Centralizing Central America: New Evidence, Fresh Perspectives, and Working on New Paradigms

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2024)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Centralizing Central America: New Evidence, Fresh Perspectives, and Working on New Paradigms" at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Ironically, Central America has tended to be peripheral in Latin American archaeology, as scholars (and their funding agencies) have gravitated to the more glamorous cultures of Mesoamerica and Andean South America. Nevertheless, a growing cadre of young Central American archaeologists (and a handful of intrepid international scholars) have followed in the footsteps of such trailblazers as Baudez, Coe, Cooke, Haberland, Lange, Lothrop, Stone, and Willey. This session will present new evidence and fresh perspectives from Central America (including El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama), organized around the themes of cultural ecology, complexity, regional interaction, and social identities. Presenters include scholars who have recently contributed to a publication series on the cultural mosaic of ancient Central America, as an opportunity to further expand their research and develop stronger linkages across the region. As we move from the substantive to the more theoretical, we hope to move Central American archaeology toward more anthropologically engaged interpretations.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-15 of 15)

  • Documents (15)

  1. Aproximación al estudio de forma-función de la cerámica de contextos rituales en dos sitios con arquitectura monumental en el Valle Central de Costa Rica: 750-1150 dC (2024)
  2. Artisan Communities, Regional Interaction, and Identity in Eastern Honduras (2024)
  3. Avian Imagery on Preclumbian Ceramics from Pacific Nicaragua (2024)
  4. The Ceramics of Cihuatan, El Salvador: Between Two Worlds (2024)
  5. Chibchan Enlightenment (2024)
  6. Collaborative Archaeological Research in Central America: A View from the Community of Mogue, Pusa Drua Area, Congreso Local de Tierras Colectivas Emberá Wounaan, Darién, Panama (2024)
  7. Death Knows No Boundaries: Mortuary Patterns and Cross-Cultural Relations of Preconquest Central America (2024)
  8. Diversity in Southern Central America: Exploring Late Aguas Buenas / Early Chiriqui Period Sites in the Diquís Subregion (2024)
  9. Explaining Early Complex Society Development in Central America and Northern South America: Patterns, Variation, and Scales of Analysis (2024)
  10. How Unusual Is the Trajectory of Precolumbian Social Change in San Ramón, Costa Rica among the Trajectories of Chiefdom Development? A Comparison Exercise (2024)
  11. New Evidence on the Early Occupation of the Lakes Basin of Pacific Nicaragua (2024)
  12. Overland Travel Routes and Exchange Spheres of Pacific Nicaragua Using Obsidian and Ceramic Data from Chiquilistagua (2024)
  13. The Rise of Social Complexity in Pacific Nicaragua (2024)
  14. Riverbank Insights: Exploring Prehispanic Adaptation in Central Nicaragua’s Alluvial Landscapes through Archaeological Analysis and Local Wisdom (2024)
  15. Ternimal Classic Copper Production at El Coyote, Honduras (2024)