An Archaeological Evaluation of a Proposed Electric Power Line Construction Project on Tonto Creek near El Oso Road and Highway 188, Gila County, Arizona

Author(s): Lyle M. Stone

Year: 1983


On December 12, 1983, Lyle M. Stone and Douglas R. Mitchell of Archaeological Research Services, Inc. performed an archaeological survey along the route of a proposed power line construction project on Tonto Creek near the intersection of El Oso Road and Highway 188, Gila County, Arizona. This project, proposed by Salt River Project, will entail: (1) the construction of 755 ft of new underground electric line; (2) the construction of 1200 ft of new overhead line; and (3) the modification of power poles (rebuilt with "H" beam supports) along a 2560 ft long line segment. The underground line will extend from a pull box at the north side of the intersection of El Oso Road and Highway 188 across Highway 188 and A Cross Road to a pole riser. The new overhead line will extend from the pole riser to the northeast and will join the west end of an existing overhead line which crosses Tonto Creek. The construction corridor for the project is 20 ft wide.

This survey was performed on behalf of Salt River Project in order to determine if cultural resources (prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, historically or architecturally significant structures or buildings) were located within or adjacent to the construction corridor which would be affected by proposed construction actions. This archaeological survey on U.S. Forest Service lands was performed under the conditions of a special use permit authorizing non-disturbing consulting archaeology on Region 3 forests which was issued to Archaeological Research Services, Inc. by the U.S. Forest Service in October, 1981.

This file includes extensive correspondence, Decision Notice, and Finding of No Significant Impact related this project.

Cite this Record

An Archaeological Evaluation of a Proposed Electric Power Line Construction Project on Tonto Creek near El Oso Road and Highway 188, Gila County, Arizona. Lyle M. Stone. Tempe, AZ: Archaeological Research Services, Inc. 1983 ( tDAR id: 405554) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8405554

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.271; min lat: 33.862 ; max long: -111.253; max lat: 33.89 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager

Contributor(s): Douglas R. Mitchell

Landowner(s): U. S. Forest Service

Sponsor(s): Salt River Project

Permitting Agency(s): U. S. Forest Service

Prepared By(s): Archaeological Research Services, Inc.

Submitted To(s): Salt River Project

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
1983_Stone_ArchaeologicalEvaluation.pdf 6.85mb Dec 1, 1983 May 6, 2016 10:44:17 AM Confidential
Thsi file is unredacted, and includes related correspondence.

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Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager