Noxon Tenancy Site (7NC-F-133) Phase II and III Artifact Catalog

Creator(s): Louis Berger

Year: 2016


combined Phase II and III artifact catalog for Noxon Tenancy Site (7NC-F-133), includes identified floral and faunal specimen

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Noxon Tenancy Site (7NC-F-133) Phase II and III Artifact Catalog. Louis Berger. 2016 ( tDAR id: 437467) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8SB4891

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Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: Combined PhII and III

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
Stratum natural or cultural (non-arbitrary) soil or sediment layer excavated, lettered sequentially
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Stratum none none true
Unit Designation Test Unit Number, numbered sequentially
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Unit none none true
Phase Identifies between artifacts recovered from contexts that were part of either Phase II site evaluation or Phase III data recovery excavations
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Other none none true
Site Number State-assigned site number
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Site none none true
Accession Number Code assigned to project assemblage issued by Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs Curatorial Facility
DOUBLE  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Project none none true
H-Ceramic Form Description of the whole ceramic object from which the artifact originates (ie: plate, bowl, porringer, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Ceramic : Form none none true
H-Ceramic Motif/Pattern Description of decorative technique, style, or pattern on historic ceramic artifacts (ie: transfer-print, banding, dot-diaper-basket, etc.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Ceramic : Design/Decorative Element none none true
Small Finds_Color description of exterior color of small find or architectural artifact
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Other none none true
Small Finds_Percent Complete descriptive assessment of proportion of whole object that the artifact represents (ie: whole, 75%, fragment, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Other none none true
Glass_Motif/Pattern description of decorative or labeling style on glass artifacts
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Glass : Other none none true
End Date known last year of production of a historic ware type, object, or method of manufacturing
BIGINT  Uncoded Value (year) Historic Other : Date none none true
Begin Date known 1st year of production of a historic ware type, object, or method of manufacturing
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Date none none true
Pipes_Bore Diameter interior diameter of the pipe stem bore in 64ths of an inch
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Measurement none none true
Lithic_Material describes the type of stone from which lithic artifacts are composed
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Material none none true
Feature Level Arbitrary 10-centimeter level within feature fill, numbered sequentially
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Level none none true
Feature Stratum Natural or cultural (non-arbitrary) feature fill soil or sediment layer excavated, lettered sequentially
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Stratum none none true
Feature Number Feature Identifier, numbered sequentially
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Feature ID/Number none none true
Other Miscellaneous note describing special recovery circumstances (ie: back-fill, clean-up, surface find)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Other none none true
Level Arbitrary 10-centimeter level, numbered sequentially
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Level none none true
Faunal_Butchering Type description of physical indications of butchery observed on faunal artifact such as cut, chop, or saw marks
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Fauna : Butchering none none true
Faunal_Portion description of the portion or segment of the larger bone from the fragment originates (ie: distal end, epiphysis, enamel, articular process, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Fauna : Portion/Proximal/Distal none none true
Faunal_Element common name of the individual bone of the body
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Fauna : Element none none true
Note narrative textual description of object entered by laboratory staff
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Lookup : Notes none none true
Weight (g) mass of the object or batch of objects (combined) in grams
DOUBLE  Measurement (gram) Historic Other : Weight none none true
Small Finds_Characteristic Miscellaneous descriptions of identifying elements of small finds or architectural artifacts relating to manufacture and/or appearance (ie: hand-wrought, stamped, bent, burned, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Other none none true
Small Finds_Decoration description of decorative technique on small finds or architectural artifacts (ie: embossing, engraving, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Other none none true
Small Finds_Material description of small finds or architectural object material (ie: glass, ferrous metal, copper alloy, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Material none none true
Small Finds_Makers Mark description of any maker's marks present on small finds or architectural artifacts
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Maker/Manufacturer none none true
Glass_Wear indication of wear marks or burning present on the object
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Glass : Other none none true
Glass_Color description of the color of the glass
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Glass : Material none none true
Glass_Finish description of how glass vessel finish was formed (ie: hand-tooled, applied string rim, down-tooled, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Glass : Other none none true
Glass_Base description of how glass vessel base was formed (ie: pontil, mold, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Glass : Other none none true
Glass_Portion description of part of glass object from which artifact originates (ie: handle, base, neck, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Glass : Other none none true
Glass_Manufacture Technique description of production method of glass object (ie: mold-blown, Rickett's mold, machine-made, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Glass : Other none none true
Floral_Burning indication of whether botanical specimen is carbonized or not.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Macrobotanical : Other none none true
Floral_Percent Complete indication of whether botanical specimen is either fragmented or whole
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Macrobotanical : Other none none true
Floral_Element object description of botanical specimen (ie: nutshell, seed, charcoal, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Macrobotanical : Other none none true
H-Ceramic Color description of color of glaze, paint, or slip on ceramic artifacts
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Ceramic : Surface Treatment none none true
H-Ceramic Part description of the portion of the larger ceramic object from which artifact originates (ie: handle, rim, base, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Ceramic : Part none none true
Pipes_Part Identifies the portion of the pipe from which the artifact originates (ie: stem, bowl, juncture, heel, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Other none none true
Pipes_Percent Complete general assessment of proportion of whole pipe that the artifact represents (ie: a pipe stem fragment that appears to be less than 50% of the whole pipe).
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Other none none true
Pipes_Makers Mark description of maker's mark identified on historic clay tobacco pipe artifacts
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Historic Other : Maker/Manufacturer none none true
Lithic_Cortex describes presence or absence of exterior cortex surface of a stone, indicative of the stage of reduction in lithic debitage
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Other none none true
Lithic_Modification describes presence or absence of indications that lithic material was heat-treated as part of lithic reduction process
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Chipped Stone : Other none none true
Faunal_Gnawing description of presence and type of modifications to faunal specimen made by other animals (ie: rodent gnawing, carnivore bite marks, etc.)
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Fauna : Gnawing/Animal Modification none none true
Faunal_Burning description of presence and degree of burning observed on faunal specimen
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Fauna : Burning none none true
Count the number of individual artifacts described in the catalog row, which can be greater than 1 due to batching similar items within a unique provenience
BIGINT  Count Historic Other : Count none none true
Translation Translation is a more specific level of classification than the "Class" category, which denotes the artifact type at an object level such as brick, window glass, nails, ceramic types, lithic object (flake, shatter, project point), animal species, plant species, etc.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Lookup : Description none none true
Class Artifact Classes are broad categorical groupings of similar materials such as floral, faunal, historic ceramics, glass, small finds/architectural, lithics, piipes, prehistoric ceramics, etc.
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Lookup : Description none none true
Specimen Number sequentially assigned number to each object or batch of objects that occupy a single line in the artifact catalog. For example, several plain ceramic body sherds of the same ware type recovered from the same unique provenience would share a specimen number and be batched into one line of the catalog.
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Other none none true
Field Number number assigned to each unique provenience by Louis Berger excavation team during field work for organization and tracking
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Context none none true
Catalog Number sequential number assigned to each unique provenience by Louis Berger laboratory for internal tracking and inventory
BIGINT  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Context none none true
Field Date End Month, day, and year that excavation of context was completed
DATE  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Date none none true
Field Initials Initials of excavators
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Other none none true
Feature Half or Quadrant abbreviated cardinal directions of half or quadrant of feature excavated
VARCHAR  Uncoded Value Provenience and Context : Other none none true

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1740 to 1770

Spatial Coverage

min long: -75.733; min lat: 39.465 ; max long: -75.706; max lat: 39.503 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Heidi Krofft

Contributor(s): Andrew Wilkins

Field Director(s): Jason Shellenhammer

Principal Investigator(s): John Bedell

Sponsor(s): Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Permitting Agency(s): DelDOT

Repository(s): Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs Curatorial Facility

Prepared By(s): The Louis Berger Group

Submitted To(s): DelDOT

Record Identifiers

Task Order Number(s): 11; 8

Agreement Number(s): 1538

Louis Berger Project Number(s): 2001831.007


Redaction Note: Figures and text relating site location information have been redacted

Source Collections

Artifact assemblage and excavation records transferred to Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs Curatorial Facility, Dover, DE.

Related Comparative Collections

Comparative collections used for artifact and faunal identifications maintained at Louis Berger's Archaeological Laboratory in Kansas City, MO.

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Noxon-Tenancy--7NC-F-133--Phase-II_III-Artifact-Catalog.xlsx 703.09kb Jun 28, 2017 Jun 28, 2017 1:06:37 PM Public
  • Translated version Noxon-Tenancy--7NC-F-133--Phase-II_III-Artifact-Catalog_transl... (595.71kb)
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