Quartz Search Result Collection

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 601-700 of 955)

  1. Letter Report: Archaeological Assessment of Three Proposed Borrow Pits I-326, Richland County, File No. 40.771, Fap No. I-ID-326-56(43) (1980)
  2. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigatin of the Proposed Relocation of Watkins Bridge Road, S-133, Greenville County (1981)
  3. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of 38rd21 and Immediate Vicinity (1980)
  4. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of Alignment Shifts in the U.S. 176, Union To Pacolet Project As Requested By Jim Brice (1979)
  5. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of Maryland Route 170, B-1 and C-1 Alignments, Sites 18AN29A, 18AN29B, 18AN364, and the Morgan Site (1980)
  6. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of Proposed Borrow Pit, Greenville County, File No. 23.814, Fap No. M-5457(12) (1980)
  7. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of Proposed Borrow Pit, Spartanburg County, State File No. 42.783, F.A. No. F-017(78) and F-017(73) (1979)
  8. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of Proposed Borrow Pits and 4 Associated With I-326 Project, Richland County, South Carolina (1980)
  9. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of the Revised Plans for the S-240 / U.S. 276 Interchange, Greenville County, South Carolina (1982)
  10. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of the S-33 and S-39 Bridge Replacement Over Lake Greenwood, Greenwood and Laurens Counties, South Carolina (1982)
  11. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of the S-478 Borrow Pit, Dillon County, South Carolina (1981)
  12. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of the S.C. 151 Borrow Pit, Darlington County State File No. 16.565, F.A. No. F-106(080) (1982)
  13. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of the South Carolina 9 By-Pass of Loris Borrow Pit, Marion County, State File 26.563.1, Fap No. F-134(90) (1981)
  14. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of the U.S. 301 Borrow Pit, Florence County, State File No. 21.744, F.A. No. Brz-5021(4) (1981)
  15. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigation of Two S-66 Borrow Pits, Florence County, South Carolina (1981)
  16. Letter Report: Archaeological Investigations of the U.S. 278 Connector Jasper and Beaufort Counties, South Carolina (1978)
  17. Letter Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance of the S-13 Project Corridor (1979)
  18. Letter Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance of the South Carolina 28 Widening and Relocation, McCormick County, South Carolina (1979)
  19. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of Florence County Borrow Pit, State File No. 21.718, F.A. No. 505-5021(1) (1979)
  20. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of I-326 Borrow Pit, Lexington County, State File No (1981)
  21. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of Proposed Borrow Pit in Pickens County To Be Used for Projects 39.527, 39.528, 39.541, and 39.542 (1978)
  22. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Anderson Mall Connector State File No. M-5425(10) (1979)
  23. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of the Proposed S-42 Bridge Replacment Over Bush River, Newberry County, South Carolina (1978)
  24. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of the S-59 Bridge Replacement Over a Tributary of Clouds Creek, Saluda County, State File No. 41.407, F.A. No. Brz-2041(05) (1982)
  25. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of the S-68 Bridge Replacemenht, Cherokee County, F.A. No. Brz-4011(5) (1980)
  26. Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of the S.C. 97 Borrow Pit, Kershaw County, State File No. 28.531, F.A. No. Brf-128(88) (1982)
  27. Letter Report: South Carolina 121 Borrow Pit, Saluda County, State File Nos. 41.399, F.A. No. Hes-0005(84) (1979)
  28. Letter Reports Documenting an Archaeological Review for a Proposed Waterline on the South Side of Quartz Mountain (2000)
  29. Levitas International Lot Split Archaeology and Biology Survey Reports TPM 16115, EAD Log #79-22-4, Bolevard California (1980)
  30. Limited Test Excavation of MC-S-2, An Archeological Site at the McKinney Creek Subdivision, Calaveras County, California. (1992)
  31. Lithics, Site 18HA001, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2003)
  32. Long Hollow Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (2001)
  33. Lower Quartz Road Reconstruction (1993)
  34. Making stone tools ignoring environmental changes (2016)
  35. Management Summary Report: West River, South Creek, and Cozier Site, Archaeological Reconnaissance survey (1987)
  36. Management Summary, Phase II Cultural Resource Survey, Coosa River Navigation Project (1982)
  37. Mapping and Subsurface Testing Results. Three Archaeological Sites Located Within the Oakhill Ranch (1982)
  38. Maryland Route 100 Phase II Archaeological Investigations (1989)
  39. McMillin North Pointe: Archaeological Studies of SDM W 2133, Oceanside, California (1979)
  40. Mechanical performance of quartz-tempered ceramics Part 1, Strength and toughness (1998)
  41. Memorandum: 5100 Rural Forest Improvement, 5180 Archeology, Archeological Assessment of the Hynes Cfip (1991)
  42. Microfossils and Micro-XRF: sourcing raw materials for Iron Age to Romano-British pottery production at Burrough Hill hillfort, UK (2015)
  43. A microscopic analysis of use-wear and polish formation on experimental quartz tools (1988)
  44. Microwear on quartz: fact of fiction? (1985)
  45. Mill Helicopter Sanitation Salvage Sale Arr 05-05-325 (1980)
  46. Mineral Artifact Photographs, Millers Ferry 1963-1968 (2014)
  47. Mining Corporation Incorporated 3809 (1987)
  48. Mining Corporation, Incorporated 3809 (1987)
  49. Mitigation of Adverse Impacts:Archaeological Testing and Evaluation of Resources Identified As the Colton Dump, City of Colton, San Bernardino County, CA (1995)
  50. Moccasin Quartz Mill Claim Arr 05-11-83 (1981)
  51. Mokelumne River Project Cultural Resources Report (1981)
  52. Moose Timber Sale Arr 05-14-627 (1984)
  53. National Register Eligibility Determinations for Historic Resources Along the Proposed AT&T Lightguide System, Victorville to Bakersfield, CA (1993)
  54. Native American Quartz Technology in the Little Falls Area, Morrison County, Minnesota: Data Recovery at Site 21MO56 (Draft Copy, Vols. 1A-1B) (1995)
  55. Near-The-Road Arizona Site Steward Inventory (1997)
  56. New Carbon-14 (14C) Dates on "Old" Cultural Components near Quartz Lake, Interior Alaska (2015)
  57. Newberry Cave (1981)
  58. North Fork Stanislaus Archaeological Project, Alpine, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties, Phase I. (1980)
  59. North Quartz Timber Sale Cultural Resource Report (1982)
  60. North Quartz Underburn (1989)
  61. NYLA Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
  62. Oak Draw Archeological District Arizona Site Steward File (1992)
  63. Old Quartz Culture of Piedmont Georgia and South Carolina (1954)
  64. Old Quartz Industry of Georgia and South Carolina (1954)
  65. Old Quartz Industry of Piedmont Georgia and South Carolina (1954)
  66. One fine day in the Norwegian high mountains (1990)
  67. The organisation of hornfels blade production during the Early Later Stone Age (ELSA) in the eastern Cederberg, Western Cape, South Africa (2017)
  68. Paleontologic Inventory Rainbow Basin Natural History Area, San Bernardino County, California (1981)
  69. Paleontological Investigation Quartz Hill Gulch (1984)
  70. Partin Limestone Mining Development. 17PP (1989)
  71. Patterns of tool use. Scanning electron microscopy of experimental quartz tools (1988)
  72. Patterns of tool use; the microwear analysis of the quartz and flint assemblage from the Bjurselet site, Västerbotten, Northern Sweden (1988)
  73. Payson Pueblo 110 Arizona Site Steward File (1954)
  74. Phase 1 Archeological Reconnaissance for Maryland Route 182 Extension from South of Argyle Club Road to North of Longmead Road, Montgomery County, Maryland (1990)
  75. Phase 1 Cultural Resource Survey, Global Positioning System Project Summary Report, Fort Dix Tactical Training Areas 11 and 12, Fort Dix, New Jersey (2003)
  76. Phase 1B Archeological Survey of the Wetlands Replacement Area at Ordnance Road, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1991)
  77. Phase a and Phase B Investigations of the Gillis Falls Reservoir Project Area, Carroll County, Maryland (1989)
  78. Phase I an Archaeological Survey Report for Proposed Interstate 15 and Related Trailor Park and Sewage Plant Relocation Projects in Rainbow Valley (11-SD-15 P.M. R51.2-R53.3) 11203-144811 (1978)
  79. Phase I and II Archaeological Investigations at Fox Chase, Glen Burnie, Maryland (18AN759) (1990)
  80. Phase I and II Archaeological Surveys at the National Business Park (l8AN816) Annapolis Junction, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1992)
  81. Phase I and Phase II Archeological Investigations for the Villages of Lyonsfield Run, Baltimore County, Maryland (1993)
  82. Phase I Archaeological Investigations at Rancho Jamul Estates Unit 3, Jamul, California. (1979)
  83. Phase I Archaeological Investigations at the Carroll County Airport, Westminster, Maryland (1986)
  84. Phase I Archaeological Investigations at Village Park Northview Units 1 Through 4 Encinitas, California. (1977)
  85. Phase I Archaeological Investigations for the North Augusta Water Treatment Plant Expansion Aiken County, South Carolina (2013)
  86. Phase I Archaeological Investigations of Maryland Route 43 From U.S. Route 40 to Maryland Route 150, Baltimore County, Maryland (1989)
  87. Phase I Archaeological Survey for the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Montgomery County, Maryland (2007)
  89. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Tuscarora to Linden Church Pipeline, Frederick, Carroll and Howard Counties, Maryland (1988)
  90. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Carriage Estates Subdivision, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1997)
  91. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Moreland Property, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1990)
  92. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Shipley's Retreat Subdivision (Pumphrey II Property), and Phase II Testing of Site 18AN1052, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1997)
  93. Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Shramm Property, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1993)
  94. Phase I Archaeological Survey Report proposed MD43 / MD7 Ramps, Baltimore County, Maryland (1988)
  95. Phase I Archaeological Survey, Baltimore / Washington International Airport, Improvements to Runway 10 / 28, Area F (1992)
  96. Phase I Archaeological Survey, Baltimore / Washington International Airport, Improvements to Runway 10 / 28, Areas A, B, and E (1992)
  97. Phase I Archaeological Survey, Law Enforcement Driver Training Facility, Sykesville, Carroll County, Maryland (1996)
  98. Phase I Archaeological Testing at Jamestown on the Magothy, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1989)
  99. Phase I Archaeological Testing at Rock Creek Landing, Anne Arundel County, Maryland (1989)
  100. Phase I Archaeological Testing at the Russett Commercial District (1990)