Domestic Structures (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex

Locations, or the remains of buildings that were inhabited by humans in the past. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

10,201-10,225 (11,431 Records)

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Lauth Data Recovery, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Lauth project Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during the project's data recovery efforts. It is the master list for all excavated contexts (i.e., trenches, excavation units, features, sub-features, etc) in the Lauth data recovery effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation.

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, Washington and 48th Streets: SSI Lauth Data Recovery, Rough Sort Ceramic (RS_CERAMICS) Data (1997)
DATASET Maria Martin. David Abbott. Andrew Lack.

The Lauth project Ceramic Rough Sort (RS_CERAMICS) Data sheet contains data from the rough sort analysis of ceramics recovered during the Lauth data recovery project. It contains information on ceramic types, tempers and counts; it also records vessel and rim forms where applicable. The data sheet also contains rim circumference and rim diameter measurements for some ceramic specimens.

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15: SSI Lauth Data Recovery_Feature 8251 (2008)
IMAGE Soil Systems, Inc.

From February to April 2007, Soil Systems archaeologists completed an archaeological data recovery and burial removal project (SSI Project No. 06-03) on a parcel of land (Unit 15) along the east side of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)). SSI performed the archaeological clearance for the Lauth Property Group, LLC. SSI's previous work in this same parcel under Project Nos. 97-08 and 99-01 resulted in the archaeological clearance of a section of the property for the Kitchell Development Co. (see...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park and Washington St: Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project
PROJECT City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department. Cory D. Breternitz.

In 1990, Soil System's archaeologists completed a testing project (SSI Project No. 90-08) within the Pueblo Grande Cultural Park to help prepare development plans for a museum expansion. The project was conducted for the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library Department. SSI tested an area west of the original museum building and public parking lot (in Units 08 and 09 of Pueblo Grande). The testing project included both backhoe trenching and stripping. Eight backhoe trenches 182 m in...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Testing, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1990)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project Field Specimen (FS) data sheet contains data about the artifact types recovered in each PD unit during this investigation (SSI Project No. 90-08) at Pueblo Grande. It lists the PD number, the field specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if applicable),...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Testing, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1990)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during SSI Project No. 90-08 in the Pueblo Grande cultural park. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the monitoring and testing effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. The data derived from this testing project were used to plan the placement of three new buildings in areas that would have the...

Pueblo Grande Field Report, Site No. 62 (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

Pueblo Grande Field Report for site 62, owned by the Salt River Indian Reservation, and includes the features: trashmounds, sherd areas, house mounds, a ball court and Old Pima Round Houses and artifacts like: tin, porcelain recovered and construction material.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Project (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Foster. Lorrie Lincoln-Babb. Mark R. Hackbarth. David Abbott. JoAnne Miller. Heidi Moore. Susan J. Smith. Korri Dee Turner. Tobi Taylor.

During July 1994, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted an archaeological data recovery project at Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM). The project area lies immediately west and north of the original museum building. The data recovery project carried out by SSI was conducted under contract to the City of Phoenix and was associated with the expansion of the museum facilities at the Pueblo Grande Museum and Cultural Park, which are administered by the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library...

Pueblo Grande Site Map, with Spatial Unit Numbers and Well-Defined Cultural Features/Areas (2012)
IMAGE M Scott Thompson. Colleen Winchell.

This composite map depicts the entirety of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)) in Phoenix, AZ. The map shows the locations of the spatial units that SSI and other cultural resource firms defined to bound their archaeological projects and associated cultural features. In addition, the map displays the locations of well-defined prehistoric cultural features (platform mound, ballcourt, compounds) and areas (habitation areas, burial groups) within the known site boundaries. Finally, the map depicts modern...

Pueblo on the Plains: The 2019 Investigations at the Merchant Site of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Poster presentation describing the 2019 investigations at the Merchant Site (LA 43414)

Pueblo on the Plains: The Merchant Site (LA 43414) of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Public education and outreach brochure describing the survey and excavation projects at the Merchant site and Mescalero Plain of southeastern New Mexico

DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller. Timothy B. Graves. Charles Frederick. Mark Willis. John D Speth. J. Phillip Dering. Susan J. Smith. Crystal Dozier. John G. Jones. Jeremy Loven. Genevieve Woodhead. Jeffery Ferguson. Mary Ownby.

This report presents the results of the second season of investigations at the Merchant village site (LA 43414) in southeastern New Mexico. The excavations and analyses were sponsored by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement. Excavations focused on sections of room blocks in two areas of the main village, the agricultural fields, and midden deposits.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller. Timothy B. Graves. Charles Frederick. Mark Willis. John D Speth. J. Phillip Dering. Susan J. Smith. Crystal Dozier. John G. Jones. Jeremy Loven. Genevieve Woodhead. Jeffery Ferguson. Mary Ownby.

This report presents the results of the second season of investigations at the Merchant village site (LA 43414) in southeastern New Mexico. The excavations and analyses were sponsored by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement. Excavations focused on sections of room blocks in two areas of the main village, the agricultural fields, and midden deposits.

pXRF Chemical Signatures for Obsidian Sample from Terrace S19, Cerro Danush (2013)
DATASET Ronald Faulseit.

These are the raw data recorded for particular trace metals from the pXRF detector. The provenience of each piece is reported. For further information on provenience or the sample, consult the project report 2010

pXRF Obsidian Sample Data from Terrace S25, Cerro Danush (2015)
DATASET Ronald Faulseit.

These are the provenience, description, and measurement data for the obsidian pieces analyzed through pXRF from Terrace S25 on Cerro Danush. See Project Report 2015 for further information on proveniences and such.

pXRF Results for Obsidian Sample from Terrace S19, Cerro Danush (2013)
DATASET Ronald Faulseit.

These are the results from the pXRF analysis of just under 300 pieces, mostly prismatic blades, collected on Terrace S19, Cerro Danush during the 2009-2010 field season. For more specific information on the project, please consult the Project Report from 2010.

pXRF Results for Obsidian Sample from Terrace S25, Cerro Danush (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: Ronald Faulseit

This file contains the results of pXRF analysis from the obsidian collected during excavations of the residences on Terrace S25, Cerro Danush, Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl

Pyramids and Temple Mounds: Mesoamerican Ceremonial Architecture in Eastern North America (1965)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles R. Wicke.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Q.M.C. Form and Blueprint, Building 518, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1931)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Chelsea Walter

Q.M.C form with black and white photograph of Building 518 (previously labeled Building 83 and Building 188) at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. Also included are floor plans for the building.

Quackenbush Square Parking Facility Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY
PROJECT Uploaded by: Justin DiVirgilio

Phase III data recovery and subsequent investigations for Section 106 compliance in Albany, NY. The project focused on recovery of archaeological data from three colonial and early federal contexts. The first two were a brickyard and brickmaker's house from the 17th century. The house was built in the 1630s to lease to a brickmaker; it was burned and rebuilt in the 1650s and finally abandoned about 1686. The brickyard operated from about 1654 until the late 1680s. The third context was a rum...

The Quackenbush Square Parking Facility Site Faunal Analysis and Interpretation (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marie-Lorraine Pipes.

Analysis of faunal remains from the Quackenbush Square Parking Facility site in Albany, NY. Includes analysis of wild game remains from a 17th-c. context. Originally appeared as an appendix to the Phase III report for the Quackenbush site.

Quadraped Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Connie L. Stone.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Quadraped Pueblo site, which is located on Bureau of Land Management land. The site is comprised of a masonry pueblo, petroglyphs, and lithic and sherd scatter. The file consists of a site data form, map of the site location, and four black and white photographs of the site. The earliest dated document is from 1997.

Quality Catalogue data - 129 Lambeth Road (2008)
DATASET Penny Crook.

Artefact and quality data from 129 Lambeth Road compiled for the dissertation "‘Superior Quality’: Exploring the nature of cost, quality and value in historical archaeology".

Quality Catalogue data - Albert Embankment (2008)
DATASET Penny Crook.

Artefact and quality data from the Albert Embankment site compiled for the dissertation "‘Superior Quality’: Exploring the nature of cost, quality and value in historical archaeology".

Quality Catalogue data - Burslem Market Place (2008)
DATASET Penny Crook.

Artefact and quality data from the Burslem Market Place site compiled for the dissertation "‘Superior Quality’: Exploring the nature of cost, quality and value in historical archaeology".