Charcoal Stain (Site Type Keyword)
1-25 (31 Records)
In the fall of 1995, archaeological test excavations were conducted on nine archaeological sites near the mouth of Pima Canyon, north of Tucson, Arizona. The operation involved the excavation of approximately 200 1 x 1 m test units. This was intended not only to test the sites in question, but also to mitigate impending damages to as many of those sites as possible, so that further archaeological work would not have to be done. In the case of seven of these sites, the level of mitigation...
Archaeological Excavations in the Carrizo Wash Valley, East-Central Arizona: Data Recovery on the Fence Lake Mine Transportation Corridor, Volume 1 (2004)
Between May 15 and October 11, 2002, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted archaeological data recovery at 11 sites along the proposed Fence Lake Mine Transportation Corridor (FLTCA) between the New Mexico state line and the Coronado Generating Station in St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. The project was conducted for the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP). The lead federal agency was the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Socorro Resource Area, New...
Archaeological Excavations in the Carrizo Wash Valley, East-Central Arizona: Data Recovery on the Fence Lake Mine Transportation Corridor, Volume II (2004)
Between May 15 and October 11, 2002, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted archaeological data recovery at 11 sites along the proposed Fence Lake Mine Transportation Corridor (FLTCA) between the New Mexico state line and the Coronado Generating Station in St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. The project was conducted for the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP). The lead federal agency was the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Socorro Resource Area, New...
Archaeological Excavations in the Carrizo Wash Valley, East-Central Arizona: Data Recovery on the Fence Lake Mine Transportation Corridor, Volume III (2004)
Between May 15 and October 11, 2002, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted archaeological data recovery at 11 sites along the proposed Fence Lake Mine Transportation Corridor (FLTCA) between the New Mexico state line and the Coronado Generating Station in St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. The project was conducted for the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (SRP). The lead federal agency was the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Socorro Resource Area, New...
Archaeological Inspection of an Excavated Ramp Along Grand Canal near Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Maricopa County (1993)
At the request of Judy Brunson of Salt River Project (SRP), Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. examined an exposed ramp cut on the south side of the Grand Canal. The exposed walls were looked at to determine if cultural resources were impacted by the excavation. This cut is in an area of intensive prehistoric and historic activity.
Archaeological Investigations in the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport: A Class I and II Survey for the Master Plan Improvements Project (1993)
This report presents the results of archival and archaeological document studies and archaeological testing for the Sky Harbor International Airport Master Plan Improvements project. Investigations were initiated on April 9, 1992, and completed on May 15, 1992, by SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants, under contract to Griener, Inc. Griener was under contract to the City of Phoenix Aviation Department to complete an environmental impact statement for expansion of airport facilities. The Federal...
Archaeological Investigations, Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad, Federal, State, and Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Preliminary Report for Intensive Survey of the Proposed Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad (1976)
At the request of the Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona has conducted an intensive survey of the proposed Coronado Generating Station Coal Haul Railroad right-of-way. A total of 55 sites was recorded by the survey, 47 of them located at least partly within the right-of-way. Recommendations concerning each of these sites have been prepared. A cost estimate for additional archaeological investigations, which are recommended in the event of direct impact from the proposed railroad...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station Limestone Quarry, Federal and State Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Limestone Quarry, M. H. Welch Mining Claims and a 1/4 Section of State of Arizona Land (1976)
In May 1976, at the request of the Salt River Project, an archaeological clearance investigation of 16 20-acre mining claims on Bureau of Land Management land and a quarter section of state land south of St. Johns, Arizona, was conducted by the Museum of Northern Arizona. 18 archaeological sites were located and recorded. A brief description of the investigations, the project area, and the archaeological situation encountered is given.
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station Railroad Spur Line, Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Three Proposed Sub-Ballast Borrow Areas (1977)
In September 1977, at the request of Salt River Project (SRP), an archaeological clearance investigation of three sub-ballast borrow areas along the SRP-Coronado Railroad Line, was conducted by the Museum of Northern Arizona. During the course of investigations 12 archaeological sites were recorded. A brief description of the investigations, the project area, and archaeological sitaution encountered is given. In addition, as a consequence of the preliminary results of the survey, archaeological...
Archaeological Monitoring and Data Recovery for the 64th Street Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
The City of Phoenix (City) involved construction of approximately 0.3 mile (0.5 kilometer [km]).The City used fill material previously stockpiled within the alignment of an unbuilt segment. The project also included construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and drainage ditches along each side of the new street, and culverts to direct storm water beneath the roadway. After monitoring identified archaeological features, the City modified the scope of work to include data recovery excavations....
Archaeological Monitoring of Contaminated Soil Removal from the Eloy Airfield, Pinal County, Arizona (2011)
Historical aerial photographs indicate the abandoned Eloy Airfield was developed prior to 1959 and ASLD records indicate the parcel of State Trust land on which the airport was located was leased to commercial crop dusting services from 1969 to 1981. Site investigations conducted between 1993 and 2006 documented that the parcel was contaminated with organochlorine pesticides, primarily toxaphene. In 2009, State Risk Management, which provided oversight and funding for environmental remedial...
Archaeological Testing at the Massera Ruin: The Meridian Ranch Project, Queen Creek, Arizona (2000)
This report describes the results of an archaeological testing project at the Massera Ruin (Site AZ U:10:22 [ASM]) in Queen Creek, Arizona. The testing project was conducted at the request of Willis Property Company, L.C., of Mesa, Arizona, who proposes to construct a residential development on the 640-acre project parcel known as the Meridian Ranch. Previous survey data (Wenker 1999) indicated that the Massera Ruin overlapped a 399-acre portion of the Meridian Ranch, but this entire area had...
The Coronado Project Archaeological Investigations: Studies Along the Coal Haul Railroad Corridor (1986)
The results of investigations at 47 archaeological sites along the Coronado railroad corridor from St. Johns, Arizona, to Navajo, Arizona, are presented. Of the 47 sites, 14 were surface collected and recorded, 9 were tested, and 24 were excavated as fully as possible given the constraints of the impact corridor. Data contributing to the study of the Anasazi-Mogollon (Cibola) culture area are discussed in chapters on environment, architecture, ground stone, shell, and human skeletal remains. An...
Cultural Resources Survey of a Portion of Dead Horse Ranch State Park, and a Proposed Alignment for a New Access Road in Yavapai County, Arizona (1991)
An archaeological survey of a portion of Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Yavapai County, Arizona, was completed for the Arizona Department of Transportation and Arizona State Parks by SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, under contract to Entranco Engineers, Inc., in July 1990. The project was undertaken for a proposed new access road to the park and a bridge across the Verde River as well as for proposed improvements within the park. Sites AZ N:4:18 (ASM) and AZ N:4:31 (ASM) had been formally...
End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) for the Coventry Homes Sewer Line (1996)
Archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants excavated within site AZ AA:12:311 (ASM) from September 4th to September 20th, 1996. A total of 41 person-days were spent investigating nine features and seven sub-features. These excavations were located along a proposed sewer line for Del Webb’s Coventry Homes. Prior archaeological testing utilized a backhoe to dig trenches in accessible areas along the line (Terzis 1996). Four features were noted in the profiles of these trenches, all...
Four Mile Draw Site Arizona Site Steward File (1983)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Four Mile Draw site, comprised of Mogollon room blocks, a pit house village, possible fire pits, and artifact scatter, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The file consists of a site data form, The Archaeological Conservancy Arizona Archaeological Sites Planning Study - Phase I form, a cultural resource site record form, hand drawn site map, and an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form. The earliest dated document is from 1983.
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited-access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited-access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix A (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix B (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix C (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix D (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix E (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix F (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...
Life on the Lehi Terrace: The Archeology of the Red Mountain Freeway Between State Route 87 and Gilbert Road, Appendix G (2004)
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is in the process of extending the Red Mountain Freeway (Loop 202) through Mesa, Arizona from State Route (SR) 87 to US Highway 60 (US 60, Superstition Freeway). The undertaking entails the construction of 17.8 mi (28.6 km) of new limited access six-lane freeway parallel to and south of the Salt River. Under contract to Entranco Engineering, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd.(ACS) performed initial survey of the proposed alternatives...