National Archeological Database (NADB)


The National Archeological Database—a computerized communications network for the archeological and historic preservation community—was established to improve access to information on archeological activities nationwide.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 353,601-353,700 of 357,007)

There are 357007 Documents within this Collection [remove this filter]

  1. BIA Archaeological Clearance with Regard to Five Roads Branch Undertakings Throughout Alaska, Fifth Project Is the Klawock-Heenya Subdivision, Klawock
  2. BIA Archaeological Clearance with Regard to Five Roads Branch Undertakings Throughout Alaska, First Is Project No. 46(3) Hydaberg
  3. BIA Archaeological Clearance with Regard to Five Roads Branch Undertakings Throughout Alaska, Fourth Is Project No. 56(1), Upper Kalskag
  4. BIA Archaeological Clearance with Regard to Five Roads Branch Undertakings Throughout Alaska, Second Is Eller Subdivision Project, Tanana
  5. BIA Archaeological Inventory of 12 Native Allotments Fairbanks Agency 1982 Field Season. Maggie Albert - Ff012145, Teddy Northway - Ff012952 Parcels C and D
  6. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Anaktuvuk Pass Townsite Lots, 1981 Field Season
  7. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Barbara Bayless Native Allotment A-067655 Near Copper Center, Alaska 1983 Field Season
  8. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Edgar Cerday Native Allotment A061555, Lot 5, Sutton Alaska, 1982, US Survey No 5570
  9. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Elizabeth Hester Native Allotment No. AA008056-A, Near Levelock, Alaska 1982
  10. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Ena Nicolai Native Allotment A-031625 Near Copper Center, Alaska, 1983 Field Season
  11. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Five Native Allotments Fourt Townsite Lots, Anchorage Agency, Feodoria Kallander Pennington, Allotment No. A-26476 NE Portion
  12. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Five Native Allotments, Copper River Area, Alaska
  13. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Five Native Allotments, Copper River Area, Alaska, Sally Hale Allotment
  14. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Fourty-One Townsite Lots and One Native Allotment, Anchorage Agency, 1985
  15. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Frank Stickwan Allotment, Parcells a and B, A-031626 Near Copper Center, Alaska, 1983 Field Season
  16. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Fred Ewan and James Tyone Native Allotments, Crosswind Lake
  17. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Galena, Alaska Townsite Lots, 1983 Field Season
  18. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Irene Gabby Native Allotment Ff-014662, US Survey No 3229
  19. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Johnny Tyone Native Allotment Tyone Lake, Alaska, 1984 Field Season
  20. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Louis Harrison Native Allotment No. A053702, Chickaloon, Alaska 1982
  21. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Nick Demientieff Native Allotment F-028730 Fairbanks, Alaska, 1983 Field Season
  22. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Pete Stephan Native Allotment No. A049574, Near Montana Creek, Alaska, 1982
  23. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Seven Native Allotments, Glacier Bay Area, Alaska, 1982 Field Season
  24. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Stephen John Native Allotment No. A-031630 Near Slana, Alaska, 1983 Field Season
  25. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Townsite Lots, Hoonah, Alaska, 1981 Field Season
  26. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Two Native Allotments Near Glennallen, Alaska, 1982, Mary Walya Wood - AA001006, and Tazlina Joe - A031653
  27. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Two Native Allotments Near Kenai, Alaska, 1982, Thomas Foster No A062020 and Edna Linderman AA007040
  28. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Two Native Allotments Near Mantasta Village, Alaska, 1983 Field Season
  29. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Two Native Allotments Susitna Lake, Alaska 1983 Field Season, Clara Mae James AA000175 and Florence Pennington AA-000164
  30. BIA Archaeological Inventory of Two Native Allotments, Crosswind Lake, Alaska, 1983 Field Season, Clara Mae James AA-000175, and Florence Pennington AA-000164
  31. BIA Archaeological Site Survey Record for Adams House Depressions, Willard and Alice Adams
  32. BIA Archaeological Site Survey Record for Okzenia Delkittle, Alloitment No. AA006512-A
  33. BIA Archaeological Site Survey Record for Paul Chukan's Cabin, Allotment No. AA003352-B, Owner: Thelma Eckert
  34. BIA Cultural Resource Inventory of 19 Native Allotments in Southeast Alaska
  35. BIA Cultural Resource Inventory of Native Allotment No. AA008005, Nelllie Aragon Lindoff, Kruzof Island, Alaska
  36. BIA Cultural Resource Inventory Report of Five Natie Allotments in Honolulu Creek, Montana Creek and Houston, 1983 Field Season
  37. BIA Cultural Resource Inventory Report of Five Native Allotments in Honolulu Creek, Montana Creek and Houston, 1983 Field Season
  38. BIA Cultural Resource Inventory Report Restricted Townsite Lots Juneau Indian Village, 1987
  39. BIA Determination of No Effect for Lease of Howard Luke Allotment, Ff013391, USS No. 6170
  40. BIA Findings of Section 106 Review for Five Alaska Native Allotments in the Vicinity of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska, Wiseman Quadrangle & Chandler Lake Quadrangle, F17765, F17763, F14506, Ff16424A, Ff16424B
  41. BIA Notification of Archaeological Restrictions, to Anchorage Agency, Allotment No A0047826, Joseph C. Mosquito, Pipe R.O.W., Trading Bay
  42. BIA NPS National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form, Kodiak (Kizhuyak Bay) Site
  43. BIA Preliminary Case Report on Archaeological Site Val-050 Southcentral Alaska, NADB No. 1400126, March 20, 1986, Martha Goodlataw Native Allotment No. AA005888
  44. BIA Recommendation for Archaeological Clearance for Gravel Permit on Gtrace Thomas Native Allotment No. F0013547
  45. BIA Recommendation for Archaeological Clearance for Timber Sale of Several Native Allotments
  46. BIA Recommendation for Clearance for Gift Deed of Gillie Jack Native Allotment No. A0061262 and Development Lease on Native Allotment of Mary Ann Hanak, No. AA006025
  47. BIA Recommendation for Clearance for Gift Deed of Truman Cleveland SR. Native Allotment No. F0019645, USS No. 4113
  48. BIA Recommendation for Clearance for Lease of John Nick, SR. Native Property, USS No. 3790 and Gift Deed of Evan Green Native Property, USS No. 3790
  49. BIA Recommendation for Clearance for Remove Restructions on Allan Aspelund Native Allotment No. AA005716 and Land Exchange of Earl Patterson Native Allotment AA005696, USS No. 3539
  50. BIA Recommendation for Clearance of Unrestricted Deed on Jannis Captain Townsite Lot, US Survey No. 5088
  51. BIA Report of Section 106 Investigation on HUD Lease of Lucy and Hamilton Hamilton Native Townsite Lot, US Survey No. 4493
  52. BIA Report of Section 106 Review for Native Allotment No. Ff-013109, James Hoffman Bethel Alaska
  53. BIA Togiak Looting Investigation Synopsis
  54. BIA Use Permit of Native Allotment of Alice Paul-Jung, No. Ff015248, USS 7436
  55. BIA Use Permit on Native Allotment of Cecella Burgett, No. Ff014992, USS 7875
  56. Bibliography of Archaeological Refer- Ences Relating to the Central and North-ern Great Plains Prior to 1930. Smithsonian Institution
  57. Bibliography of North American Indian Art
  58. Bibliography of Reference in Southwest- Ern Colorado, 1977. Bureau of Land Management
  59. Biebe Timber Sale
  60. The Big Bend Basket Maker
  61. Big Creek Highway Proj Bro 0008(4)
  62. Big Hole Federal 1-35 Well
  63. Big Jinx Mining
  64. Big Marsh Restoration Project
  65. Bighorn 9 13 Well Pad and Access Rd
  66. The Billingsley Public Park, an Archeological Assessment
  67. Billions of Bottles
  68. Bioarchaeology in the Northwestern Plains ( Chapter 7 in Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Resources of the Northern Plains, ED. by G. Frison & R. Mainforth, PP 91-119)
  69. Bioarcheology of the Tundra Steppe, the Dry Creek Site, Central Alaska
  70. Biocultural Summary of the Trans-Pecos of Western Texas
  71. Biographic Sketch of John Dwight Woodruff
  72. Biological Basis for Some Features of Mayan Portraiture
  73. Biological Model for Paleoclimatic Interpretation of Mesa Verde Tree-Ring Series
  74. Biological Techniques in Archaeology. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. National Park Service
  75. The Birch River
  76. The Birch River
  77. The Birch River
  78. Biting Fly Geomorphology (35Ha1260) Summer 2000
  79. Bitterroot National Forest (Prehistoric Site Compendium)
  80. Black Canyon and Curecanti Recreation Area
  81. Black Canyon of the Gunnison Nat Mon
  82. Black Crater Road Closures
  83. Black Crater Trailhead & Trail Relocation Project
  84. Black Rock Cave
  85. Black Steer Canyon No. 1 & KV-2 Seismic Lines
  86. Black Steer to Cross Cyn Pipeline / Koch Hydrocarbon
  87. Blackman Site 36Br83: a Proto-Susquehannock Village
  88. The Blair Ranch
  89. Blair Ranch
  90. Blaze / Flame Salvage Timber Sale
  91. BLM 1984 Status Report Dalton Cache Stabilization Project
  92. BLM 1988 Annual Report to SHPO, Assessment of Cultural Resources for Right of Way for Existing Matanuska Telephone Association Telephone Lines
  93. BLM 1988 Annual Report to SHPO, Assessment of Cultural Resources Mining Notice by Charlotte Bradley for Test Holes and Test Cuts
  94. BLM 1990 Annual Report to SHPO for Examination of Cultural Resources for Long Term Camping Permit Ff-086829 and Road Construction Permit Ff-086828 on State Mining Claims Near Confluence of Moose Creek and Fortymile River
  95. BLM Archaeological Survey, Two Poposed Transmission Line Rights of Way in the Anchorage Area
  96. BLM Class III CR Inventory of Two Selected Parcels-Hall Exchange Hinsdale and Gunnison County, Colorado (94Gn039)
  97. BLM Class III Survey of Union Bank & Trust Trespass Involving Two Isolated 10 Acre Parcels East of Montrose (92Ub008)
  98. BLM Class III Survey of Union Bank & Trust Trespass Involving Two Isolated 10 Acre Parcels East of Montrose (92Ub008)
  99. BLM Class III Survey of Union Bank & Trust Trespass Involving Two Isolated 10 Acre Parcels East of Montrose (92Ub008)
  100. BLM the Arctic District Submission for Annual Report - FY 1987