Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS): Access Database
Part of the Roosevelt Platform Mound Study project
Year: 2014
The RMPS Database is the centralized database for project information and for excavation and laboratory results. This relational database stores two primary data types and the relationships among them. It houses RPMS provenience data (i.e., where artifacts and samples were located horizontally and vertically within the archaeological contexts). The database also contains information about the artifacts and sample collected during the archaeological investigation. The database structure centers on the specimen number and the corresponding specimen table. The specimen numbers link the provenience data to the artifact and sample data.
The database contains several principle data fields or identifiers, which are displayed in the specimen table as well as in appropriate provenience and artifact data tables. These principle identifiers are unique keys that designate specific archaeological contexts, and groups of artifacts or single artifacts associated with specific contexts.
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Roosevelt Platform Mound Study (RPMS): Access Database. 2014 ( tDAR id: 427111) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8TQ63KK
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Data Set Structure
Table Information: amag - Archaeomag Data
This table (AMAG) contains data for archaeomagnetic dating samples.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
mapdate - Map Date | USGS topographic quad map date | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
north - Northing | Site Grid Northing (m). Unit proveniences are recorded in meters North and East to two decimal places (e.g., N1494.68, E1515.96). Grid point locations are taken at the southwest corner of the unit. | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : North | none | none | true | |
east - Easting | Site Grid Easting (m). Unit proveniences are recorded in meters North and East to two decimal places (e.g., N1494.68, E1515.96). Grid point locations are taken at the southwest corner of the unit. | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : East | none | none | true | |
depth - Depth | Depth below datum (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Depth | none | none | true | |
oxidfire - Oxidation Fire | Ranked priority of archaeomagnetic samples according to oxidation/firing, values 1-5. Oxidation Priority 1 = red/orange 1cm+ thick, Priority 2 = Intermediate, Priority 3 = spotty orange 0.5cm thick, Priority 4 = Intermediate, Priority 5 = no oxidation blackened See Archaeomagnetic Sample Form, pg. 95 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
collqual - Collection Quality | Ranked priority of archaeomagnetic samples according to collection quality, values 1-5. Collection Quality Priority 1 = good solid pedestals, no shaky specimens, Priority 2 = Intermediate, Priority 3 = some shaky specimens, Priority 4 = Intermediate, Priority 5 = friable situation, specimens are all a little shaky due to soil conditions See Archaeomagnetic Sample Form, pg. 95 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
clay - Clay | Ranked priority of archaeomagnetic samples according to clay/sand/silt content, values 1-5. Clay/Sand/Silt Priority 1 = 15% or better clay, Priority 2 = Intermediate, Priority 3 = granular/sandy, but some clay (10-15%), Priority 4 = Intermediate, Priority 5 = very sandy, little to no clay (0-10%) See Archaeomagnetic Sample Form, pg. 95 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
hardprep - Hard Preparation | Ranked priority of archaeomagnetic samples according to harness/preparation, values 1-5. Hardness/Preparation Priority 1 = hard, solid surface well prepared, e.g., coping plaster, Priority 2 = Intermediate, Priority 3 = hard, but unprepared surface, Priority 4 = Intermediate, Priority 5 = soft, no preparation, surface is not smooth See Archaeomagnetic Sample Form, pg. 95 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
intrusion - Intrusion | Ranked priority of archaeomagnetic samples according to number and degree of intrusions, values 1-5. Intrusion Priority 1 = no to very few intrusions, Priority 2 = Intermediate, Priority 3 = some intrusions, Priority 4 = Intermediate, Priority 5 = excessive intrusions See Archaeomagnetic Sample Form, pg. 95 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
erosion - Erosion | Ranked priority of archaeomagnetic samples according to extent of erosion/weathering. | |||||
BIGINT | Coded Value | Dating Sample : Other | Erosion/weathering Priority | none | true | |
abselev - Absolute Elevation | Absolute elevation of sample (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Vertical Position | none | none | true | |
specimen - Specimen no. | Specimen number, assigned to a bag or lot in the field. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Lot | none | none | true | |
mapref - Map Reference | USGS topographic quad map name | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Horizontal Location | none | none | true | |
longitude - Longitude | Longitude | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : East | none | none | true | |
latitude - Latitude | Latitude | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : North | none | none | true | |
declinat - Declination | Declination (deg) | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
date - Date Collected | Date collected (YYYY-MM-DD) | |||||
DATETIME | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
crew - Crew | Crew member initials. See lookup table CREW for full names. | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: amagor - Archaeomag Orientation
This table (AMAGOR) contains data on archaeomagnetic sample orientation.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
comment - Comments | Comments | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
specimen - Specimen no. | Specimen number assigned to bag/lot in the field | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Lot | none | none | true | |
compread - Reading | Archaeomagnetic dating sample compass reading (deg) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
specsamp - Sample no. | Archaeomagnetic dating specimen sample number | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Item/Slash | none | none | true |
Table Information: artpho - Artifact Photos
This table (ARTPHO) catalogs artifact photos.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
artifact - Artifact no. | Artifact number | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Item/Slash | none | none | true | |
frame - Frame no. | Photograph Frame no. | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Frame | none | none | true |
Table Information: asmctphotolog - ASMCTphotolog
This table (ASMCTphotolog) catalogs photographs.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
site - Site | ASM Site Number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Site | none | none | true | |
subject - Subject | Photograph subject number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Subject | none | none | true | |
roll - Roll | Photograph film roll | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Roll | none | none | true | |
frame - Frame | Frame number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Frame | none | none | true | |
exposure_s - Exposure(s) | Exposure(s) | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Other | none | none | true | |
film - Film | Film | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Roll | none | none | true | |
camera - Camera | Camera number | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Other | none | none | true | |
comment - Comment | Comments indicating photograph subject and location | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Photograph : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: asmtnf - Site Locations and Numbers
This table (ASMTNF) records site locations and numbers assigned by Arizona State Museum (ASM) and Tonto National Forest (TNF).
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
north - Northing | Northing | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : North | none | none | true | |
east - Easting | Easting | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : East | none | none | true | |
asm - ASM number | ASM (Arizona State Museum) site number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Site | none | none | true | |
tnf_a - Tonto National Forest no. A | Tonto National Forest site no. A | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Site | none | none | true | |
tnf_b - Tonto National Forest no. B | Tonto National Forest site no. B | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Site | none | none | true | |
utmeast - UTM east coordinate | UTM East coordinate | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : East | none | none | true | |
utmnorth - UTM north coordinate | UTM North coordinate | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : North | none | none | true |
Table Information: baseshap - Base Shape Codes
This table (BASESHAP) is a lookup table containing base shape codes and labels for chipped stone tools.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Base shape codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Chipped Stone : Other | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Base shape labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Chipped Stone : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: beadtype - BEADTYPE
This table (BEADTYPE) is a lookup table containing type codes and labels for shell bead forms.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Shell bead type codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Shell : Other | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Shell bead type labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Shell : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: blocks - Construction Block Modification Codes
This table (BLOCKS) is a lookup table containing construction block modification codes and labels.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Construction block modification codes | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Construction block modification labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: bodyform - Body Form Shape
This table (BodyForm) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for ceramic body forms.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Ceramic body form codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Ceramic : Form | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Ceramic body form labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Ceramic : Form | none | none | true |
Table Information: boulder - Rock Art Data
This table (BOULDER) contains data on rock art.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
material - Material | Coded values for rock art material. See table MATERIAL for lithic material codes and labels. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Rock Art : Other | none | none | true | |
locus - Locus no. | Locus number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Locus | none | none | true | |
feature - Feature no. | Feature number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Feature ID/Number | none | none | true | |
elevation - Elevation | Elevation (m) | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Vertical Position | none | none | true | |
date - Date | Recording date | |||||
DATETIME | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Date | none | none | true | |
crew - Crew | Crew member initials. See lookup table CREW for full names. | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
bpatin - Patina | Coded values for rock art patina | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Rock Art : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: bowljar - bowljar
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
vesspart - VESSPART | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - STRATUM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cstrea - S1CSTREA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cscount - S1CSCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: boxes - Box Locations
This table (BOXES) records information on box locations.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
boxstatus - BOXSTATUS | NULL | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Storage : Other | none | none | true | |
shelf - Shelf no. | Shelf number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Storage : Location | none | none | true | |
box - Box no. | Box number | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Storage : Box Number | none | none | true | |
boxtype - Box Type | Coded values for box type (material contents). See lookup table BOXTYPE for codes and labels. | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Storage : Other | none | none | true | |
location - Location | Coded values for box location. See lookup table LOCATION for location codes and labels. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Storage : Location | none | none | true |
Table Information: boxtype - Box Type
This table (BOXTYPE) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for box type (material contents).
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Codes for material types (i.e., 1= ceramics, 2= lithics, 5= shell, etc.) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Labels for material types (e.g., ceramics, lithics, shell, etc.) | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: burials - Burial Data
This table (BURIALS) contains data on burials and general body orientation.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
begdate - Beginning Excavation Date | Beginning excavation date (YYYY-MM-DD) | |||||
DATETIME | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Date | none | none | true | |
crew - Crew | Crew member initials. See lookup table CREW for full names. | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
enddate - End Excavation Date | End excavation date (YYYY-MM-DD) | |||||
DATETIME | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Date | none | none | true | |
feature - Feature no. | Feature number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Feature ID/Number | none | none | true | |
mpn - Minimum Provenience Number | Minimum Provenience Number, assigned in the lab. MPN assignment protocols for burials are discussed on pg. 39 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
east - Easting | Site Grid Easting (m). Unit proveniences are recorded in meters North and East to two decimal places (e.g., N1494.68, E1515.96). Grid point locations are taken at the southwest corner of the unit. | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : East | none | none | true | |
feetbsl - Feet Below String Line | Position of feet, measured in meters below string line | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Orientation/Alignment | none | none | true | |
feeteast - Feet Easting | Position of feet, site grid Easting (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Orientation/Alignment | none | none | true | |
specimen - Specimen no. | Specimen number. Each skeleton is given a separate specimen number. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Lot | none | none | true | |
trench - Trench no. | Trench number | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Horizontal Location | none | none | true | |
slelev - String Line Elevation | String line elevation (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Vertical Position | none | none | true | |
sldelev - String Line Datum Elevation | String line datum elevation (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Vertical Position | none | none | true | |
primfeat - Primary Feature | Primary feature number | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Feature ID/Number | none | none | true | |
feetelev - Feet Elevation | Position of feet, absolute elevation (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Orientation/Alignment | none | none | true | |
feetnort - Feet Northing | Position of feet, site grid Northing (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Orientation/Alignment | none | none | true | |
headbsl - Head Below String Line | Position of head measured in meters below string line | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Orientation/Alignment | none | none | true | |
headeast - Head Easting | Position of head, site grid Easting (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Orientation/Alignment | none | none | true | |
headelev - Head Elevation | Position of head, absolute elevation (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Body Position/Flexure | none | none | true | |
headnort - Head Northing | Position of head, site grid Northing (m). | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Human Burial : Orientation/Alignment | none | none | true | |
north - Northing | Site Grid Northing (m). Unit proveniences are recorded in meters North and East to two decimal places (e.g., N1494.68, E1515.96). Grid point locations are taken at the southwest corner of the unit. | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : North | none | none | true |
Table Information: butcher - Presence of Butcher Marks on Bones
This table (BUTCHER) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for recording the presence or absence of butcher marks on bones.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | Labels for presence or absence of butcher marks on bones | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true | |
code - CODE | Codes for presence or absence of butcher marks on bones | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true |
Table Information: c14 - Carbon 14 Data
This table (C14) contains data on Carbon 14 samples.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
date - Date | Sample recovery date (YYYY-MM-DD) | |||||
DATETIME | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Date | none | none | true | |
depthbsl - Depth Below String Line | Sample depth below string line (m) | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Depth | none | none | true | |
historic - Historic | Coded values for presence/absence of historic contaminants in Carbon 14 sample. 0=absent, 1=present. See C 14/Dendro Form, pg. 94 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
samptype - Sample Type | Coded values for Carbon 14 sample types. See lookup table SAMPTYPE for codes and labels. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
specimen - Specimen no. | Specimen number | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Lot | none | none | true | |
spectype - Specimen Type | Coded values for specimen type (material). See lookup table SPECTYPE for codes and labels. | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
sampcond - Sample Condition | Coded values for Carbon 14 sample condition. See lookup table SAMPCOND for codes and labels. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
rootlets - Rootlets | Coded values for presence/absence of rootlets in Carbon 14 sample. 0=absent, 1=present. See C 14/Dendro Form, pg. 94 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
rodents - Rodents | Coded values for presence/absence of rodent contamination of Carbon 14 sample. 0=absent, 1=present. See C 14/Dendro Form, pg. 94 of: A Field Plan for Salado Research. Glen Rice, Arleyn Simon, David Jacobs, Owen Lindauer. Arizona State University, Tempe: Archaeological Research Institute, Arizona State University. 2000 ( tDAR id: 425891) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8NK3H16 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
crew - Crew | Crew member initials. See lookup table CREW for full names. | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: c14_with_bad_spec - C14 with bad spec #
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
crew - CREW | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
depthbsl - DEPTHBSL | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spectype - SPECTYPE | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sampcond - SAMPCOND | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
samptype - SAMPTYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rootlets - ROOTLETS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
historic - HISTORIC | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rodents - RODENTS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: c14res - Carbon 14 Results
This table (C14RES) contains data on Carbon 14 dating results.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
c13adjust - C13 adjustment | C13 adjustment (BP) | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
high1sig - High 1 Sigma | High 1 Sigma date | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
high2sig - High 2 Sigma | High 2 Sigma date | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
low1sig - Low 1 Sigma | Low 1 Sigma date | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
low2sig - Low 2 Sigma | Low 2 Sigma date | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
sigma - Sigma | Sigma | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Error | none | none | true | |
specimen - Specimen no. | Specimen number | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Lot | none | none | true | |
c14age - C14 age | Carbon 14 age (BP) | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
lab - Lab | Laboratory performing Carbon 14 dating | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true | |
labno - Lab no. | Laboratory number | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: carbstre - Carbon Streak
This table (CARBSTRE) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for documenting carbon streak in ceramics.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Coded values for documenting carbon streak in ceramics | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Labels for documenting carbon streak in ceramics | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: category - Disk type
This table (CATEGORY) is a lookup table containing codes and labels documenting disk type (ceramic or lithic material, perforated or unperforated disk).
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Coded values for disk type (perforated or unperforated ceramic or lithic disk) | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Labels for disk type (perforated or unperforated ceramic or lithic disk) | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: cdresul - Cross Dating Results
This table (CDRESUL) contains data on cross dating results.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
stratum - STRATUM | Stratum | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Stratum | none | none | true | |
low50 - LOW50 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
hi50 - HI50 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
screen - SCREEN | This appears to be a coded field indicating whether or not a given context was screened. 1=screened, 0=not screened | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Screening | none | none | true | |
low90 - LOW90 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
hi90 - HI90 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cases - CASES | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
types - TYPES | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: centhole - Center Hole
This table (CENTHOLE) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for documenting presence and completeness of center holes in ceramic and lithic disks (i.e., none, partial, or complete).
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Coded values for center holes in ceramic and lithic disks | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Labels for center holes in ceramic and lithic disks | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: changes - CHANGES
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
staff - Staff | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
table - Table | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
changes - Changes | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: charcoal - Charcoal Codes
This table (CHARCOAL) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for charcoal.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Coded values for charcoal | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Labels for charcoal | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: choice - Choice
This table (CHOICE) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for obsidian sources.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - Label | Obsidian source labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true | |
code - CODE | Obsidian source codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true |
Table Information: codelist - Code List
This table (CODELIST) contains labels identifying lookup tables in the RPMS database.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | Lookup table labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: col_location - Box Locations
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: col_source - Shell Source Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: col_style - Ceramic Style
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: collmeth - Collection Method Codes
This table (COLLMETH) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for collection methods.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Collection method codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Collection method labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: complet - Shell Completeness Codes
This table (COMPLET) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for documenting shell completeness.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | Shell completeness labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true | |
code - CODE | Shell completeness codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true |
Table Information: complete - Completeness Codes
This table (COMPLETE) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for documenting object completeness.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | Completeness labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true | |
code - CODE | Completeness codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true |
Table Information: conditio - Condition Codes
This table (CONDITIO) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for documenting object condition.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | Condition codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
label - LABEL | Condition labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true |
Table Information: construc - Construction Type Codes
This table (CONSTRUC) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for documenting construction type.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | Construction type labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true | |
code - CODE | Construction type codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true |
Table Information: context - Context Codes
This table (CONTEXT) is a lookup table containing codes and labels for designating archaeological context.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | Context labels | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Label | none | none | true | |
code - CODE | Context codes | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true |
Table Information: crew - Crew Name Codes
This table (CREW) contains crew member initials and full names.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
name - NAME | Crew member names | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
initial - INITIAL | Crew member initials | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: crossdat - Cross Dating Data
This table (CROSSDAT) contains cross dating data.
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
types - Types | Types | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
stratum - Stratum | Stratum | |||||
TEXT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Stratum | none | none | true | |
low90 - Low 90 | Low 90 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
low50 - Low 50 | Low 50 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
hi90 - High 50 | High 50 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
hi50 - High 90 | High 90 | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Date | none | none | true | |
cases - Cases | Cases | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Dating Sample : Other | none | none | true |
Table Information: cultzone - Cultural Zone Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: decorat - Groundstone Decoration Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: dorsvent - Dorsal or Ventral vertebral parts
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: drilhole - Drill hole characteristics
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: drillhol - Drill Hole Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: drillrot - Drill Rotation Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: edge - Ornament Edge Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: elem - Rock Art Element Data
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
comments - Comments | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
element - Element | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - Feature no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
orient - Orientation | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
panel - Panel | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
patinat - Patination | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
plength - Panel Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pwidth - Panel Width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rmotif - Motif | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: endshape - End Shape
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: endtype - End Type Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: entryfac - Entry Facing
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: entryway - Entryway Location Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: exattach - Exterior Attachment Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: excameth - Excavation Method Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: exsurffi - External Ceramic Surface Finish
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: exsurftr - External Surface Treatment
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: facedec - Decoration Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fburn - Burning characteristics
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fcond - Condition of Faunal Material
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fcr - Fire Cracked Rock Data
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
asmfeat - ASM no and Feature no | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fcrcount - Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mpn - Minimum Provenience no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
level - Level | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fcrweigh - Weight | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: feat - Features Data
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
area - Area | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
asm - ASM no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
depth - Depth | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
featclas - Feature Class | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feattype - Feature Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - Feature no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
longaxis - Long Axis | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
north - Northing | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
svolume - Screened Volume | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
tvolume - Total Volume | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
shortaxi - Short Axis | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
projyear - Project Year | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
east - Easting | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: featclas - Feature Class Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: featgrou - Feature Group
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
featclas - Feature Class | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feattype - Feature Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: feattype - Feature Type Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: felem - Faunal Element type
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: ffrag - Bone fragmentation
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: ffusion - Proximal and Distal Fusion
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: filelist - File List
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
filnam - FILNAM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: film - Film Data
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
asa - ASA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
dateload - Date Loaded | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
exposure - Exposure no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
projyear - Project Year | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
roll - Roll no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
filmtype - Film Type | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
camera - Camera no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fincond - Final Condition Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fmod - Bone modification codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: form - Shell Form Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fscreen - Screen mesh used
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fside - Side from which animal bones come
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: fspecies - Species of animal bone
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: genfeat - General Feature Data
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
area - Area | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
botbsl - Bottom Below String Level | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
botelev - Bottom Elevation | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
botlevel - Bottom Level | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
burned - Burned | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
charcoal - Charcoal | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
crew - Crew | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cultzone - Cultural Zone | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
depth - Depth | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - Feature | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
longaxis - Long Axis | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
orient - Orientation | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
planshap - Plan Shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
profshap - Profile Shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
shortaxi - Short Axis | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
soilcolo - Soil Color | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
topbsl - Top Below String Level | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
topelev - Top Elevation | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
toplevel - Top Level | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
soiltext - Soil Texture | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
inclusio - Inclusions | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: genshape - General Shape Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: glennpollen - GLENNPOLLEN
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
collmeth - COLLMETH | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
samprep - SAMPREP | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
context - CONTEXT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - STRATUM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratype - STRATYPE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - FEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feattype - FEATTYPE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - SUBFEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subtype - SUBTYPE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: goodie - Special Finds
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: grainsiz - Groundstone Grain Size
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: grovshap - Groove Shape Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: grovstri - Groove Striation Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: grovtype - Groove Type Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: gsclass - Ground Stone Artifact Class
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: hafthole - Hafthole Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: hafting - Hafting Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: hole - Ornament Hole Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: inattach - Interior Attachment Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: inclusio - Feature Inclusion Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: insurffi - Internal Ceramic Surface Finish
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: insurftr - Internal Ceramic Surface Treatment
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: invent - Inventory
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
box - Box no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
comment - Comments | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
dateout - Date Checked Out | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
location - Location | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
safe - Safe | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
shelf - Shelf no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
status - Status | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
who - User | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: iow - Items of Worth
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
iowcount - IOWCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
goodie - Special Find | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: iow_with_bad_spec - IOW with bad spec#
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
goodie - GOODIE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
count - COUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: level - Level Data
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
crew - Crew | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
areaburn - % of Area Burned | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
avebot - Average Bottom | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
avetop - Average Top | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
begdate - Beginning Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
burned - Burned | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
charcoal - Charcoal | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cultzone - Cultural Zone | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
east - Easting | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
enddate - End Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
excameth - Excavation Method | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fcrcount - Fire Cracked Rock Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fcrweigh - Fire Cracked Rock Weight | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - Feature No. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
inclusio - Inclusions | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
level - Level | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
leveltyp - Level Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
locus - Locus | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mixed - Mixed | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mpn - Minimum Provenience no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
nebegin - NE Beginning | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
neend - NE End | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
north - Northing | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
nwbegin - NW Beginning | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
nwend - NW End | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
portion - Portion | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
projyear - Project Year | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
roomquar - Room Quarter | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
screen - Screening | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sebegin - SE Beginning | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
seend - SE End | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sizeeast - Unit Size East | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sizenort - Unit Size North | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
soilcolo - Soil Color | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
soiltext - Soil Texture | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
soilzone - Soil Zone | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
strategy - Room Strategy | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - Stratum | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
swbegin - SW Beginning | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
swend - SW End | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
trench - Trench | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
unittype - Unit Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
volume - Volume | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wall - Wall | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: leveltyp - Level Type Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: lithclas - Lithic Class Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: lithshap - Lithic Shape Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: lithsize - Lithic Size Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: lithtype - Lithic Type Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: macrobot_with_prov - macrobot with prov
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
count - COUNT_ | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pname_label - PNAME_LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mspecies_label - MSPECIES_LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
common - COMMON | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sitegrp - SITEGRP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
asm - ASM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - FEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - SUBFEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - STRATUM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
level - LEVEL_ | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: mangroup - Management Group Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: manutech - Manufacturing Technique
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: material - Lithic Material
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: mbotres - Macrobotanical Results
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
count - COUNT_ | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mspecies - Species | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pname - Part Name | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: mcommon - Macrobotanical Common Names
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: mni - MNI Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: motif - Shell Motif Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: mspecies - Macrobotanical Species Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
common - COMMON | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: mspecies__2____with_old - MSPECIES (2) - with old labels
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
common - COMMON | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: notches - Lithic Notch Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: notching - Ornament Notching Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: nullspec - NULLSPEC
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
projyear - PROJYEAR | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
asm - ASM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - FEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - SUBFEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - STRATUM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mpn - MPN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
level - LEVEL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spectype - SPECTYPE | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cleaned - CLEANED | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
comment - COMMENT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: obsidian - Obsidian Sourcing
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
choice_1 - Choice 1 | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - Material | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lithclass - LITHCLASS | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
choice_2 - Choice 2 | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sample - Sample | BOOLEAN | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
xrf - XRF | BOOLEAN | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
count - Count | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: oldshel - OLDSHEL
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
count - COUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
species - SPECIES | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
source - SOURCE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
shelfunc - SHELFUNC | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
form - FORM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
complet - COMPLET | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
motif - MOTIF | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
beadtype - BEADTYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bstage - BSTAGE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
xsection - XSECTION | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
width - WIDTH | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thicknes - THICKNES | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - LENGTH | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
totdiam - TOTDIAM | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - WEIGHT | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ptec1 - PTEC1 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pshap1 - PSHAP1 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ploc1 - PLOC1 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pdiam1 - PDIAM1 | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ptec2 - PTEC2 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pshap2 - PSHAP2 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ploc2 - PLOC2 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pdiam2 - PDIAM2 | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ebevel - EBEVEL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
echip - ECHIP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ecut - ECUT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
eground - EGROUND | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
eserrat - ESERRAT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ewear - EWEAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
scarve - SCARVE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
setch - SETCH | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sincise - SINCISE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spaint - SPAINT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sperf - SPERF | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spolish - SPOLISH | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sresist - SRESIST | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ubroken - UBROKEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ucarve - UCARVE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uground - UGROUND | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uflat - UFLAT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ulop - ULOP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uperf - UPERF | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
upolish - UPOLISH | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uraised - URAISED | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
usquare - USQUARE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
utriang - UTRIANG | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
beach - BEACH | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
breccia - BRECCIA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
burn - BURN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
exfoliat - EXFOLIAT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
growline - GROWLINE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
worm - WORM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
analyst - ANALYST | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: ornament - Ornament Type Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: paint - Paint Color and Material
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: paste - Interior Core Paste Color
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: permit - Permit Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
codes - CODES | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
permit - PERMIT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: photos - Photo Log
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
site - SITE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
view - VIEW_ | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
level - LEVEL_ | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
angle - Angle | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
comment - Comment | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
crew - Crew | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - Feature no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
frame - Frame no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lens - Lens | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
roll - Roll no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
speed - Speed | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - Subfeature no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subject - Subject | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
time - Time | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fstop - FStop | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: pigcomb - Pigment Combination Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: pigmod - Pigment Modification Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: piguse - Pigment Use Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: planshap - Feature Plan Shape Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: pname - Macrobotanical Part Name
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: pname__2__with_old_label - PNAME (2) with old labels
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pname - PNAME | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: polfeat - POLFEAT
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
feature - FEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - SUBFEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - STRATUM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feattype - FEATTYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
featclas - FEATCLAS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: pollen - Pollen Data
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
abselev - Absolute Level | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
adobe - Adobe | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ash - Ash | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ashlens - Ash Lens | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bark - Barls | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bone - Bone | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
burnclay - Burned Clay | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
burnrock - Burned Rock | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ceramic - Ceramic | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
charcoal - Charcoal | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
context - Context | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
crew - Crew | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
daub - Daub | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
depthbsl - Depth Below String Line | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fcr - Fire Cracked Rock | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
flotvol - Float Volume | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
gs - Ground Stone | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
historic - Historic | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
histrash - Historic Trash | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
insect - Insects | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
prehist - Prehistoric | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rodent - Rodent | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rootruns - Root runners | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
roots - Roots | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
samprepr - Sample Preparation | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sealedby - Sealed By | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
seeds - Seeds | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
shell - Shell | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
soilmott - Soil Mottling | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spectype - Specimen Type | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
collmeth - Collection Method | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lithic - Lithic | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: polstrat - POLSTRAT
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
feature - FEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - SUBFEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - STRATUM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feattype - FEATTYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratype - STRATYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
featclas - FEATCLAS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: profile - Profile Drawing on sherd large enough to indicate upper body or whole vessel profile
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: profshap - Feature Profile Shape Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: proxdist - Faunal Proximal Distance Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: query - Stage II Ceramics Query
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
arc - Rim arc | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
asm - ASM no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
diameter - Rim Diameter | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feattype - Feature Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - Feature no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2citype - Stage 2 Ceramic Intrusive Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - Subfeature no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subtype - Subfeature Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vesspart - Vessel Part | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: report - Site Report Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: ridgplan - Shape of Ridge
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: rimtip - Rim Tip Shape
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: rmotif - Rock Art Motif Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: roll_renumber - Roll Renumber
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
duplicate_roll - Duplicate Roll # | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
new_roll - New Roll # | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: rpms_float - RPMS Float
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
projyear - PROJYEAR | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sitegrp - SITEGRP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
asm - ASM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - FEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
subfeature - SUBFEATURE | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stratum - STRATUM | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mpn - MPN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
level - LEVEL_ | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spectype - SPECTYPE | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cleaned - CLEANED | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
speccount - SPECCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specstatus - SPECSTATUS | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
comment - COMMENT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: rpms_float1 - RPMS Float1
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
itemid - ItemId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
accid - AccId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
accessionno - AccessionNo | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
oldcatnum - OldCatNum | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
provkey - ProvKey | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fieldid - FieldId | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
continentid - ContinentId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
countryid - CountryId | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
stateid - StateId | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mpn - MPN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
statusid - StatusId | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
origbox - OrigBox | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
box - Box | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
buildingid - BuildingId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
roomid - RoomId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
location - Location | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
loanid - LoanId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
oldspectype - Oldspectype | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
objectname - ObjectName | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
description - Description | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cultassn - CultAssn | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spectypeid - SpecTypeId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specsubtypeid - SpecSubTypeId | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
funcid - FuncId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
typestyle - TypeStyle | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
itemcount - ItemCount | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
numitemsunitid - NumItemsUnitId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sitenum - SiteNum | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feature - Feature | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifactcontext - ArtifactContext | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cataloger - Cataloger | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
itemcond - ItemCond | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
catalogid - CatalogId | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
illustrated - Illustrated | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
figureid - FigureId | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
notes - Notes | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
changenotes - ChangeNotes | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
datemod - DateMod | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
modby - ModBy | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: rv - Reconsructable Vessels
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
sics - SICS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
complete - Completeness of Vessel | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sherdnum - Sherd no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vessel - Vessel no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vesstype - Vessel type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1cs - Stage I Ceramic Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date Analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
luster - Degree of sherd polish | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cscount - Number of sherds | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cstrea - Surface treatment | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen number | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vesspart - Vessel part | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1cstrea - Surface Treatment Coding Index
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
label - Surface treatment description | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
code - Surface treatment code | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1f - Stage I Faunal Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
butcher - Butcher marks | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
dorsvent - Dorsal or ventrical vertebral characteristics | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fburn - Burning characteristics | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fcond - Bone condition | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
felem - Element id. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ffrag - Degree of fragmentation | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ffusion - Fusion format | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fmod - Bone Modification | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fside - Faunal side | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fspecies - Species id. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fweight - | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
mni - Minimum no. of individuals | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
proxdist - Proximal distance | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1fcount - No. of bones | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fscreen - Screen Mesh Size | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1g - Stage I Groundstone Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date Analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fragment - Fragment | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grainsiz - Grain size | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
gsclass - Ground Stone Class | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - Material type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pigment - Pigment | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thicknes - Thickness | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
width - Width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1l - Stage I Lithics
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1lcount - Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - Material type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lithtype - Lithic Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1l_with_bad_spec - S1L with bad spec #
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
s1l_specimen - S1L_SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lithtype - LITHTYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - MATERIAL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1lcount - S1LCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spec_specimen - SPEC_SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1ltype - Stage I Lithic Type Codes
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s1s - Stage I Shell Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
beadtype - Bead Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
complet - Completeness | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
form - Form | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
motif - Motif | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1scount - Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
shelfunc - Function | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
source - Source | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
species - Species ID | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2cd - Stage II Ceramic Diagnostic (Undecorated)
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
arc - ARC | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - ARTIFACT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vesspart - VESSPART | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cstrea - S1CSTREA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimtip - RIMTIP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bodyform - BODYFORM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
diameter - DIAMETER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimcomp - RIMCOMP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thicknes - THICKNES | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
profile - PROFILE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rounquar - ROUNQUAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
anguquar - ANGUQUAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feldspar - FELDSPAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
biotmica - BIOTMICA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
blacpyro - BLACPYRO | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
micaschi - MICASCHI | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
phylschi - PHYLSCHI | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sherd - SHERD | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
redminer - REDMINER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
texture - TEXTURE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2cdcount - S2CDCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sizeclas - SIZECLAS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
analyst - ANALYST | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2cd_with_bad_spec - S2CD with bad spec #
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
analyst - ANALYST | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - ARTIFACT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vesspart - VESSPART | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cstrea - S1CSTREA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimtip - RIMTIP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bodyform - BODYFORM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
diameter - DIAMETER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
arc - ARC | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimcomp - RIMCOMP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thicknes - THICKNES | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
profile - PROFILE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rounquar - ROUNQUAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
anguquar - ANGUQUAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feldspar - FELDSPAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
biotmica - BIOTMICA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
blacpyro - BLACPYRO | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
micaschi - MICASCHI | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
phylschi - PHYLSCHI | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sherd - SHERD | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
redminer - REDMINER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
texture - TEXTURE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2cdcount - S2CDCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sizeclas - SIZECLAS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2cd_with_bad_texture_co - S2CD with bad texture code
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
texture - TEXTURE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
analyst - ANALYST | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - ARTIFACT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vesspart - VESSPART | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cstrea - S1CSTREA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimtip - RIMTIP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bodyform - BODYFORM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
diameter - DIAMETER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
arc - ARC | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimcomp - RIMCOMP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thicknes - THICKNES | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
profile - PROFILE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rounquar - ROUNQUAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
anguquar - ANGUQUAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
feldspar - FELDSPAR | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
biotmica - BIOTMICA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
blacpyro - BLACPYRO | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
micaschi - MICASCHI | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
phylschi - PHYLSCHI | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sherd - SHERD | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
redminer - REDMINER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sizeclas - SIZECLAS | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2cdcount - S2CDCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2ci - Stage II Ceramic Intrusive Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
arc - Linear measurement of circumf | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bodyform - Body form | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
carbstre - Carbon streak | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
diameter - Diameter of vessel orifice | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
exsurffi - External surface finish | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
exsurftr - External surface treatment | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
insurffi - Internal surface finish | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
insurftr - Internal surface treatment | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
manutech - Manufacturing technique | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
paint - Paint type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
paste - Interior core past | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimcomp - Rim completeness | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
rimtip - Shape of rim tip | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2cicount - Sherd count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2citype - Ceramic type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2ciware - Ceramic ware | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sizeclas - Size of sherds | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specfeat - Special features | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
style - Ceramic style | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
temper - Temper type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thicknes - Thickness of sherd | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vessform - Vessel form | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vesspart - Vessel part | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight of all counted sherds | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2cit - Stage II Ceramic Intrusive Typology
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
artifact - Artifact | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2cicount - Sherd count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2citype - Ceramic type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2ciware - Ceramic ware | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2cit_with_bad_spec - S2CIT with bad spec #
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - ARTIFACT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2ciware - S2CIWARE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2citype - S2CITYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2cicount - S2CICOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2citype - Stage II Ceramic Intrustive Type
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2ciware - Stage II Ceramic Analysis Ware Coding Index
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2l - Stage 2 lithics
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst name | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lithclas - Lithic Class | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - Material Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2lcount - Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2lsize - Stage II Lithics Size
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst init. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2lcount - Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen Number | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lithsize - Lithic Size | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2lsize_with_bad_spec - S2LSIZE with bad spec #
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - ANALYST | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
lithsize - LITHSIZE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2lcount - S2LCOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s2s - Stage II Shell Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
worm - Worm | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
xsection - Cross Section | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
analyst - Analyst init. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
beach - Beach Wear | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
beadtype - Bead Type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
breccia - Breccia | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bstage - Bracelet Stage | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
burn - Burning | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
complet - Completeness | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date Analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ebevel - Edge Bevel | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
echip - Edge Chipping | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ecut - Edge Cut | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
eground - Edge Ground | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
eserrat - Edge Serration | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ewear - Edge Wear | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
exfoliat - Exfoliation | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
form - Form | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
growline - Growline | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
motif - Motif | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pdiam1 - Perforation Diameter 1 | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pdiam2 - Perforation Diameter 2 | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ploc1 - Perforation Location 1 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ploc2 - Perforation Location 2 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pshap1 - Perforation Shape 1 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pshap2 - Perforation Shape 2 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ptec1 - Perforation Technique 1 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ptec2 - Perforation Technique 2 | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2scount - Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
scarve - Surface Carving | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
setch - Surface Etchng | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
shelfunc - Function | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sincise - Surface Incising | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
source - Source | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spaint - Surface Paint | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
species - Species | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sperf - Surface Perforation | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
spolish - Surface Polish | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
sresist - Surface Resist | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thicknes - Thickness | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
totdiam - Total Diameter | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ubroken - Broken Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uground - Ground Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ulop - Lopsided Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uperf - Perforated Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
upolish - Polished Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uraised - Raised Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
usquare - Square Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
utriang - Triagular Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
width - Width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ucarve - Carved Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
uflat - Umbo | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3ck - Ceramic and Lithic Disk Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
category - Ceramic or lithic | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
centhole - Center hole | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
complete - % Complete | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
diameter - Disk diameter | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
drilhole - Drill hole | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
eventhik - Even thickness | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
extdiam - Maximum exterior hole diameter | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
holediam - Vertical hole diameter | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
intdiam - Maximum interior hole diameter | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - Material type for lithics | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
maxthick - Maximum thickness | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
minthick - Minimum thickness | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
profile - Disk profile shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cstrea - Surface treatment for ceramic | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2citype - Ceramic type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3ck_wth_bad_spec - S3CK wth bad spec #
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
analyst - ANALYST | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - ARTIFACT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
category - CATEGORY | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
diameter - DIAMETER | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
minthick - MINTHICK | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
maxthick - MAXTHICK | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
eventhik - EVENTHIK | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
holediam - HOLEDIAM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
intdiam - INTDIAM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
extdiam - EXTDIAM | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s1cstrea - S1CSTREA | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s2citype - S2CITYPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - MATERIAL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
profile - PROFILE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
centhole - CENTHOLE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
drilhole - DRILHOLE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - WEIGHT | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
complete - COMPLETE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3ga - Stage III Groundstone-Axe Analysis
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bladlen - Blade Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bladthic - Blade Thickness | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
bladwid - Blade Width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
hafting - Hafting | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - Total Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s3gacomp - Completeness | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s3gafin - Finish | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s3gafunc - Function | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s3gawork - Worked | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gacomp - Stage III Groundstone-Axe Completeness
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gae - Stage III Groundtone Axe Ends
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
endtype - End shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
polish - Polished | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
chipped - Chipped | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
endshape - End Shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
impact - Impact Wear | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pecked - Pecked Wear | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
striated - Striations | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gafin - Stage III Groundstone-Axe Finish
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gafunc - Stage III Groundstone-Axe Function
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gawork - Stage III Groundstone-Axe Working
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gb - Stage III Groundstone-Special
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
cortex - Cortex | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date Analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
facets - Number of Facets | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
modgrind - Modification Grinding | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
modpeck - Modification Pecking | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
resother - Other Residue | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
respaint - Paint Residue | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
resstain - Stain Residue | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s3gbshap - Shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
usewear - Usewear | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wearpeck - Wear Pecking | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wearpol - Wear Polish | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wearstri - Wear Striations | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gbshap - Stage III Groundstone Shape-Special
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
code - CODE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
label - LABEL | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gm - Stage III Groundstone-Metate
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
hole - Hole | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
totaldep - Total Depth | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
trghdep - Trough Depth | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
trghlen - Trough Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
trghwid - Trough Width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gs - Shaft Straighteners
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fire - Fire | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grooves - Number of Grooves | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
incised - Incising | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
incision - Number of Deep Incision | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
pecked - Pecking | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
planview - Plan view of artifact | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ridgplan - Ridges | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
texture - Stone texture | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
vestridg - Number of Vestigial ridges | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
width - Width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
xsection - Cross section | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gsf - Stage III Groundstone Shaft Straightener Facets
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
face - Face no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
facet - Number of Facets | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
ground - Ground | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
peck - Pecking | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
polish - Polish | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
residue - Residue | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
striat - Striations | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
decorat - Decoration | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3gsg - Stage III Groundstone-Shaft Straightener Grooves
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
face - Number of Faces | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
groove - Number of Grooves | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grovdep - Groove depth | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grovlen - Groove length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grovshap - Groove shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grovstri - Groove striations | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grovtype - Groove type | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
grovwid - Groove width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3la - Stage III Lithics-Agave Knives
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst init. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
fincond - Final Condition | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
genshape - General Shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
hafthole - Hafting Holes | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - Length | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - Material | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
notched - Notching | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
residue - Residue | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s3lacount - Count | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
serrated - Serration | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - Specimen no. | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
striori - Striation Orientation | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thick - Thickness | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wearpatt - Wear Pattern | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - Weight | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
width - Width | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
workcond - Worked Condition | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wornshap - Worn Shape | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3la_with_bad_spec - S3LA with bad spec #
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
fincond - FINCOND | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
genshape - GENSHAPE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wornshap - WORNSHAP | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
serrated - SERRATED | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
hafthole - HAFTHOLE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
notched - NOTCHED | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
wearpatt - WEARPATT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
striori - STRIORI | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
residue - RESIDUE | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - MATERIAL | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - LENGTH | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
width - WIDTH | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
thick - THICK | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
weight - WEIGHT | DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
s3lacount - S3LACOUNT | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
specimen - SPECIMEN | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
analyst - ANALYST | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - DATE | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - ARTIFACT | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
workcond - WORKCOND | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Table Information: s3lo - Stage III Lithics-Ornaments, Raw Material, and Pigment Stones
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
analyst - Analyst init. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
artifact - Artifact no. | TEXT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
conditio - Condition | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
date - Date analyzed | DATETIME | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
edge - Edge Treatment | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
hole - Hole | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
length - Length | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true |
material - Material | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none |