AR-03-12-04-460 site, comprised of rock art, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of an archaeological and historical site inventory form. The earliest dated document is from 1982.
An Archaeological Assessment of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV Transmission Line (1991)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed a Class III archaeological survey of portions of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV transmission line located on Arizona State lands, USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and Salt River Project (SRP) right-of-ways across privately held lands. Reconnaissance of state and private (patented) lands was completed on April 24 and 25 of 1991 under Permit Number 90-39, and BLM lands were surveyed on May 3, Under Permit Number AZ-000065. As a result...
The Archaeological Conservancy Site Survey, Feature Documentation, Cultural Resources Map Update, and Stabilization at Barrio de Tubac, Santa Cruz County, Arizona (2002)
The Barrio de Tubac, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, is an archaeological preserve owned and managed by The Archaeological Conservancy (TAC). The Tubac settlement and townsite are included in the National Register of Historic Places. The Barrio de Tubac is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places and a nomination form is being prepared. On February 27 and 28, 2002, Steve Koczan from TAC and Barbara Ruppman and Philip Halpenny from the Tubac Historical Society completed...
Archaeological Data Recovery for Tonto Natural Bridge State Park Design of Access Roads: Preliminary Summary of Findings (1994)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is planning to undertake construction associated with the design of access roads and parking areas for the Tonto Natural Bridge State Park. Areas where ground disturbance will occur include (1) existing and new roads and parking areas within the park; (2) the access road across the Tonto National Forest, which will be upgraded, and (3) an area south of the Forest access road where a stock tank will be installed. Five archaeological sites that...
An Archaeological Evaluation of a Proposed Electric Power Line Construction Project on Tonto Creek near El Oso Road and Highway 188, Gila County, Arizona (1983)
On December 12, 1983, Lyle M. Stone and Douglas R. Mitchell of Archaeological Research Services, Inc. performed an archaeological survey along the route of a proposed power line construction project on Tonto Creek near the intersection of El Oso Road and Highway 188, Gila County, Arizona. This project, proposed by Salt River Project, will entail: (1) the construction of 755 ft of new underground electric line; (2) the construction of 1200 ft of new overhead line; and (3) the modification of...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Coronado - Silverking Transmission Line 7.5 mi. Segment of SRP Line from Eastern Sitgreaves National Forest Boundary to APS-SRP Common Corridor, Federal Land, Navajo County, Arizona: Report for Archaeological Survey of 24 Proposed Tower Locations and Associated Access Roads Along 7.5 mi. of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line Within Sitgreaves National Forest (1978)
At the request of The Salt River Project, archeologists from the Museum of Northern Arizona surveyed 24 tower locations and their associated access roads for the 7.5 mile segment of the Coronado-Silverking 500 kV transmission line in the Sitgreaves National Forest. The request for the survey came from Bettina Rosenberg, archeological administrator for The Salt River Project, in a letter dated January 12, 1978. The Coronado-Silverking transmission line is the main conduit to the Phoenix...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station, Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Investigations of Proposed Drill Hole Locations in T13N, R28E, Sec. 24, East of St. Johns (1975)
At the request of Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted archaeological investigations in two 200 ft. wide corridors east-northeast of St. Johns, Arizona. Archaeological survey was conducted in order to determine if any archaeological material would be negatively impacted as a result of drilling operations related to tests being conducted for construction of an evaporation pond associated with the Coronado Generating Station plant site. An extensive historic and prehistoric...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Silverking-Kyrene Transmission Line, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona: A Research Plan for Three Sites Along the Silverking-to-Kyrene, East End, Transmission Line, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona (1978)
The research plan outlines a framework for investigating 3 archaeological sites along the Silverking-to-Kyrene, East End, Transmission Line, a part of the Coronado Project. The 3 sites, initially recorded during a recent survey by the Museum of Northern Arizona, are a large lithic scatter associated with linear rock alignments, a possible 1-room structure associated with linear rock alignments, and an abandoned railroad grade. The plan discusses specific means by which the scientific potential...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line 500kV and 230kV Corridor Segment from Silverking Substation West to Tonto National Forest Boundary, Federal (Tonto National Forest) and Private Lands, Pinal County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Clearance Survey of 14.8 mi of Extra High Voltage Transmission Line Corridor, 2.0 mi of Substation Access Road, and 0.9 mi of 115kV Transmission Line Alignment, Silverking Substation Area, Tonto National Forest (1978)
15 mi of Extra High Voltage transmission line corridor, 2 mi of access road, and 0.9 mi of 115kV transmission line from the Silverking Substation were surveyed for archaeological resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona in April, 1978. Twelve prehistoric and historic Anglo-American affiliation archaeological sites were identified along the EHV corridor between the Silverking Substation and the Tonto National Forest boundary. An isolated recent feature, not given a site designation, was found...
An Archaeological Survey of a 2.3 Mile Long Right-of-Way for a Proposed 22 kV Distribution Line on the Tonto National Forest, Tonto Basin District, Gila County, Arizona (1982)
On July 28, 1982, Lyle M. Stone of Archaeological Research Services, Inc. performed an archaeological survey of a 2.3 mile by 100 ft wide right-of-way for a proposed 22 kV distribution line on the Tonto National Forest near Punkin Center, Gila Country, Arizona. The proposed Salt River Project distribution line will serve an AT&T relay station in the vicinity of Four Peaks. This survey was requested by Salt River Project in order to determine if important cultural resources (prehistoric or...
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Landfill 12kV Transmission Line, Maricopa County (1993)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) conducted an archaeological survey of 10-ft-wide corridor of the proposed 1.7 mi Salt River Project 12 kV transmission line on lands administered by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). The survey was conducted on 1 October 1993 at the request of Judy Brunson of Salt River Project (SRP). The non-collection survey was conducted under an archaeological permit issued by the SRPMIC. The survey was designed to locate and record...
An Archaeological Survey of the Santa Cruz River Valley from the Headwaters to the Town of Tubac in Arizona (1941)
The Santa Cruz River is located in south-central Arizona in the Santa Cruz and Pima Counties. A short stretch of the rivers lies in northern Sonora and forms a big horseshoe bend as the river cuts across the foot of the Patagonia Mountains from the San Rafael Valley into the Santa Cruz Valley proper. In the San Rafael Valley, where the headwaters of the river are found, the Santa Cruz passes few towns or villages. The first one is Lochiel, a small cluster of houses on the International...
Arizona Archaeological Society Stabilization Project at Homol'ovi I & II Part 1: Introduction & Homol'ovi II (2012)
The primary interpretive site open to the public at Homol'ovi State Park (the Park) is Homol'ovi II. To enhance the visitors experience and understanding of what they are seeing, one large Kiva (structure 708) and five rooms and an outside activity area (structures 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, and 221) were excavated and previously stabilized. The Park's interpretive trail and signage lead the visitor to these areas and provide information. These areas have been impacted by visitation and weathering...
AZ G:10:26 (ASM) Arizona Site Steward File (2002)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for AZ G:10:26 (ASM), comprised of petroglyphs and lithic scatter, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The file consists of an Arizona State Museum archaeological site card and three pages of sketches of the petroglyphs. The earliest dated document is from 2002.
CA-SBA-554: Archaeological site record for CA-SBA-554 (1959)
This document is the archaeological site record for CA-SBA-554. This record consists of 4 recordation events.
The Central Arizona Project Historic Preservation Program: Conserving the Past While Building for the Future (1986)
On July 15, 1983, the chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) ratified a programmatic memorandum of agreement among the Arizona and New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), the Bureau of Reclamation, and the ACHP. The subject of that agreement was the construction of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) and its impact upon historic properties. That agreement was negotiated in compliance with Section 2(b) of Executive Order 11593, "Protection and Enhancement...
Chevelon Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1982)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Chevelon Ruin, comprised of an Ancestral Puebloan masonry room block town with a plaza, trash middens, and possible ceremonial rooms, located on Game and Fish Department land. The file consists of a site data form and an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form. The earliest dated document is from 1981.
Cueva De Los Bailadores/Polimana Pictographs Arizona Site Steward File (1999)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file that consists of the site Cueva De Los Bailadores/Polimana Pictographs, located on Apache Sitgreaves National Forest land. The file consists of a rock art site report, site map, two maps of the site location, and two pages of pictograph data and sketches. The earliest dated document is from 1999.
A Cultural Inventory of the Salt River Indian Reservation, Arizona (1972)
This document consists of site descriptions for sites located on the Salt River Indian Reservation Lands. Those contributing content to the report include Gerald Bair, Susan B. Belt, Dav Buge, Thomas Cartledge, William G. Holiday, Susanne LaFollette, Minnabell E. Laughlin, Chad Phinney, Erwin R. Ray, Linda Richards, Helen P. Wells, Regge N. Wiseman, Robert York, and Betsy R. Zeligs.
A Cultural Resources Survey for Improvements at the Yuma Territorial Prison State Park, Yuma County, Arizona (2000)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) proposes to improve a parking lot at the Yuma Territorial Prison State Park. The prison is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The construction will involve resurfacing the existing blacktop, placing gravel over a dirt parking area, widening a road to add parking spaces, and removing a 1949 sidewalk near the picnic area. Under their on-call contract with ADOT, Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc., requested Archaeological Consulting...
Discovery Site Arizona Site Steward File (1986)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Discovery Site, comprised of petroglyphs and artifact scatter, located on State Trust land. The file consists of an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form; a hand drawn site map; a list of petroglyph design elements; and an archaeological survey card from The Amerind Foundation, Inc. The earliest dated document is from 1986.
Dudleyville Arizona Site Steward File (1999)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Dudleyville site, comprised of a prehistoric ruin and rock path, located on State Trust land. The file consists of a site data form, cultural resource vandalism report, and hand drawn site map. The earliest dated document is from 1999.