Faunal Element (Shell Mound Archaeological Project)


Element identification. Updated Jan. 2017 to include teeth.

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Faunal Element (Shell Mound Archaeological Project). George Crothers. 1996 ( tDAR id: 394427) ; doi:10.6067/XCV83R0TZ5

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Ontology: Fauna Element Ontology

Category: Fauna

Subcategory: Element

Coding Rules

Code Term Description Mapped Ontology Node
ANT Antler Antler
AST Astragalus Talus Astragalus
ATC Articular Articular
ATL Atlas Atlas
AXS Axis Axis
BAC Baculum Baculum
C Canine Canine
C/1 Lower Canine Lower C
C1/ Upper Canine Upper C
CAL Calcaneus Calcaneus
CAP Capitate Capitate
CAU Caudal Caudal Vertebra
CER Cervical Cervical Vertebra
CLA Clavicle Clavicle
CLE Cleithrum Preopercular
CMC Carpometacarpus Carpometacarpus
COR Coracoid Coracoid
CPF Carapace/Plastron Carapace or Plastron
CPL Carpal Carpal
CPTS Carpal/Tarsal Carpal or Tarsal
CRA Cranium Skull
CRP Carapace Carapace
CTE Ctenoid Scale Ctenoid Scale
CUB Cuboid Cuboid
CUN Cuneiform 1st Cuneiform
CYC Cycloid Scale Cycloid Scale
DEN Dentary Mandible
DSP Dorsal Spine Dorsal Ray/Spine
EF Enamal Fragment Enamel Fragment
ENT Entoplastron Entoplastron
EPI Epiplastron Epiplastron
EPS Epistropheus Axis
ETH Ethmoid Ethmoid
FEM Femur Femur
FIB Fibula Fibula
FIN Fin Fin
FRB False Rib Floating Rib
FRO Frontal Frontal
GAN Ganoid Scale Ganoid Scale
HUM Humerus Humerus
HYM Hyomandibular Hyomandibular
HYO Hyoid Hyoid
HYP Hypoplastron Hypoplastron
I Incisor Incisor
I/0 Lower Incisor Incisor Lower
I/1 Lower I1 Incisor Lower i1
I/2 Lower I2 Incisor Lower I2
I/3 Lower I3 Incisor Lower I3
I/4 Lower I4 Incisor Lower I4
I0/ Upper Incisor Incisor Upper
I1 Incisor 1 I1
I1/ Upper I1 Incisor Upper i1
I2 Incisor 2 I2
I2/ Upper I2 Incisor Upper I2
I3 Incisor 3 I3
I3/ Upper I3 Incisor Upper I3
I4 Incisor 4 I4
I4/ Upper I4 Incisor Upper I4
ILM Ilium Ilium
IND Indeterminate Unidentified Fragment
INN Innominate Innominate
ISM Ischium Ischium
LAC Lacrimal Lacrimal
LUM Lumbar Lumbar Vertebra
LUN Lunate Lunate
M Molar Molar
M/0 Lower Molar Molar Lower
M/1 Lower M1 Molar Lower M1
M/2 Lower M2 Molar Lower M2
M/3 Lower M3 Molar Lower M3
M0/ Upper Molar Molar Upper
M1 Molar 1 M1
M1/ Upper M1 Molar Upper M1
M12 M1 or M2 Molar M1 or M2
M2 Molar 2 M2
M2/ Upper M2 Molar Upper M2
M3 Molar 3 M3
M3/ Upper M3 Molar Upper M3
MAN Mandible w/o teeth Mandible w/o Teeth
MAN+ Mandible w/ teeth Mandible w/ Teeth
MAX Maxilla w/o teeth Maxilla w/o Teeth
MAX+ Maxilla w/ teeth Maxilla w/ Teeth
MP Molar or Premolar Molar or Premolar
MTC Metacarpal Metacarpal
MTP Metapodial Metapodial
MTT Metatarsal Metatarsal
NAS Nasal Nasal
NAV Navicular Navicular
NEU Neural Neural
NUC Nuchal Nuchal
NVC Navicular-cuboid Navicular & Cuboid
OCC Occipital Occipital
OPE Operculum Opercular
OS Ossified Tendons Ossified Tendon
OTO Otolith Otolith
P Premolar Premolar
P/0 Lower Premolar Premolar Lower
P/1 Lower P1 Premolar Lower P1
P/2 Lower P2 Premolar Lower P2
P/3 Lower P3 Premolar Lower P3
P/4 Lower P4 Premolar Lower P4
P0/ Upper Premolar Premolar Upper
P1 Premolar 1 P1
P1/ Upper P1 Premolar Upper P1
P2 Premolar 2 P2
P2/ Upper P2 Premolar Upper P2
P3 Premolar 3 P3
P3/ Upper P3 Premolar Upper P3
P4 Premolar 4 P4
P4/ Upper P4 Premolar Upper P4
PAL Palatine Palatine
PAR Parietal Parietal
PAT Patella Patella
PER Peripherals Marginals Peripheral
PH Phalange Phalanx
PH1 Proximal Phalanx 1st Phalanx
PH2 Middle Phalanx 2nd Phalanx
PH3 Distal Phalanx 3rd Phalanx
PHA Pharyngeal Arch Pharyngeal Bone
PHT Pharyngeal Tooth Pharyngeal Tooth
PIS Pisiform Pisiform
PLA Plastron Plastron
PLE Pleural Pleural
PMX Premaxilla w/o teeth Premaxilla
PMX+ Premaxilla w/ teeth Premaxilla w/ Teeth
POL Pollex Pollex
POP Preoperculum Preopercular
PSP Pectoral Spine Pectoral Fin
PTM Post-Temporal Posttemporal
PUB Pubis Pubis
PYG Pygal Pygal
PYS Pygostyle Pygostyle
QUA Quadrate Quadrate
RAD Radius Radius
RF Root Fragment Root Fragment
RIB Rib Rib
RUL Radio-Ulna Radioulna
SAC Sacral Lumbosacral Vertebrae
SCA Scapula Scapula
SCL Scale Scale
SCP Scaphoid Scaphoid
SES Sesamoid Sesamoid
SET Supraethmoid Supraethmoid
SOP Suboperculum Subopercular
SP Spine Rib, Ray, or Spine
SPH Sphenoid Sphenoid
SRB Sternal Rib Sternal Rib
STE Sternum Sternum
SUP Suprapygal Suprapygal
TAR Tarsal Tarsal
TBT Tibiotarsus Tibiotarsus
TEM Temporal Temporal
TFB Tibio-Fibula Tibiofibula
THO Thoracic Thoracic Vertebra
TIB Tibia Tibia
TMT Tarsometatarsus Tarsometatarsus
TRD Trapezoid Trapezoid
TRI Triquetral Triquetrum
TRK Trunk Vertebra Precaudal Vertebra
TRM Trapezium Trapezium
TTH Tooth, not in socket Tooth
ULN Ulna Ulna
UNC Unciform Hamate Hamate
UNG Ungual Plange Claw Peripheral 3rd Phalanx
URO Urostyle Urostyle
VER Vertebra Vertebra
XIP Ziphiplastron Xiphiplastron
ZYG Zygomatic Zygomatic
dc/1 Lower dc deciduous canine Lower dc
dc1/ Upper dc deciduous canine Upper dc
di Deciduous Incisor Deciduous Incisor
dp Deciduous Premolar Deciduous Premolar
dp/1 Lower dp1 deciduous premolar Lower dp1
dp/2 Lower dp2 deciduous premolar Lower dp2
dp/3 Lower dp3 deciduous premolar Lower dp3
dp/4 Lower dp4 deciduous premolar Lower dp4
dp1 dp1 deciduous premolar dp1
dp1/ Upper dp1 deciduous premolar Upper dp1
dp2 dp2 deciduous premolar dp2
dp2/ Upper dp2 deciduous premolar Upper dp2
dp3 dp3 deciduous premolar dp3
dp3/ Upper dp3 deciduous premolar Upper dp3
dp4 dp4 deciduous premolar dp4
dp4/ Upper dp4 deciduous premolar Upper dp4
Special Coding Rules: These entries are not in the coding-sheet, but represent edge-cases in Data Integration that may benefit from custom mappings
The following coding rules exist in datasets mapped to this coding sheet, but are not in the coding sheet

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): George Crothers

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Crothers-Element-Coding-Sheet.xlsx 12.17kb Jan 3, 2017 8:48:01 AM Public