Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen

Part of the Little Freeman Cave, MO (23PU565) project

Creator(s): Mona Colburn; Bonnie Styles; Robert Warren

Year: 1996


Freshwater mussels from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565), Missouri. Identifications by Robert Warren. Data entered from hand written tallies by Mona Colburn.

Cite this Record

Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen. Mona Colburn, Bonnie Styles, Robert Warren. 1996 ( tDAR id: 402196) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8MC91QM

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Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: LilFreeCv-Molluscs-Screen-WarrenData

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
TestUnit VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Unit none none true
Portion3 Portion of the element. Code(s) is/are duplicated in Portion1, Portion 2, and Portion 3 so that our codes can be mapped to 3 different tDAR ontologies that describe an element's portion and orientation.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Portion/Proximal/Distal Coding sheet for Portion3 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Fauna Proximal-Distal/Portion Ontology true
Portion2 Portion of the element. Code(s) is/are duplicated in Portion1, Portion 2, and Portion 3 so that our codes can be mapped to 3 different tDAR ontologies that describe an element's portion and orientation.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Dorsal/Ventral Coding sheet for Portion2 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Fauna Dorsal-Ventral Ontology true
Site Site name.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Provenience and Context : Context Coding sheet for Site (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Eastern Archaic Site Type true
Cultural Affiliation Cultural period
VARCHAR  Coded Value Provenience and Context : Context Coding sheet for Cultural Affiliation (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) EAFWG Chronology Ontology true
Class Taxonomic group, which most often is a taxonomic class or order.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Taxon Illinois State Museum coding sheet for Class none true
CF For referred taxa, cf-f means that "cf." is applied to the first name in the taxon field (which often is the genus); and cf-s means that "cf." is on the second name (which is usually species).
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Taxon Illinois State Museum coding sheet for CF Fauna Confidence in Identification Ontology true
ExcYear Years of excavation
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Date none none true
Recovery Screen mesh size used in recovery.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Provenience and Context : Recovery Method Coding sheet for Recovery (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) EAFWG Recovery Method Ontology true
Bag# Bag # for the faunal remains.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Lot none none true
ContextType Intra-site context
VARCHAR  Coded Value Provenience and Context : Context Coding sheet for ContextType (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Eastern Archaic Context Types true
Level Level numbered sequentially from top to bottom.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Level none none true
Stratum Stratum designated by the archaeologist.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Stratum none none true
Taxon Identification of the bone to the finest taxonomic level possible.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Taxon Coding sheet for Taxon (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Fauna Taxon Ontology - Eastern US true
TaxonSize Codes for animal body sizes. In the case of fish, 8 cm size categories refer to total length for bowfin and gar; and to standard length for all other fish taxa.
BIGINT  Coded Value Fauna : Taxon Illinois State Museum coding sheet for Taxon Size none true
Resource type Repeat of the taxon for use in mapping to Resource Type Ontology
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Taxon Coding sheet for Resource type (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Eastern Archaic Resource type ontology true
Element Animal body part
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Element Coding sheet for Element (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Fauna Element Ontology true
Side Symmetry or side of the animal's body.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Side Illinois State Museum coding sheet for Side Fauna Side Ontology true
Completeness Completeness of the element in quarters. Letter refers to portion and number refers to completeness in quarters. These codes are repeated in the Portion columns.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Completeness Illinois State Museum coding sheet for Completeness Fauna Completeness Ontology true
Portion1 Portion of the element. Code(s) is/are duplicated in Portion1, Portion 2, and Portion 3 so that our codes can be mapped to 3 different tDAR ontologies that describe an element's portion and orientation.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Anterior/Posterior Coding sheet for Portion1 (Little Freeman Cave (23PU565)- Mollusk dataset-1/4" screen) Fauna Anterior-Posterior Ontology true
Burn Degree/intensity of burning exhibited by the element.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Burning Illinois State Museum coding sheet for Burning Fauna Burning Intensity Ontology true
Weath Weathering exhibited by element.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Weathering Illinois State Museum coding sheet for Weathering Fauna Weathering Ontology true
HumMod Marks related to human modification of element for artifact manufacture.
VARCHAR  Coded Value Fauna : Cultural Modification Illinois State Museum coding sheet for Human Modification Fauna Worked Bone Ontology true
NISP Number of identified specimens with the same attributes.
BIGINT  Count Fauna : Count none none true
Comments Comments regarding modifications, ontogenetic age, seasonality indicators, etc.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Fauna : Other none none true

Temporal Coverage

Radiocarbon Date: 8190 to 8030 (uncorrected RCYBP, Stratum 4, Upper Tier Area)

Radiocarbon Date: 5520 to 5300 (uncorrected RCYBP, Strata 3-4-4B, Northwest Area)

Radiocarbon Date: 4190 to 4050 (uncorrected RCYBP, Feature 4, top of Stratum 3, Upper Tier)

Radiocarbon Date: 9330 to 8870 (uncorrected RCYBP, Stratum 1, Rock Removal Area (Test Unit 4))

Radiocarbon Date: 7580 to 7320 (uncorrected RCYBP, Stratum 3, Upper Tier)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -92.505; min lat: 37.71 ; max long: -92.417; max lat: 37.733 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Mona Colburn

Contributor(s): Robert Warren

Field Director(s): Steven R. Ahler

Project Director(s): Bonnie Styles

Source Collections

US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory 2902 Newmark Dr, Champaign, IL 61822

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
LilFreeCv-Molluscs-Screen-WarrenData.xlsx 87.25kb Feb 18, 2016 Aug 5, 2016 1:39:07 PM Public
Freshwater mussels recovered with 1/4" screen from Little Freeman Cave (23PU565), Missouri. Identifications by Robert Warren. Data entered from hand written tallies by Mona Colburn.
  • Translated version LilFreeCv-Molluscs-Screen-WarrenData_translated.xlsx (99.90kb)
    Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: