Mine-Related Structures (Site Type Keyword)
Parent: Mine
The remains of facilities or equipment, usually above ground, used for processing or storing mined materials.
51-75 (108 Records)
Other entries related to work done on Arizona withdrawn lands can be found at the following links: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 and https://core.tdar.org/collection/27743. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 960 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located along Queen Creek west of Superior, Arizona. The withdrawn land was...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 960 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along Queen Creek: Photo Log (2008)
Other entries related to work done on Arizona withdrawn lands can be found at the following links: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 and https://core.tdar.org/collection/27743. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 960 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located along Queen Creek west of Superior, Arizona. The withdrawn land was...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 960 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along Queen Creek: Photos (2008)
Other entries related to work done on Arizona withdrawn lands can be found at the following links: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 and https://core.tdar.org/collection/27743. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 960 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located along Queen Creek west of Superior, Arizona. The withdrawn land was...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 960 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along Queen Creek: Report (2009)
Other entries related to work done on Arizona withdrawn lands can be found at the following links: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 and https://core.tdar.org/collection/27743. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 960 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located along Queen Creek west of Superior, Arizona. The withdrawn land was...
A Class III Archaeological Inventory of 2,621 Acres for a Proposed Maneuver Area, Range 71 North, Nevada Test and Training Range (2015)
Includes site forms, crit response, and photos.
Class III Archaeological Survey of 75 Acres in the Vicinity of Arroyo Del Coyote Canyon, New Mexico (1987)
This report summarizes the results of an archaeological survey of approximately 75 acres of land on withdrawn Cibola National Forest within Kirtland Air Force Base in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. The project area is located approximately two and one half miles southeast of the Albuquerque city limits. A total of eight sites and six isolated occurrences were encountered. Of the eight sites, two are considered to be significant cultural resources. Four additional resources require further...
Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance for the Proposed TPK-38 Facility, Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Nye County, Nevada (1996)
The U.S. Air Force proposes to construct a 60 x 60 m (200 x 200 ft) facility pad, designated TPK-38, on the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range (TPECR) to house the existing S13 radar unit now located at TPK-6 (Figure 1). The moving of this unit is necessary because of the congestion around the existing TPK-6 facility pad due to the recent construction of TPK-40 (see Drollinger 1995, Pippin 1995b). Two alternative locations have been proposed for the TPK-38 facility pad.
A Class III Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of 11 Proposed USGS Seismic Stations in Southern Nevada, in Support of Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Activities (1991)
Three archaeological sites were recorded in or near the project areas. Site 26NY7969 is a small lithic scatter located near station D-41; the station was subsequently moved from the original location to avoid disturbing the site. Site 26NY7970 is an historic site at D-40 consisting of a mine shaft or adit without associated artifacts and is not considered significant. Site 26NY7971 is a prehistoric site consisting of a lithic scatter with an associated rock alignment near D-10. The final...
The Cochran Survey on the Gila River
The Cochran Survey was administered over a period of 25 months, beginning in April 1998 and ending in May 2000. As funding became available delivery orders were submitted from the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to Archaeological Consulting Services (ACS) to increase the survey coverage under their Section 110 mandate. Initially, the survey included portions of the USGS 7.5' North Butte and Grayback quadrangles near the historic site of Cochran, and was later expanded to include a second...
Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations’ Document Review Committee Report Responding to a Cultural Resources Report for Portions of Areas II and III on the Nellis Air Force Base (2000)
This report responds to two archaeological surveys that were previously conducted in Areas II and III on the Nellis Air Force Base.
Cultural Resource Survey of 1.3 Miles for Installation of a Proposed Fiber Optic Cable, Kirtland Air Force Base (1993)
This report presents the results of an archaeological survey in support of proposed installation of a fiber optic cable line. One historic site was encountered and recommended as potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
Cultural Resource Survey of Installation Restoration Program Sites, Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1996)
TRC Mariah Associates Inc. completed a Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of 48 areas within 31 Installation Restoration Program sites on Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. The project encompassed approximately 306 acres (124 ha). Survey was conducted by TRC Mariah Project Archaeologist John C. Acklen between August 28 and 31, 1995 and by John C. Acklen and John A. Evaskovich, Project Archaeologists, between May 16 and May 21, 1996. Three archaeological sites and three...
A Cultural Resource Survey of Reach 3 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1978)
Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management (OCRM), Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, completed an archaeological survey of Reach 3. Reach 3 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct extends about 15 miles from Highway 72, northwest of Vicksburg, southeast to Hovatter Road, south of Interstate 10. This report describes the results of the archaeological surveys conducted along Reach 3 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct. Results suggest that the...
Cultural Resources Assessment of 59 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase A) (2010)
The Bureau of Reclamation has developed an archaeological site database for the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal main stem based on the Class III survey data that includes all previously recorded sites. An unknown number of these sites were either destroyed by construction or excavation, while others are no longer located within the CAP right-of-way (ROW). To assist Reclamation in checking the accuracy of its site database, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) was asked to revisit...
Cultural Resources Assessment of 59 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the Tucson Aqueduct (Phase A)
The Bureau of Reclamation has developed an archaeological site database for the CAP main stem based on the Class III survey data that includes all previously recorded sites. An unknown number of these sites were either destroyed by construction or excavation, while others are no longer located within the CAP right-of-way (ROW). To assist Reclamation in checking the accuracy of its site database, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) was asked to revisit 59 sites that had been identified...
A Cultural Resources Sample Survey of Operation Zones, Barry M. Goldwater Range, Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona (1989)
From June to September 1989, Statistical Research conducted a non-collection Class II cultural resources survey of 5,200 acres within the R2301W segment of the Barry M. Goldwater Range in Yuma County, Arizona. The areas targeted for survey conformed to topographic surfaces on which archaeologists had found sites in the past. These areas were concentrated in the Baker Peaks and northern Copper Mountain regions as well as the eastern flanks of the Tinajas Altas and Gila Mountain ranges. The...
Cultural Resources Survey Conducted in the Vicinity of the Sandia National Laboratories Burn Site, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1996)
An archaeological survey was conducted on approximately 1,447 acres of property situated within Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), Bernalillo County, New Mexico. This survey was conducted on the Burn Site, New Cable Site, and portions of the surrounding area for Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). This inventory yielded one previously recorded and 40 newly discovered cultural resource sites and 80 isolated occurrences (IOs). One previously recorded site was not relocated. Twenty-six of the...
Cultural Resources Survey for an Access Road, Utility Corridor, and M60 Firing Range on Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1989)
Chambers Group, Inc. has completed a cultural resource survey on Kirtland Air Force Base for ancillary facilities associated with the Starfire Optical Research Facility. This survey encompassed a 59.7 acre survey for the access road, a 31.7 acre survey for a utility corridor, and a 87.4 acre survey for the new M60 Firing Range location. Three archaeological sites and 12 isolated occurrences were discovered within the three survey parcels. The sites consist of two historic mining loci containing...
A Cultural Resources Survey of 84.3 Acres of Tonto National Forest and Private Lands for the SRP Silver King to Goldfield 230kV Upgrade, North of Superior, Pinal County, Arizona (2008)
SRP is planning to upgrade the current carrying capacity of 18.3 miles of the existing Silver King to Goldfield 230kV line. In order to accomplish this, SRP plans to “bundle” the existing 230kV conductors by adding a second conductor to each of the three existing single-conductor phases. To add the new conductors, SRP will need to re-open some original access roads, and the selected wire, puller, sleeving, and anchor sites used during the original 1978 line construction. The existing...
Cultural Resources Survey of Madera Canyon and Archeological Area IV Project Areas, Kirtland Air Force Base (1992)
In 1982, Cultural Heritage Research Services, Inc. conducted an on-ground prehistoric and historical archaeological cultural resources survey within the Madera Canyon and Archeological Area IV Project Areas on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. A total of 18 cultural resources were located. Sixteen of these sites were affiliated with Amerindian cultures spanning the early Archaic through the Historic periods. The remaining two sites consisted of a probable historic mine shaft and the second...
Cultural Resources Survey of Two Tracts, 20.6 Acres, for Sandia National Laboratories Containment Test Technology Facility Expansion, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (1991)
An archaeological survey of approximately 20. 6 acres situated within two tracts of land, yielded no significant cultural resources. A small portion of the northeast corner of Tract One (approx. 0.46 acres) was previously surveyed by the Center of Anthropological Studies (Franklin and Neal 1981). No cultural resources were located within Tract One during this previous inventory. The current inventory resulted in the recordation of nine isolated occurrences (IOs), one in Tract One (IO #1) and...
The Eastern Mining Area 115 kV Transmission Line Survey: Archaeological Resources in the Salt-Gila Uplands of Central Arizona (1996)
SWCA Inc, Environmental Consultants of Tucson, Arizona, conducted Eastern Mining Area (EMA) survey project under contract to Salt River Project (SRP) between October 1993 and February 1994. One central purpose of the project was to create an inventory of archaeological resources to assist in the planning of future improvements and other modifications to existing SRP transmission lines. The project included 107 person-field days of Class III archaeological survey along approximately 257 linear...
Elizabeth Mine: Protecting People, Ecosystems, and Heritage - A Shared Legacy (2006)
The Elizabeth Mine Superfund site is an abandoned copper and copperas (ferrous sulfate) mine located in the Vermont Copper Belt in the east-central part of the state. The ore body was first discovered in the late 1700s and copperas production began soon after in the early 1800s. Mining activities continued at Elizabeth Mine for nearly 150 years. Over the years, historic tailing piles and waste piles have become a substantial source of acid mine drainage (AMD). The historic significance of the...
Excavations at Gu Achi: A Reappraisal of Hohokam Settlement and Subsistence in the Arizona Papagueria (1980)
In the spring of 1973, the Western Archeological Center, National Park Service, conducted extensive surveys in the Papago Indian Reservation because of improvements proposed for several roadways (Stacy 1973). Among the numerous archeological features encountered were two prehistoric Hohokam sites. One of these, Gu Achi (AZ Z:12:l3 ASM) , is a major pre-Classic period Hohokam settlement a few miles west of Santa Rosa on Papago Indian Road (PIR) 34; the other site, Pisinimo, is a pre-Classic...
Finding Aid, Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999 (2017)
This collection is referred to as “Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999.” This name is consistent throughout the finding aid, the file folders, and the box labels. The extent of this collection is nine and a half (9.5) linear inches. The documentation for this collection was originally stored in one acidic cardboard box in acidic folders. No original order was discerned for the materials. Many of the documents required flattening. Some documents contained torn...