Quartz Search Result Collection

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-400 of 955)

  1. Ceramic: Untempered mudware, bowl, AMNH 29.0/6754 (2004)
  2. Ceramics, Site 18HA128, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2003)
  3. The Chaffey Hillside Site, CA-Sbr-895; Report on the Cultural Resource Mitigation Program (1982)
  4. Changing Settlement / Subsistence Along the Upper Mojave River, California (1992)
  5. Characterization of early imperial lacquerware from the Luozhuang Han tomb, China (2017)
  7. Chemical etching of wear features on experimental quartz tools (1988)
  8. Chert and Crystal Quartz During the Late Archaic (1982)
  9. Chevron Exploration's Quartz Mountain Project (1989)
  10. Chevron Resources Company Quartz Mountain Project Expansion Parcels and Proposed Access Roads (1990)
  11. Chronometry at Bear Creek, a ~12,000 Year-Old Site in Western Washington (2017)
  12. Clark Mountain Fenceline (1980)
  13. Class II Archaeological Study of a Portion of Stoddard Valley (1980)
  14. Class II Archaeological Survey of the Rasor Off-Highway Vehicle Area, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
  15. Class II Cultural Resource Inventory of the Bureau of Land Management, Cinnebar Hill Project Area, Pershing and Churchill Counties, Nevada (1979)
  16. Class III Cultural Resource Evaluation: Molycorp Mountain Pass Mine Facility and Nipton Road Borrow Source (1994)
  17. A Class III Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Underground Utility Line at Quartz Mountain State Park, Altus Reservoir, Greer County, Oklahoma. (2000)
  18. A Class III Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Underground Utility Line at Quartz Mountain State Park, Altus Reservoir, Greer County, Oklahoma. (2000)
  19. Cleghorn Ridge Manzanita Discing. 14 PP (1984)
  20. Colorado Desert Cultural Resources in Sections 4,6,7, Imperial County, California (1984)
  21. Confidential Archaeological Addendum for Timber Operations on Non-Federal Lands in California: North Solinsky THP (4-01-59 / Cal-10). (2001)
  22. Conowingo: a Late Archaic Through Woodland Manifestation in the Lower Susquehanna River Valley (1985)
  23. Consolidated Georex Geophysics, Inc. (Cgg) Oil and Gas Exploration Testing Line C-2 (1983)
  24. Construction and efficacy of a quartz crystal-tipped hand-drill (2005)
  25. Continuity of Nipmuc Lithic Practice and Identity in a Colonial Landscape (2014)
  26. The Crab Intaglio Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
  27. The Creek Site (CA-Sbr-2204) (1992)
  28. Cremations and Associated Artifacts from the Campbell Collection, Joshua Tree National Monument (1992)
  29. CRM: Vogtle-Effingham-Thalmann 500 KV Electric Transmission Line GP-LI-01: Data Recovery (1986)
  30. Cultural / Scientific Resource Assessment of the Summit Valley Mine Site (1991)
  31. Cultural Rescources Management Plan: Rancho Las Flores Project, Hesperia, San Bernardino County, California (1990)
  32. A Cultural Resource Assessment Conducted for a 186 Acre Parcel Near Lucerne Valley, San Bernardino County, California (1992)
  33. Cultural Resource Assessment for McI Telecommunications Proposed Marl Springs Area Microwave Tower Site and Access Road (1984)
  34. Cultural Resource Assessment Solar Energy Generating System (Segs) III-VII Kramer Junction Area (1988)
  35. Cultural Resource Assessment, Solar Energy Generating System (Segs) III-VII, Kramer Junction Area, Kern and San Bernardino Counties (1988)
  36. Cultural Resource Assessment: Big River Project, San Bernardino County, California (1980)
  37. Cultural Resource Assessment: Lava Beds Herd Management Area Trapping Locations, Eastern San Bernardino County, California (1977)
  38. Cultural Resource Assessment: Lewis Development, Inc. 515 Rural Rental Housing Project, City of Needles, California (1984)
  39. Cultural Resource Assessment: On 40 Acres of Land Owned By Mr. Ted Moritz of Hacienda Heights, California, in the Newberry, California Area of San Bernardino County, California (1979)
  40. Cultural Resource Assessment: Realignment of Access Line into the Kramer Junction Substation, San Bernardino County (1988)
  41. Cultural Resource Clearance Survey: Archaeological Survey for Boat Camp Improvements at Lake Havasu and Cattail Cove State Parks, Mohave County, Arizona (1993)
  42. Cultural Resource Identification and Evaluation Report, Permit Application Number CENAB-OP-RS (Mosteller, Paul) 91-0206-2, Dorchester County, Maryland (1992)
  43. Cultural Resource Inventory and Significance Assessment: Fisher Property, North City West Neighborhood Nine. (1987)
  44. Cultural Resource Inventory and Significance Assessment:Eastgate Industrial Center. (1985)
  45. Cultural Resource Inventory for the Cabazon Indian Reservation (1976)
  46. Cultural Resource Inventory of a Mineral Resource Exploration Area, Near the Castle Mountains, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
  47. Cultural Resource Inventory of Amax Exploration, Inc.'s Quartz Creek Exploration Drill Site, Mineral County, Colorado (1979)
  48. Cultural Resource Inventory of the West Fork Quartz Creek Timber Sale (1983)
  49. Cultural Resource Inventory Report for Gold Fields Operating Company - Mesquite. Report # CA-067.24 (1987)
  50. Cultural Resource Inventory Report for Ophir Public Sale Report Number CA-018-S-PE-87 / 02 (1987)
  51. Cultural Resource Inventory Report for Three Proposed Guzzlers at Black Hills, Little Mule Mtns, and Peter Kane, Report # CA-067.24 (1987)
  52. Cultural Resource Investigation of the Lily Gap II Thinning Project, Calaveras County, California (1990)
  53. Cultural Resource Investigation: Solar Energy Generating System (Segs) VIII-XII, Harper Lake Area, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
  54. Cultural Resource Investigations of the Proposed Habitat Sites Located North of Lake Arrowhead & Within the San Bernardino National Forest. 43PP (1995)
  55. Cultural Resource Management Monitoring & Testing of Two Prehistoric Archaeological Sites for the Burrtec Material Recovery Facility, Victorville, San Bernardino County, CA. 70PP (1996)
  56. Cultural Resource Reconnassiance of the Laurels Project Are, San Marcos, San Diego County, California (1988)
  57. Cultural Resource Report for Proposed Replacement of Sand Road Bridge Across the North Fork of the Consumnes River (1983)
  58. Cultural Resource Report Freezeout Quartz Timber Sale (1982)
  59. Cultural Resource Report Quartz Timber Sale (1982)
  60. Cultural Resource Report, United States Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Toiyabe and Humboldt National Forests: Willow Timber Sale, Project #TD1-38-82. (1981)
  61. Cultural Resource Significance Assessment of Seven Sites in the Mesa Top Project Area (1998)
  62. Cultural Resource Site Form and Mitigation (Data Recovery) Plan for Site 35Lk1970. Quartz Mtn Mineral Exploration (1986)
  63. Cultural Resource Survey and Evaluation Report for the Quartz Mountain Vicinity (1985)
  64. Cultural Resource Survey for a Portion of the Earp To Johnson Valley, California, Enduro Race Course Route (1980)
  65. Cultural Resource Survey for the Eight Series Drilling Project Quartz Mountain Gold Project (1988)
  66. A Cultural Resource Survey for the Realignment of County Road 191 for the Salt River Project Fence Lake Coal Mine Transportation Corridor in Catron County, New Mexico (Final) (1995)
  67. Cultural Resource Survey Inventory Report Quartz Timber Sale (1985)
  68. Cultural Resource Survey of Compartment 282, Edgefield Ranger District, Sumter National Forest (1985)
  69. Cultural Resource Survey of Portions of Compartment 281, Edgefield Ranger District, Sumter National Forest (1986)
  70. Cultural Resource Survey of Portions of the Force-On-Force and Maneuver Areas, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California (1982)
  71. Cultural Resource Survey of Ramona Landfill Major Use Permit Expansion Areaand Significance Evaluation for SDI-12891 (1992)
  72. Cultural Resource Survey of Seven Miles of Hitchcock Parkway Aiken, South Carolina (2012)
  73. Cultural Resource Survey of the Hecht-Nielsen Parcel Carmel Country Road and Site Significance Evaluation of CA-SDI-14747, San Diego, California (1997)
  74. Cultural Resource Survey of the Laguna Mountain Area Preliminary Report (1980)
  75. Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Imperial Valley Substation (1980)
  76. Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Santa Ana River Hiking / Biking Trail in the Prado Flood Control Basin (1979)
  77. Cultural Resource Survey of the Quartz Creek Habitat Investment Project, Lane County, Oregon (1997)
  78. Cultural Resource Survey Report Form for the Richard Cox Property, Jacumba, California (1995)
  79. Cultural Resource Survey Report Quartz Mountain Exploratory Mineral Drilling Lake County, Oregon [T37S, R16E, Sec. 34] (1986)
  80. Cultural Resource Survey Report Quartz Queen Timber Sale (1985)
  81. Cultural Resource Survey Report TM 4792 1654 Tavern Road, Alpine, California (1989)
  82. Cultural Resources Assessment Conducted for Planning Area 1 of the Summit Valley Management Company's Proposed Development, Near Hesperia, San Bernardino County, California (1991)
  83. Cultural Resources Assessment of A.P. #601-071-11, Yucca Valley, San Bernardino County, California (1981)
  84. Cultural Resources Assessment of Additional Portions of the White Knob / White Ridge Project and Test Excavations of Site CA-Sbr-1606, Lucerne Valley, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
  85. Cultural Resources Assessment of Pluess-Staufer (California), Inc., White Knob / White Ridge Project, Lucerne Valley, San Bernardino County, California (1986)
  86. Cultural Resources Assessment of Silver Sands Mobilehome Park, Helendale Area, San Bernardino County (1981)
  87. Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract No. 11798, Baldwin Lake (1981)
  88. Cultural Resources Assessment of Tentative Tract No. 11842, Hesperia, California (1981)
  89. Cultural Resources Assessment of the Coldwater Springs Retreat and Campground, Pipes Canyon Area, San Bernardino County, California (1983)
  90. Cultural Resources Assessment of the Proposed Little Morongo Flood Control Channel, San Bernardino County, California (1984)
  91. Cultural Resources Assessment of the Proposed Onyx Summit Campground, San Bernardino County, California (1983)
  92. Cultural Resources Assessment of Tract No. 10343, Rialto, California (1981)
  93. Cultural Resources Assessment: Baldy Mesa Water Lines, County Service Area 70, Improvement Zone J, San Bernardino County, California (1980)
  94. Cultural Resources Assessment: Tentative Tract No. 10604, Sec. 9, T1N R9E, Twentynine Palms Area (1979)
  95. Cultural Resources Evaluation for Assessor's Parcel No. 314-571-59, Big Bear City, San Bernardino County (1990)
  96. Cultural Resources Evaluation of the Santa Ysabel Gold Mining Company. (2001)
  97. Cultural Resources Evaluations For the Upper Mokelumne River Hydroelectric Projects, Calaveras and Amador Counties, California, Railroad Flat Project Inventory (FERC NO. 4414) (1985)
  98. Cultural Resources Evaluations for the Upper Mokelumne River Hydroelectric Projects, Calaveras and Amador Countries, California, Middle Bar Project Inventory (FERC NO. 4289) (1984)
  99. Cultural Resources Inventory and Evaluation of the Proposed Lucerne Valley to Big Bear Valley 115-Kv Electrical Transmission Line (1994)
  100. Cultural Resources Inventory and Evaluation of the Proposed Lucerne Valley to Big Bear Valley 115Kv Electrical Transmission Line (1993)