Plaza (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Non-Domestic Structures

An area which may be partially or completely enclosed by structural remains (standing or collapsed), used for community activities. May contain temporary structures (e.g. sun shades or ramadas) as well as special activity areas (e.g. milling bins, hearths).

401-425 (545 Records)

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15: SSI Lauth Data Recovery_Feature 8251 (2008)
IMAGE Soil Systems, Inc.

From February to April 2007, Soil Systems archaeologists completed an archaeological data recovery and burial removal project (SSI Project No. 06-03) on a parcel of land (Unit 15) along the east side of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)). SSI performed the archaeological clearance for the Lauth Property Group, LLC. SSI's previous work in this same parcel under Project Nos. 97-08 and 99-01 resulted in the archaeological clearance of a section of the property for the Kitchell Development Co. (see...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park and Washington St: Soil Systems, Inc. Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project
PROJECT City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department. Cory D. Breternitz.

In 1990, Soil System's archaeologists completed a testing project (SSI Project No. 90-08) within the Pueblo Grande Cultural Park to help prepare development plans for a museum expansion. The project was conducted for the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library Department. SSI tested an area west of the original museum building and public parking lot (in Units 08 and 09 of Pueblo Grande). The testing project included both backhoe trenching and stripping. Eight backhoe trenches 182 m in...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Testing, Field Specimen (FS) Data (1990)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project Field Specimen (FS) data sheet contains data about the artifact types recovered in each PD unit during this investigation (SSI Project No. 90-08) at Pueblo Grande. It lists the PD number, the field specimen (FS) number (specimen numbers range from 1 to n for each PD unit), and the point location (PL) number (if applicable). The table then provides artifact type, lithic material (if applicable), lithic condition (if applicable),...

Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Units 08 and 09, Pueblo Grande Cultural Park: SSI Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Testing, Provenience Designation (PD) Data (1990)
DATASET Maria Martin.

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Monitoring and Testing Project Provenience Designation (PD) data sheet summarizes the PD's excavated during SSI Project No. 90-08 in the Pueblo Grande cultural park. It is the master list for all excavated contexts in the monitoring and testing effort. It contains information about each PD and the features recorded during excavation. The data derived from this testing project were used to plan the placement of three new buildings in areas that would have the...

The Pueblo Grande Museum Expansion Data Recovery Project (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Foster. Lorrie Lincoln-Babb. Mark R. Hackbarth. David Abbott. JoAnne Miller. Heidi Moore. Susan J. Smith. Korri Dee Turner. Tobi Taylor.

During July 1994, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) conducted an archaeological data recovery project at Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM). The project area lies immediately west and north of the original museum building. The data recovery project carried out by SSI was conducted under contract to the City of Phoenix and was associated with the expansion of the museum facilities at the Pueblo Grande Museum and Cultural Park, which are administered by the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library...

pXRF Chemical Signatures for Obsidian Sample from Terrace S19, Cerro Danush (2013)
DATASET Ronald Faulseit.

These are the raw data recorded for particular trace metals from the pXRF detector. The provenience of each piece is reported. For further information on provenience or the sample, consult the project report 2010

pXRF Obsidian Sample Data from Terrace S25, Cerro Danush (2015)
DATASET Ronald Faulseit.

These are the provenience, description, and measurement data for the obsidian pieces analyzed through pXRF from Terrace S25 on Cerro Danush. See Project Report 2015 for further information on proveniences and such.

pXRF Results for Obsidian Sample from Terrace S25, Cerro Danush (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: Ronald Faulseit

This file contains the results of pXRF analysis from the obsidian collected during excavations of the residences on Terrace S25, Cerro Danush, Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl

R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Matthew Peeples.

This document contains the R code (checked in version 3.0) for conducting statistical analyses, clustering, and network visualization of corrugated ceramic technological data from the greater Cibola region as described in Chapter 5 of: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.

Radiocarbon Analysis Report, Beta Analytic (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ronald Faulseit.

This file contains the report from Beta Analytic regarding their analysis of 10 charcoal samples collected during the 2010 project. For more information on sample provenience and collection methods, please read the Project Report for 2010

Radiocarbon Analysis Report, Center for Applied Isotope Studies, UGA (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Ronald Faulseit

This file includes the radiocarbon analysis report for 18 charcoal samples collected during the 2015 field season on Terrace S25, Cerro Danush. Because the lab did not conduct the calibrations, I conducted them using the program Calib v. 7.1, which uses the program intcall13.14c, (Stuiver and Reimer 1993).

Rare Rocks (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

Items in the DAP nonflaked lithic tool assemblage and miscellaneous material files that represent “unusual materials of geologic origin” have been collected within a single rare rocks dataset (Keane and Clay 1987:507). More specifically, the dataset contains both naturally occurring and culturally modified items comprised of geological resources that are found in the Dolores Valley, or have been transported over long distances (Keane and Clay 1987). Items fashioned from rare material types are...

A Report Concerning Archaeological Monitoring of a Utilities Trench Undertaken at Tubac Presidio State Historic Park (ARIZ:DD:8:33) March, 1992 (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jack S. Williams.

During March of 1992 a small scale investigation involving archaeological monitoring was undertaken in connection with the creation of a utility trench in an area located between the Captain 's House and the post chapel at the Presidio of Tubac site. The work conducted included monitoring of the excavation of the trench and the creation of a series of profile drawings of the stratigraphy exposed. Because of rainy conditions a collection of artifacts was made from the soils disturbed by earth...

Research Design for Data Recovery for the Salt River Project and Arizona Public Service Transmission Line Facilities Along the Beeline Highway (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard W. Effland, Jr..

Salt River Project (SRP) and Arizona Public Service Company (APS) propose to construct three transmission lines along a portion of the Beeline Highway on the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). SRP proposes to build a new line which will connect the Pinnacle Peak, Brandow, and Papago Butte substations. APS proposes to realign two existing transmission lines and move them out of the Salt River channel and onto the north terrace above the river. Archaeological Consulting Services...

Resource Study Proposals (1964)
DOCUMENT Full-Text A. H. Schroeder.

This document is a brief memorandum regarding resource study proposals at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument for the 1965 fiscal year. There are 4 projects proposed including: a stratigraphic test of Compound A, excavation of Compound B, a Soho phase study, and the excavation and stabilization of the ball court.

A Review of Human and Natural Changes in Maya Lowlands Wetlands Over the Holocene
DOCUMENT Full-Text Tim Beach. Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach. Nicholas Dunning. John Jones. Jon Lohse. Tom Guderjan. Steve Bozarth. Sarah Millspaugh. Tripti Bhattacharya.

In the Maya Lowlands of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala two main types of wetlands have played important roles in human history: bajos or intermittently wet environments of the upland, interior Yucatán and perennial wetlands of the coastal plains. Many of the most important Maya sites encircle the bajos, though our growing evidence for human-wetland interactions is still sparse. The deposits of these wetlands record two main eras of slope instability and wetland aggradation: the...

A Review of Human and Natural Changes in Maya Lowlands Wetlands over the Holocene (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Stephen Reichardt

In the Maya Lowlands of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala two main types of wetlands have played important roles in human history: bajos or intermittently wet environments of the upland, interior Yucatán and perennial wetlands of the coastal plains. Many of the most important Maya sites encircle the bajos, though our growing evidence for human-wetland interactions is still sparse. The deposits of these wetlands record two main eras of slope instability and wetland aggradation: the...

Rock Island Complex Data, AZ U:8:400(ASM): Strata (1995)
DATASET Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University.

The strata represent major natural or cultural depositional events such as erosional fill, roof fall, floor contexts, and sterile substrate. Strata are depicted as horizontal rows of interconnected boxes on a Harris Matrix. Within a feature, each stratum is designated by the feature number (e.g., 10, 11, 12, etc.) and a letter that designates a particular stratum (e.g., A, B, C). The letters are assigned in descending order. Mixed levels and artifacts collected out of context are designated by a...

Room counts, plaza areas, and neighbors for Northern Rio Grande Pueblo settlements, 1200-1700 CE (2019)
DATASET Uploaded by: Scott Ortman

Data analyzed in: Ortman, Scott G. and Grant D. Coffey (2019). The Network Effects of Northern Rio Grande Pueblo Rituals. In Re-Framing the Northern Rio Grande Pueblo Economy, edited by Scott G. Ortman, pp. 75-85. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona 80, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

The Roosevelt Community Development Study, Number 13, Volume 2: Meddler Point, Pyramid Point, and Griffin Wash Sites (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. Deborah L. Swartz. Douglas B. Craig. Jeffrey J. Clark.

The Roosevelt Community Development Study (RCD) was one of three data recovery mitigative studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with Desert Archaeology, Inc. to complete the research for...

Roosevelt Platform Mound Study
PROJECT Arleyn Simon. Peter McCartney. Glen Rice. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office. Charles Redman. Brenda Shears.

The Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS) was one of three mitigative data recovery studies that the Bureau of Reclamation funded to investigate the prehistory of the Tonto Basin in the vicinity of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. The series of investigations constituted Reclamation's program for complying with historic preservation legislation as it applied to the raising and modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam. Reclamation contracted with the Arizona State University Office of Cultural Resource...

Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS): Access Database (2014)
DATASET Uploaded by: adam brin

The RMPS Database is the centralized database for project information and for excavation and laboratory results. This relational database stores two primary data types and the relationships among them. It houses RPMS provenience data (i.e., where artifacts and samples were located horizontally and vertically within the archaeological contexts). The database also contains information about the artifacts and sample collected during the archaeological investigation. The database structure centers...

Roundy Crossing Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeanne Schoffer.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Roundy Crossing Pueblo, located on Apache Sitgreaves National Forest land. The site is comprised of a pueblo, kiva, ramada, plaza, petroglyphs, and associated artifacts. The file consists of a site data form. The earliest dated document is from 2007.

Salado Residential Settlements on Tonto Creek, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Cline Mesa Sites, Cline Terrace Complex, Parts 1 and 2 (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Theodore J. Oliver. David Jacobs.

This two-part report is the seventh and final site description volume for the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study, an eight-year archaeological research project in the Tonto Basin of central Arizona that began in April 1989. It was funded by the Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, and was conducted by the Office of Cultural Resource Management in the Department of Anthropology at Arizona State University. The work was performed under a permit from the Tonto National Forest. The...

Salt River Project Pinnacle Peak to Papago Buttes Project, Assessment of Cultural Resources (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard W. Effland.

Salt River Project (SRP) proposes to construct a 230 kV transmission line to connect the Pinnacle Peak, Brandow, and Papago Buttes substations. Archaeological Consulting Services (ACS) was contracted to perform an assessment of impacts to cultural resources that would be caused by the project. ACS is responsible for assessing potential impacts to historical and archaeological sites as well as architectural resources in the vicinity of the new right-of -way. One hundred percent survey of the...