National Archeological Database (NADB)


The National Archeological Database—a computerized communications network for the archeological and historic preservation community—was established to improve access to information on archeological activities nationwide.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 354,601-354,700 of 357,010)

  1. Final Report: Archaeological Impact Assessment of Muskegon County Parcel (Huron #2727)
  2. Final Report: Archaeological Monitoring of Pipeline Section F-6, Henrico Regional Wastewater Treatment System
  3. Final Report: Hackensack Water Pump Station Task Force, December 1998
  4. Finley West Timber Sale
  5. Firearms, Cartridges, and Related Items from Like-A-Fishhook Village
  6. First Congregational Church
  7. Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center (5Am. 123): Misc. Maps, Drawings, and Aerial Photographs
  8. Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center (5Am.123): Misc. Maps, Drawings, and Aerial Photographs
  9. Five Proposed Adolph Coors Well Sites in Mesa and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado
  10. Five Proposed Tower Locations Ground Wave Emergency Network System
  11. Five Utility Pole Locations Near Glenwood Springs - Public Service Company of Colorado (#93-Co-30)
  12. Five Utility Pole Locations Near Glenwood Springs - Public Service Company of Colorado (#93-Co-30)
  13. Flagpole Excavation At Fort Bridger, 48UT29, Wyoming
  14. Flaming Gorge Peaking Power Prj
  15. Flat Top Timber Sale
  16. Flathead National Forest (Prehistoric Site Compendium)
  17. Flatiron Stock Trail
  18. Flats Thin Timber Sale
  19. Fleece Phillip B.O. Timber Sale
  20. Fleece Timber Sale
  21. Flint Arrowpoints from the Eskimo of Northwestern Alaska
  22. Flint Knife Industry of Hopewell Age from Central New York
  23. Flint Run Paleoindian Complex and Its Implications for Eastern North American Prehistory
  24. Flint Working Terminologies and Technologies
  25. Florence Federal Correctional Complex
  26. Florence Federal Correctional Complex
  27. Florida Mesa Air Quality Monitoring Site and Utilities / Access Road Corridor
  28. Florida Mesa Air Quality Monitoring Site and Utilities / Access Road Corridor
  29. Fluted Point and Archaic Relationships
  30. Fly Creek Bpa
  31. Flynn Deer Timber Sale
  32. Flynn Drift R.V. Timber Sale
  33. FM-N56, Aka FM-87() Taylor County Local Systems Supplement to Pcr Vol. 19, No. 18
  34. Focussed Environmental Impact Report Solana Point Venture, EAD Log 82-7-24
  35. Foley Site, 36 Gr 52, Greene County, Pennsylvania
  36. Folsom Points from Southwest Texas
  37. Folsom Technological and Socioeconomic Strategies: Views from Stewart's Cattle Guard and the Upper Rio Grande Basin, Colorado
  38. For Future Use: a Management Conservation Plan for the World War II Sites in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
  39. For Future Use: a Management Conservation Plan for the World War II Sites in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
  40. Foraging Potential of the Blackbrush Community; Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
  41. Fork 79 Bb Timber Sale
  42. Fort Carson High Priority Parcels and Other Miscellaneous Areas
  43. Fort Carson High Priority Parcels and Other Miscellaneous Areas
  44. Fort Frederick: An Archeological Investigation of the Southwest Bastion and Areas Exterior to the North and West Walls
  45. Fort Hancock Planning & Circulation Study / Environmental Assessment
  46. The Fort Martin and Van Voorhis Farm Interim Archaeological Report
  47. Fort McClellan: a Popular History
  48. Fort Meade (MD) Contract, Anne Arundel County: Field Notes
  49. Fort Morgan Old City Hall Building Survey, Morgan County, Colorado Shf #96-M1-034
  50. Fort Pierre Branch, Central South Dakota. RBS / SI
  51. Fort Thompson, Shannon and Campbell Foci
  52. Fort Union and Its Neighbors on the Upper Missouri
  53. Fort Union and the Frontier Army In the Southwest
  54. Fort Union National Monument an Administrative History
  55. Foster Lake, Sunnyside Parks Cultural Resource Survey
  56. Four Prop Coal Explor Wells / Winter Quarters Ridge
  57. Four Reservoir Locations in Ryman Gulch
  58. Four Riparian Catchments
  59. Fourteen Prehistoric Sites in Nankoweap Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park
  60. Fox Hollow Pipeline
  61. Fox Island Site (39DW230) Dewey County, South Dakota. Smithsonian Institution / River Basin Surveys
  62. Fox Mountain Timber Sale
  63. Franklin Flyer Timber Sale
  64. French Creek Grazing Allotment - Class II Survey
  65. French Creek Grazing Allotment - Class II Survey
  66. French Measurement and Values Used in North America
  67. Friendswood Park
  68. Frontier Seis Lines KV-3 & KV-4
  69. Frost Creek Salvage Sale and Road Construction
  70. Fuels Treatment for Bend City Watershed
  71. Fungus and slimeb allllll and 950001
  72. Fy 81 Pole and Post Program Cultural Resources Report
  73. Gadkowski Road Right-Of-Way
  74. The Gallagher Mansion of Govans
  75. Gallatin National Forest (Prehistoric Site Compendium)
  76. Gallatin Street, Livingston
  77. Gard Island No. 3 and Indian Island No. 3 Sites: Two Early Late Woodland Fishing Stations in Southeastern Michigan
  78. Gary Energy Company
  79. Gas Well, Bonneville Fuels 27-11, and Access Road, Garfield County, Colorado (S#1027)
  80. Gauldy Alder Timber Sale
  81. GBIC-PUD
  82. Genealogical Records of Arkansas, Volume 1- 1804-1830
  83. General Development Plan, Baltimore Region, Summary, Draft
  84. General Development Plan, Housing, Baltimore Region, Draft
  85. General Hindman's Map of Northwest Arkansas
  86. General History of Archaeological Activities in the West Branch
  87. General Land Office Records and Maps Records - 3 parts- Maps - 6 parts
  88. General Management Plan Guid for Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Alaska
  89. GEO Seis Services Geophysical Transects-S. Carbon
  90. Geochem Lines 1A 1B in Lisbon and Big Indian Vlys
  91. Geography & Resources of Virginia
  92. The geology of the Burke Quadrangle, Vermont
  93. Geology of the Medicine Crow Site, 1957. Missouri Basin Project, Smith. Inst. Cited in Petsche (Publications in Salvage Archeology, No. 10, 1968)
  94. Geomorphic Study of Pool 10 Upper Mississippi River Basin
  95. Geomorphological Studies in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways
  96. Geomorphology of Paulina Marsh and Its Margins
  97. George Rogers Clark National Monument Interpretive Center Construction: Archaeological Report
  98. George, Prince of Kaua`i.
  99. Geothermal Project Nos. 1-3
  100. German Houses in Page County