tiwanaku (Other Keyword)

1-25 (32 Records)

Archaeological Patrimony, Spirituality, and the Construction of a New Indigenous Class in Highland Bolivia (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Isabel Scarborough.

The ancient citadel and urban center of Tiwanaku (c. AD 300–1100) in Bolivia’s highland plateau is a notable archaeological site that has been deployed in nation-building discourses by both Bolivia’s white minority and its indigenous majority since the inception of this small Andean republic. With the approaching bicentennial of the country’s independence from Spain, Tiwanaku has become the symbolic center from which a new generation of upwardly mobile indigenous business and political leaders...

Cabuza y Maytas (Norte de Chile): ¿Tiwanaku, Post-Tiwanaku o No-Tiwanaku en Arica? (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mauricio Uribe.

A partir de nuestros estudios de la cerámica de Arica en la década de 1990, propusimos la existencia de dos tradiciones de producción local que se desarrollaron a lo largo del período Medio, en mayor o menor grado, por el impacto de Tiwanaku en los Valles Occidentales. En aquella oportunidad, definimos una Tradición Altiplánica tecnológica, estilística y contextualmente integrada a Tiwanaku, por lo que llegó a desaparecer junto con esa entidad. En gran medida paralela, aunque un poco más tardía,...

Contribución al estudio de la ocupación Tiwanaku (A.D. 500-1050) e Inca (A.D. 1430-1530) en el lago Titicaca, Bolivia : aportación de la Arqueología Subacuática. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christophe Delaere.

El lago Titicaca se encuentra en el corazón del paisaje cultural Tiwanaku. Las excavaciones subacuáticas realizadas en 2014 a lo largo del espacio litoral de la Isla del Sol (Puncu) sitúan al lago como nexo de comunicación y de intercambio de toda la cuenca lacustre. En el plano ritual, este mar interior formaba parte de la vida cotidiana y como tal ha jugado un papel preponderante en la relación que mantenía el hombre con el territorio en el que vivía; racionalizándolo para comprenderlo,...

Establishing Chemical Signatures for Cabuza Style Pottery and the Tiwanaku Tradition Using Portable X-ray Florescence (pXRF) (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only James Daniels. Paul Goldstein.

Portable X-ray Florescence (pXRF)was used to analyze the chemical composition of 60 Tiwanaku and derived style ceramic sherds from different locations in the south central Andes. The results indicate that there are four distinct geochemical groups and that the local Cabuza style pottery from survey collections in the Azapa Valley in Chile has a distinct chemical composition from all other Tiwanaku tradition ceramics. The results also indicate that pXRF is a viable technique for distinguishing...

Feasting, exchange, sociopolitical interaction: Assessing the Tiwanaku presence in the Kallawaya region (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Friedel. Sonia Alconini. Maria Bruno.

In the Tiwanaku era, the Kallawaya territory was part of a web of an inter-ecologic exchange networks that provided altiplanic polities with a myriad of resources flowing from the valleys and tropical Yunga mountains. In this context, Tiwanaku centers were important places of exchange, storage, and ritual celebrations. By looking at the botanical remains, this paper will explore the changes in feasting and consumption patterns, and the ways in which various resources were utilized in funerary...

Felines and Condors and Serpents, Oh My!: Cataloging Zoomorphic Imagery in Tiwanaku Ceramics (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Corey Bowen. John Janusek.

A regimented canon of ceramic production emerged at the site of Tiwanaku in the 5th-6th century AD, coinciding with the transformation of the site from a local ritual center to a regional political authority. The highly standardized range of forms and painted imagery it produced presents great potential for an extensive analysis of both complete and fragmented Tiwanaku-style vessels. To date, most analyses of Tiwanaku ceramic vessels have categorically centered on form in order to facilitate...

Food for the Ayllus: Plants Access and Social Meaning in the lowland Tiwanaku sites of Omo and Rio Muerto (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Giacomo Gaggio. Paul Goldstein.

Tiwanaku, one of the first Andean states, spread during the Middle Horizon (AD 500-1000) from the Bolivian Altiplano into the lowland territories of Cochabamba and Moquegua in order to acquire the resources that were lacking in the highlands, a strategy termed by Murra as the "vertical archipelago". Plants such as maize and coca were among the primary resources that the Tiwanaku sought in these valleys, and different social groups, ayllus or elites, were probably in charge of accessing and...

From Dispersal to "Disappearance": AD 1000-1250 in the Upper Moquegua Valley, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicola Sharratt.

In the Moquegua Valley, Peru, the decline of the greater Tiwanaku system circa AD 1000 was accompanied by a shift to a more dispersed settlement pattern, as populations moved out of the large towns of the middle valley and established smaller sites on the coast and in the upper valley. In this paper I focus on the upper valley, where the longevity of occupation at post-expansive sites and the presence of secondary occupations offer an opportunity to examine the centuries’ long trajectory of...

From Trash Pile to Temple Wall: The distribution of Formative Period sherds in adobes at the Omo M10A Tiwanaku temple (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathleen Huggins. Matthew Sitek. Paul Goldstein.

This project addresses site formation and construction processes in the Omo M10A provincial Tiwanaku temple in the Osmore drainage of southern Peru (ca. AD 500-1100). We will test the hypothesis that this structure was constructed using adobes made from soil deposits containing cultural materials from local, Formative Period Huaracane occupations (ca. 1750 BC–AD 600). This will be done by detailing the manufacture of Tiwanaku adobe bricks and charting the association of Huaracane style ceramic...

"Good to Eat and Good to Think": Interpreting the Role of Plants in the Tiwanaku Temple of Omo M10, Moquegua, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Giacomo Gaggio. Paul Goldstein.

Much is known nowadays about the role of plants in Tiwanaku households and political economy, yet, their function in ceremonial contexts is still unclear. Unlike the state's heartland in the Bolivian altiplano, where preservation conditions are not always favorable for the systematic recovery of paleobotanical remains, excavations of Tiwanaku sites in the hyper-arid environment of the Moquegua valley in southern Peru have resulted in the recovery of a wide array of ancient organic finds,...

Hydrologic Power: A GIS Approach to Tiwanaku's Constructed Water Landscape (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Corey Bowen. John W. Janusek.

The conceptual division of urban and rural, like the parallel division of society and nature, consistently dogs attempts to understand the significance of cities in the highland Andes. Critical approaches to this divide, in fields from geography to literature, have had little impact in reformulating assumptions about the character of urbanism in this world region. This paper examines the Middle Horizon city of Tiwanaku, located in the southern Lake Titicaca basin of the south-central Andes. It...

Infectious Diseases within the Tiwanaku Periphery (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Allisen Dahlstedt.

Today, infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, devastate millions of lives annually. The prehistoric prevalence and distribution of such infectious diseases provide context for their modern (re-)emergence, spread, and associated social perceptions, as well as inform the experiences of individuals in the past. Here I examine the expression and distribution of pathological lesions on the skeletal remains of 143 individuals from Omo M10, a Tiwanaku migrant community in Moquegua, Peru. The Middle...

Laboring in Tiwanaku's Moquegua Colony: A Bioarchaeological Activity Indicator Comparison Using Population-Based and Life Course Approaches (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sara Becker. Paul Goldstein.

Diverse, lower elevation areas were home to producers and procurers of goods not easily grown or obtainable in the South Central Andean heartland of the Tiwanaku state. Various Tiwanaku colonial settlement clusters, near present-day Moquegua, Peru, comprised one such region. Tiwanaku colonists in this area participated in activities that included farming of corn and coca, as well as transportation of goods between the heartland and colony. For example, Omo-style (Omo M16D and Rio Muerto M70...

Macrobotanical Investigation of Sonaji, Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Benjamin West. Maria Bruno.

This poster presents the results of a macrobotanical analysis from the site of Sonaji, Bolivia located on the Taraco Peninsula in the Lake Titicaca Basin of the Andes. Sonaji is a low mound built from generations of occupations through the Formative (1500BC-AD 500) and Tiwanaku (AD 500-1100) periods. We consider eleven macrobotanical samples from diverse contexts (middens, floors, pits). These data, when interpreted with ethnographic data and past paleoethnobotanical research from the region,...

Multiethnic Colonial Communities and Endogamy: Evaluating the Dual Diaspora Model of Moquegua Tiwanaku Social Organization (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kent Johnson.

The Moquegua Valley Tiwanaku colonial enclave was comprised of two Tiwanaku-affiliated populations: camelid agropastoralists who used Omo-style ceramics and maize agricultural specialists associated with Chen Chen-style ceramics. Despite living in close proximity, Chen Chen- and Omo-style communities maintained distinct social and cultural boundaries for several centuries. Goldstein’s dual diaspora model suggests that Omo- and Chen Chen-style Tiwanaku colonists represent two separate but...

Nighttime Sky and Early Urbanism in the High Andes (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexei Vranich.

Popular understanding of the relationship between the rise of early civilization and astronomy emphasizes the observance of particular moments in the cycle of the sun. This pattern is particularly strong at the Bolivian highland Andean site of of Tiwanaku (AD 500-950), a megalithic site known for its “Temple of the Sun”, “Gateway of the Sun”, and solstice festival that attracts thousands. Recent research throughout the Titicaca Basin documents a wide range of celebrated astronomical observations...

On the Absolute Chronology of Late Tiwanaku / Early Late Intermediate Period Ceramic Traditions: Case Studies from the Bolivian Altiplano and North Chile (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Antti Korpisaari.

Although the timing of the Tiwanaku collapse is debated and probably varied somewhat from one region to another, this process probably took place in the 10th and 11th centuries AD. In 1998-2006, I worked at two Tiwanaku heartland sites which produced long series of radiocarbon dates corresponding to this critical period. At the cemetery site of Tiraska, ceramic grave goods in a style closely resembling Tiwanaku V were present from the early 10th until the mid-13th century AD. On the island of...

Preliminary research into the presence of Tiwanaku at the site of Cerro San Antonio in the middle Locumba Valley, Peru (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Sitek. Paul Goldstein.

This poster presents the findings from a preliminary survey of the site of Cerro San Antonio in the middle Locumba Valley on the far southern coast of Peru. Ethnohistoric sources suggest limited agrarian potential, yet the site of Cerro San Antonio shows evidence for over 25 hectares of occupation dating from the Formative through Inca Periods. This includes at least 10 hectares of Tiwanaku domestic occupations. The middle Locumba Valley lies between two very different peripheral regions of the...

Rejection and Reinvention: a diachronic perspective on ritual and collapse in the south central Andes (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicola Sharratt.

Scholarship on Tiwanaku (AD 600-1000) emphasizes the ceremonial nature of its capital city and the role of ritual practice in incorporating diverse groups as the state’s influence expanded across the south central Andes. Although debate continues about its cause, recent research indicates that the Tiwanaku state’s political collapse played out over several centuries. In this paper, I draw on data spanning that period of fragmentation to take a diachronic perspective on the ways in which ritual,...

Resilience, Incursion, Incorporation: A Multi-Scalar Approach to the Temporality of Collapse in the South-Central Andes (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicola Sharratt.

Cross-cultural literature highlights the importance of differentiating between political, societal, and ‘cultural’ collapse. Focusing largely on the short-term aftermath of collapse, this scholarship demonstrates that even in the clearest examples of political fragmentation, considerable stability in other components of past societies is often archaeologically visible. Less attention has been paid to longer-term impacts and responses. Taking the disintegration of the Tiwanaku state in the south...

Seeing Prehistory in Color: Interpreting the Use of Colored Pigments at the Tiwanaku Omo Temple, Moquegua, Peru (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jason Kjolsing. Paul Goldstein.

Although color is often at the background of our lived experience, colors also have the power to demand our attention. In this paper we explore how color was a meaningful component of the built environment in prehistoric South America and specifically the ways it demanded the attention of the Tiwanaku (AD 500-1100) of the south-central Andes. Extensive excavations at the Tiwanaku Omo ceremonial temple (M10A) in Moquegua, Peru have revealed the use of red and green pigments on selective walls...

Taraco Peninsula Site Database
DATASET Uploaded by: Matthew Bandy

Site database for the Taraco Peninsula Archaeological Survey

Taraco Pensinula Archaeological Survey
PROJECT Uploaded by: Matthew Bandy

Systematic Survey of about 98 km2 of the Taraco Peninsula in Bolivia, conducted in the late 1990s.

Tiwanaku colonization and the great reach west: Preliminary results of the Locumba Archaeological Survey 2015-2016 (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul Goldstein. Matt Sitek.

Locumba represents a key intermediate location for consideration of the timing and affiliation of Tiwanaku colonization of the Moquegua, Sama, Caplina and Azapa valleys. Models of Tiwanaku state colonization, diasporic enclaves, and a "daisy chain" of secondary and tertiary colonization from initial provinces in Moquegua are considered. Ongoing systematic regional survey in the 2015 and 2016 seasons of the Locumba Archaeological Project has defined 74 site sectors, including 16 sectors of...

Tiwanaku colonization in historical context – Directed, Diasporic or Daisy chain? Evidence from Moquegua, Locumba, Azapa (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul Goldstein.

The expansion of Tiwanaku civilization is the earliest example of large-scale demographic colonization under an Andean state. Between the 7th to 11 centuries CE, household, mortuary and settlement archaeology attest to large migrant populations of altiplano Tiwanaku cultural affiliation who established permanent residence and governance in the western oasis valleys of Moquegua, Locumba, Sama, Caplina and Azapa. However the regional historical context of this demographic colonization is not...