SHESC: Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World
Site Type Keywords
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Settlements •
Domestic Structures •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Communal / Public Structure •
Great House / Big House •
Kiva / Great Kiva •
Plaza •
Encampment •
Hamlet / Village
Other Keywords
Cibola •
Zuni •
Identity •
Cultural Identity •
Social Networks •
Ancestral Pueblo •
social network analysis •
Western Pueblo •
public architecture •
Ceramic Decoration
Culture Keywords
Ancestral Puebloan •
Mogollon •
Cibola •
Zuni •
Anasazi •
Western Pueblo
Investigation Types
Collections Research •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Archaeological Overview •
Architectural Survey •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Architectural Documentation
Material Types
Ceramic •
Building Materials •
Chipped Stone
Temporal Keywords
Pueblo III Period •
Pueblo IV period •
Pueblo II Period •
Late Chacoan - Post Chacoan Period •
Chacoan •
Post-Chacoan Period •
Pueblo III •
Pueblo IV •
Tularosa Phase
Geographic Keywords
Zuni Indian Reservation •
Upper Little Colorado River •
New Mexico (State / Territory) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
United States of America (Country) •
North America (Continent) •
Mogollon Rim •
Cebolleta Mesa •
Cibola Region •
Mogollon Highlands
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-17 of 17)
Additional Figures and Maps for Connected Communities (2018)
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Geologic map of the greater Cibola region showing locations of sites sampled for INAA. Map of major sites mentioned in the text. Chronological schemes for the greater Cibola region. All figures pertain to: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Architecture Data from greater Cibola Region (2018)
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Architectural measurement and feature data associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities book
Ceramic clusters resulting from corrugated ceramic technological analysis (2018)
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Ceramic technological clusters associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities books [Chapter 5]. See Coding guides and raw data for additional details. File ceramic_clust.csv contains the data formatted for analysis in R as output by the code in the associated document: "R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis, Chapter 5" These data pertain to Chapter 5 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola...
Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
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Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples
Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Ceramic Vessel Rim Diameter and Design Height Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET [not managed] Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples
Ceramic bowl diameter data and design/vessel height data from polychrome and white-on-red ceramics from the greater Cibola region. These data were used to generate Figure 29 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World
PROJECT [not managed] Uploaded by: Matthew Peeples
Appendices, raw data, and analytical documents associated with: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Corrugated Ceramic Technological Data from the Greater Cibola Region (2018)
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Ceramic technological codes and measurements associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities books [Chapter 5]. See Coding guides for additional details. File ceramic.csv contains the data formatted for analysis in R using the code in the associated document: "R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis, Chapter 5" These data pertain to Chapter 5 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World....
Corrugated Ceramic Technology Coding Guide (2018)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Ceramic Technology Coding Guide associated with Corrugated Ceramic Technology Data from Greater Cibola Region dataset in same "Connected Communities" tDAR project.
Greater Cibola Region Ceramic Design Analysis - Design Element Analysis (2018)
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Coding guide and raw data for ceramic design element analysis from the greater Cibola region associated with Chapter 7, pages 161-166 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Greater Cibola Region Ceramic Design Analysis - Repeating Design Configurations, Codes (2018)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
Illustration of repeated exterior design configurations on Zuni Glaze Ware and Late White Mountain Redware (Pinedale Polychrome) bowls from the greater Cibola region. These illustrations accompany the analyses presented by Peeples in Chapter 7 of: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ.
Greater Cibola Region Ceramic Design Analysis - Repeating Design Configurations, Raw Data (2018)
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Design family assignments and vessel information for the whole vessel design study presented on pages 166-171 in: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. See "Ceramic Design Analysis - Repeating Design Configurations, Chapter 7 - CODES" for examples of each design family
Identity and Social Transformation in the Prehispanic Cibola World: A.D. 1150-1325
PROJECT [not managed]
This project contains raw data files associated with my Arizona State University dissertation. Identity and Social Transformation in the Prehispanic Cibola World: A.D. 1150-1325 For more up-to-date versions of these data and analyses see tDAR project: "Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World" https://
INAA Data from the greater Cibola Region (2018)
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These data represent all of the new and previously published INAA ceramic compositional data and group assignments from Peeples 2018: Connected Communities Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Public Architecture in the Greater Cibola Region (2018)
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Table of sites in the greater Cibola region (ca. AD 1000-1400) with public architectural features. This table also provides information on the specific form of those public architectural features. The data are confidential as they include site locations. These data accompany Chapter 8 of: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis (2018)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
This document contains the R code (checked in version 3.0) for conducting statistical analyses, clustering, and network visualization of corrugated ceramic technological data from the greater Cibola region as described in Chapter 5 of: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
Statistical Documentation for Neutron Activation Analysis Compositional Group Assignments (2018)
DOCUMENT [not managed] Full-Text
This document provides detailed information on the statistical procedures used to produce compositional groups from NAA data in the greater Cibola region sample, as well as table documenting statistical assessments of those groups. This document accompanies: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.