The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama Collection

Collection of documents, images, datasets, and GIS data files related to the Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama project.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-71 of 71)

The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- ArcMap Project Files
  1. The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- ArcMap Project Files
  2. Basalt Least Cost Path Final Map (2010)
  3. Basalt Least Cost Path Final Map (2010)
  4. Culture Areas Final Map (2010)
  5. Dacite Slab Least Cost Path Final Map (2010)
  6. Early Systematic Looted Systematic Final Map (2010)
  7. KH Sites Final Map (2010)
  8. Petroglyph Concentration Final Map (2010)
  9. Quarry Locations Final Map (2010)
  10. Use Areas Final Map (2010)
  11. World Museum Map Final Map (2010)
The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- Documents, Images, and Datasets
  1. The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- Documents, Images, and Datasets
The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- Raster Files
  1. The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- Raster Files
The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- Shapefiles and Raster files
  1. The Archaeology of Highland Chiriqui, Panama -- Shapefiles and Raster files
  2. Algarrobos_Laja_Path Shapefile (2010)
  3. Antiq_EarlyArch_Bateman Shapefile (2010)
  4. Antiq_EarlyArch_Linne Shapefile (2010)
  5. Antiq_EarlyArch_Osgood Shapefile (2010)
  6. Antiq_EarlyArch_Wassen Shapefile (2010)
  7. Barutif Raster (2010)
  8. Boquete_12k_Clip Raster (2010)
  9. Boquete_50k_Clip Raster (2010)
  10. Caldera_River Shapefile (2010)
  11. Cent_Amer_Volcs Shapefile (2010)
  12. Central_Am_Country_Boundaries Shapefile (2010)
  13. Cerropunta_50k_Clip Raster (2010)
  14. Chiriqui Shapefile (2010)
  15. Clip_100m Shapefile (2010)
  16. Clip_10m Shapefile (2010)
  17. Clip_50m Shapefile (2010)
  18. Clip_5m_New Shapefile (2010)
  19. Clipped_Baru_Area_B10 Raster (2010)
  20. Culture_Bound Shapefile (2010)
  21. Culture_Boundaries Shapefile (2010)
  22. Est_Looted_Graves_Area Shapefile (2010)
  23. Hillshade_New Raster (2010)
  24. Hillshd_250az Raster (2010)
  25. Ladrillos_Path Shapefile (2010)
  26. Landsat_2001_321 Raster (2010)
  27. Looted_Bugavita_Gold_Rush Shapefile (2010)
  28. Looted_KH_Identified Shapefile (2010)
  29. Looted_McNeil_Harvard Shapefile (2010)
  30. Looted_McNeil_Smithsonian Shapefile (2010)
  31. Looted_McNeil_Yale Shapefile (2010)
  32. Museums Shapefile (2010)
  33. N_17_05 Raster (2010)
  34. Panama_Hydro Shapefile (2010)
  35. Petroglyph_Concentration Shapefile (2010)
  36. Petroglyph_Viewshed Shapefile (2010)
  37. Petroglyphs Shapefile (2010)
  38. Quarries Shapefile (2010)
  39. Springs Shapefile (2010)
  40. SRTM Raster (2010)
  41. SRTM_4_USGS Raster (2010)
  42. SRTM_Utm17_Clip Raster (2010)
  43. SRTM_UTM_17 Raster (2010)
  44. Survey_Areas Shapefiles (2010)
  45. Systematic_Haberland Shapefile (2010)
  46. Systematic_KH Shapefile (2010)
  47. Systematic_Kunne Shapefile (2010)
  48. Systematic_Linares Shapefile (2010)
  49. Systematic_Palumbo Shapefile (2010)
  50. Systematic_Ranere Shapefile (2010)
  51. Systematic_Shelton Shapefile (2010)
  52. Systematic_Stirling Shapefile (2010)
  53. Systematic_Wake Shapefile (2010)
  54. Use_Areas Shapefile (2010)
  55. Volcan_12k_Clip Raster (2010)
  56. Volcan_50k_Clip Raster (2010)
  57. World_Oceans Shapefile (2010)
  58. World_PoliticalBoundaries Shapefile (2010)