Phase I Archaeological Resources Inventory, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (1998.040)

Part of: Naval Recreation Center Solomons, Calvert County, Maryland

This collection contains an artifact inventory and survey logs for artifacts collected during phase I investigations at Solomons Annex, Maryland. The MAC Lab accession number for these documents is 1998.040. This collection also includes the project page Phase I Survey, US Navy Recreation Center, Solomons Annex (1998.040).

This survey was conducted by the staff of the Southern Maryland Regional Center at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum in cooperation with the Cultural and Natural Resources Branch of the Environmental and Natural Resources Division of the Patuxent River Naval Air Station. Funding for the project was provided by the Department of Defense’s Legacy Resources Management Program.

The Solomons Annex is located on the eastern shore of the Patuxent River in southern Calvert County, Maryland. Field methods for the investigation consisted of the excavation of shovel test pits at various intervals throughout all testable portions of the project area. A total of three prehistoric and seven historic archaeological sites were located and recorded during this project. In addition, five archaeologically sensitive areas were located and spatially defined. The prehistoric artifacts recovered date in age from the Early Archaic to the Late Woodland Periods, while the historic sites range in age from the second half of the 17th century to the early 20th century. This report comprises an inventory of archaeological resources within the project area, and is intended to serve as a source of management and planning information for future projects within the Solomons Annex.

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Phase I Archaeological Resources Inventory, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (1998.040)
  1. Phase I Archaeological Resources Inventory, Naval Recreation Center Solomons (1998.040)