The Archaeological Conservancy Site Survey, Feature Documentation, Cultural Resources Map Update, and Stabilization at Barrio de Tubac, Santa Cruz County, Arizona

Author(s): Steve Koczan

Year: 2002


The Barrio de Tubac, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, is an archaeological preserve owned and managed by The Archaeological Conservancy (TAC). The Tubac settlement and townsite are included in the National Register of Historic Places. The Barrio de Tubac is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places and a nomination form is being prepared.

On February 27 and 28, 2002, Steve Koczan from TAC and Barbara Ruppman and Philip Halpenny from the Tubac Historical Society completed the intensive site survey, feature documentation, and cultural resources map update at Barrio de Tubac (Project No. 64005). Then on April 20 and 21, 2002, the stabilization project was completed. TAC and Tubac Historical Society personnel were assisted by the Southwest Archaeology Team, Jerry Howard from the Mesa Southwest Museum, and Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Mechanical equipment and support was provided by Dennis Jex; Collins Excavating, Inc.; and 4-Hire Contracting, Inc.

The purpose of the site survey and cultural resources map update is to provide a review of the Barrio de Tubac; to determine the nature, extent, and state of the cultural resources located within the preserve; and to provide a new map of the site that reflects the survey results and current conditions of the resource. The purpose of the stabilization is to identify previously excavated areas in the Barrio de Tubac, to document features at these locations, and to stabilize the locations where cultural material is exposed and deteriorating. The excavations were conducted by The Center for Spanish Colonial Archaeology before TAC acquired the property. The site survey, feature documentation, cultural resources map update, and stabilization have been completed in accordance with the commitments included in the FY 2000 Historic Preservation Certified Grant Application. This project was financed in part by a grant from the Historic Preservation Heritage Fund which is funded by the Arizona Lottery and administered by the Arizona State Parks Board.

Cite this Record

The Archaeological Conservancy Site Survey, Feature Documentation, Cultural Resources Map Update, and Stabilization at Barrio de Tubac, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Steve Koczan. Albuquerque, NM: The Archaeological Conservancy. 2002 ( tDAR id: 399253) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8VH5QP8

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.066; min lat: 31.593 ; max long: -111.024; max lat: 31.631 ;

Record Identifiers

The Archaeological Conservancy Project No.(s): 64005

Project Name(s): Barrio de Tubac Acquisition and Stabilization Project

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Arch-Conservancy-Site-Survey-at-Barrio-De-Tubac_Redacted.pdf 6.18mb Mar 31, 2002 Feb 16, 2016 3:39:46 PM Public
Site location information and the map of Stabilization Area 6 have been redacted from this file.
Arch-Conservancy-Site-Survey-at-Barrio-De-Tubac.pdf 5.26mb Apr 1, 2002 Sep 14, 2015 12:29:19 PM Confidential
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