Surveys at Patoka Lake 1976
Part of: US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District VCP
The USACE, Louisville District obtained the collection through an archaeological test excavation at the Rockport Site. The report, entitled Test Excavation at the Probable Archaeological Site at Bore Stations N130-E925, E925, N155, E925, N180 Indiana-Michigan Electric Company Rockport Plant Rockport, Indiana, detailed the testing of a probable site that would be impacted by the construction of an intake structure (Johnson and Dorwin N.D.). The initial survey employed subsurface auguring to locate archaeological sites that may have been buried in the floodplain. Soil samples retrieved from auguring were inspected for any indications of cultural activity. Specific methodologies and chemical testing procedures were described in the original survey report. With the application of these techniques, the original survey located two previously known sites, which were exposed in the riverbank, two previously unknown sites, and six probable sites.
The digital materials in this collection were processed by the Veterans Curation Program (VCP), and include the artifact database, artifact report, finding aid, and select artifact photographs. Additional digital materials held by the VCP include additional artifact photographs, box inventories, card stock inserts, document folder listing, GBL catalog, and initial data collection. For additional information on these materials, refer to the Finding Aid.
Site Name Keywords
12CR25 •
12OR90 •
12OR93 •
12OR253 •
12DU205 •
12DU204 •
12OR304 •
12OR303 •
12OR325 •
Other Keywords
Collections Management •
Artifact Report •
Collection Management •
Artifact Database •
Finding Aid
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Heritage Management
Material Types
Chipped Stone •
Ceramic •
Fauna •
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
Indiana (State / Territory) •
Dubois County (County) •
North America (Continent) •
Patoka Lake •
USA (Country)