
Part of the Barger Gulch Locality B project

Creator(s): Todd Surovell

Year: 2020


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Tools.csv. Todd Surovell. 2020 ( tDAR id: 458561) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8458561

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Data Set Structure

Measurement Column
Count Column
Coded Column
Filename Column
Integration Column (has Ontology)

Table Information: Tools

Column Name Data Type Type Category Coding Sheet Ontology Search
ID BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Catalog Number VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Artifact Type VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Portion VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Mass DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Length DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Width DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Thickness DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Cortex VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Dorsal Flake Scars BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Burned BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Bifacial Thinning Flake VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Raw Material Type VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Interior Platform Angle BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform Plain BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform Faceted BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform Dulled BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform Lipped BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform Cortical BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform sheared BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform dihedral BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Platform crushed BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU1 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU2 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU3 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU4 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU5 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU6 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU7 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU8 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU9 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EU10 BIGINT  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Retouch Intensity VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Retouch thickness 1 DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Retouch thickness 2 DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
Retouch thickness 3 DOUBLE  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true
EUs absent VARCHAR  Uncoded Value uncategorized none none true

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1997 to 2007 (Excavation Years)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -106.313; min lat: 40.019 ; max long: -106.27; max lat: 40.046 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Todd Surovell

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Tools.csv 76.84kb Nov 20, 2020 10:55:07 AM Public
BARGER GULCH LOCALITY B This database includes all field and laboratory data from the Barger Gulch Archaeological Project. It includes all field data from the excavation of Barger Gulch Locality B (5GA915), a Folsom site in Grand County, Colorado It also includes mapping of surface artifacts and auger data. Laboratory analysis data for all lithic artifacts recovered from excavations are also included as are radiocarbon dates from excavations. These data will be published as a companion dataset to the book Barger Gulch: A Folsom Campsite in the Rocky Mountains (University of Arizona Press) by Todd Surovell. These data are available as both a Microsoft Access relational database and also with the same database broken down into flat csv files, each of which is a table from that database. DATABASE SPECIFICATIONS: Name: Barger_Gulch_Locality_B.accdb Version: Microsoft Access 2007-2013 Tables: 21 Size: 16,760 kb Author: Todd A. Surovell, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming Date: November 17, 2020 Tables: Name Fields Lines Augers 9 39 Barger Gulch Coding Sheets 28 25658 Barger Gulch Quad Classification 9 660 Barger Gulch Surface Collection 16 656 Bifaces 19 89 Burned Bone 3 502 Channel Flakes 18 156 Cores 12 91 Debitage 22 15564 Excavation Polygons 5 107 Excavation Units 23 164 Ground Stone 12 10 Feature Polygons 5 443 Points and Preforms 23 53 Radiocarbon Dates 14 54 Raw Materials 4 30 Refits 4 1157 Refitted Item Attributes 10 34 Screen Bags 10 4901 Tools 37 580 Topo Shots 7 1568 DATABASE STRUCTURE: The table Barger Gulch Coding Sheets is central to the database, and most other tables link to it. Within Barger Gulch Coding Sheets, the field Catalog Number is critical. The following tables link to Barger Gulch Coding Sheets through the variable Catalog Number: Bifaces, Burned Bone, Channel Flakes, Cores, Debitage, Ground Stone, Points and Preforms, Radiocarbon Dates, Refits, Refitted Items Attributes, Screen Bags, and Tools. Two other important linkages exist. The table Excavation Units links to Barger Gulch Coding Sheets through the fields Block and Unit. The table Barger Gulch Quad Classfication links to Barger Gulch Coding Sheets through the fields Block, Unit, and Quad. The following are standalone tables: Augers, Barger Gulch Surface Collection, Excavation Polygons, Feature Polygons, and Topo Shots. TWO ADDITIONAL FILES ARE INCLUDED AS REFERENCES FOR THE DATASET: 1. Excavation manual.pdf – This manual was given to excavators beginning in the 2005 field season as guide for filling out paperwork. This document is especially relevant to the table “Barger gulch Coding Sheets,” which includes all data collected by excavators during all excavations. 2. Lithic Analysis Methods.pdf. This is a useful guide to the lithic analysis data include herein. It is take directly from Surovell, Todd A. (2003) The Behavioral Ecology of Folsom Lithic Technology. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona. DESCRIPTIONS OF DATA TABLES: *********************************************************************** AUGERS – Locations and descriptions of auger holes excavated at Barger Gulch Locality B. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Site Number – archaeological site number, set to 5GA195, the site number for Barger Gulch 3. Auger Number – a numbering system for auger holes (year/site/number) 4. Northing – the arbitrary grid northing coordinate in meters 5. Easting – the arbitrary grid easting coordinate in meters 6. Elevation - the arbitrary grid elevation coordinate in meters 7. Top of Paleosol – the depth of the top of the Kremmling Soil A horizon (if present) in meters below surface 8. Bottom of Paleosol – the depth of the bottom of the Kremmling Soil A horizon (if present) in meters below surface 9. Depth to Bedrock - the depth of the top Troublesome Formation bedrock in meters below surface *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** BARGER GULCH CODING SHEETS– Primary Excavation Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Site Number – archaeological site number, set to 5GA195, the site number for Barger Gulch 3. Block - Block designation- the site grid was divided into 5x5 m blocks with alpha numeric designations. The first two letters refer to the northing of the block (e.g., LF-). The last three digits refer to the easting (e.g. -486). 4. Unit - a number between 1 and 25 referring to a specific unit within each block. Unit numbers snaked from 1 to 25 beginning in the NW corner of the block, continuing to eventually to the SE corner. 5. Field Number - a sequential number for each item recovered from an excavation unit, whether a lithic artifact, bone, or screen bag (whether empty or not) 6. Northing – the arbitrary grid northing coordinate in meters. For screen bags, the center of the unit or quad is used. 7. Easting – the arbitrary grid easting coordinate in meters. For screen bags, the center of the unit or quad is used. 8. Elevation - the arbitrary grid elevation coordinate in meters. For screen bags, the bottom elevation of the level is used. 9. Top of Paleosol – the depth of the top of the Kremmling Soil A horizon (if present) in meters below surface 10. Upper Level - The top elevation of the excavation level in the site grid, measured in meters 11. Lower Level - The bottom elevation of the excavation level in the site grid, measured in meters 12. quad - The portion of the unit from which an item was taken, usually one of four 50x50 cm quads (NE,NW,SE, or SW). If provenience was not certain or if the unit was not dug in quads, a value of MU was assigned, meaning "meter unit". For items recovered in wall cleanups, values of N, S, E, or W were used. 13. Protype - provenience type - this type of provenience for the item. Possible values are IS (in situ), WC (wall cleanup), SU (surface), QD (quad, or somewhere within a quad), MU (meter unit), NP (no provenience), SC (from a screen bag, see quad for more info) 14. Strat – stratigraphic unit from which an item was recovered. These are field stratigraphic designations which are different than those used in publications, but they can be somewhat correlated. Possible values are SURF (surface), A (unconsolidated uppermost stratum, B (consolidated uppermost stratum), C (Kremmling Soil A horizon), D (silt between Kremmling soil A horizon and Troublesome Formation), E (Troublesome Formation bedrock). Hybrid values are possible for items occurring near contacts or screens that bridge stratigraphic units. Those values are A/B, B/C, C/D, and D/E. 15. Orientation – the long axis orientation of the item, taken in the direction that the long axis is dipping downward. This should be a number between 0 and 359. 0 degrees is magnetic north. The site grid is offset from magnetic north by six degrees to the west. If orientation was not taken, a value of 999 was entered. 16. The dip of the artifact long axis from the horizontal plane. This should be a number between 0 and 90. If orientation was not taken, a value of 99 was entered. 17. Up – the side up of the artifact or bone. VN (ventral),DR (dorsal), PL (platform), EG (edge), UN (Unknown) 18. Class – first part of a tripartite item classification system to describe what kind of item. CS (chipped stone), SC (empty screen bags), CH (charcoal), BO (bone), GS (Groundstone), OC (Ocher), SM (Sample), GS (groundstone), HS (hammer stone). For screen bags with multiple classes of items, combinations of these were possible, e.g. CS/BO (chipped stone and bone), CS/BO/OC (chipped stone, bone, and ocher). 19. Genus - second part of a tripartite item classification system to describe what kind of item. For screen bags, ochre, and charcoal, US (Unspecified). For sediment samples, SD (Sediment). Chipped stone genus codes: FK (Flake), CH (Channel Flake), RT( Retouched Flake), PP(Projectile Point), ES (Endscraper), PR (Projectile Point Preform), GR (Graver), BF (Biface), CO (Core), ANG (Angular Debris). Bone genus codes: UL (Unidentified Large Mammal [Bison-sized], UD (Unidentified Medium Mammal [Deer-sized], BI (Bison), RO (Rodent), AV (Bird), CV (Carnivore), US (Unspecified), FB (Miocene Fossil Bone) 20. Elem - third part of a tripartite item classification system to describe what kind of item. For screen bags, ochre, and charcoal, and sediment samples, US (Unspecified. Chipped stone and Groundstone element codes: CH (Chert), SS (Sandstone), QZ (Quartzite), OB (Obsidian), QT (Quartz) GR (Granite), PW (Silicified Wood), BS (Basalt), IG (Other igneous), UN (Unknown). Bone element codes: SC (Scapula), IM (Innominate), PHF (1st Phalange), HM (Humerus), FM (Femur) PHS (2nd Phalange), RD (Radius), PT (Patella), PHT (3rd Phalange), UL (Ulna), TA (Tibia), PH (Other Phalange), RDU (Radius-Ulna), CL (Calcaneus), MP (Metapodial), MC (Metacarpal), AS (Astragalus), SE (Sesamoid), CP (Carpal), TR (Tarsal), MT (Metatarsal), Fragments: LB (Long Bone), CB (Cancellous Bone), FB (Flat Bone), US (Unspecified) 21. Max Length – the maximum length of the item in millimeters 22. Lithic count – number of lithic items 23. Bone count – number of bone items 24. Other Count – number of other items (e.g., ocher, charcoal, sediment samples) 25. Year- excavation/field season year 26. Comments – additional comments on the item provided by the excavator 27. Catalog number – in the first season, mostly sequential catalog numbers were used. Eventually in excavations, all catalog numbers became a combination of the block, unit, and field number (e.g. LJ488-21-24). All values in this field are unique. This field is critical for linking field data with lithic analysis data. *********************************************************************** BARGER GULCH QUAD CLASSIFICATIONS – Classifies every 50x50 cm quad or 1x1 m unit with respect to whether they occur in interior or exterior space, from which excavation block they are derived, and for units of the Main Block, with which hearth they are associated (NE or central). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Block - Block designation- the site grid was divided into 5x5 m blocks with alpha numeric designations. The first two letters refer to the northing of the block (e.g., LF-). The last three digits refer to the easting (e.g. -486). 3. Unit - a number between 1 and 25 referring to a specific unit within each block. Unit numbers snaked from 1 to 25 beginning in the NW corner of the block, continuing to eventually to the SE corner. 4. Quad – NE (northeast), NW (northwest), SE (southeast), SW (southwest), or MU (entire meter unit) 5. Easting – the arbitrary grid easting coordinate in meters for the center of the quad or unit. 6. Northing – the arbitrary grid easting coordinate in meters for the center of the quad or unit. 7. Excavation Area – East (East Block), Main (Main Block), Northwest (Northwest Area), South (South Block), Southwest (Southwest Block), Test Units (Test Units) 8. Inside/Outside – Does the center of the quad site in interior (Inside), exterior (Outside), or unknown (no value) space 9. Hearth – only entered for Main Block units. Two values are possible. Central (closest hearth is the central hearth), NE (closest hearth is the northeastern hearth). *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** BARGER GULCH SURFACE COLLECTION – Surface artifact type and provenience ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. Line Number – sequential line number 2. Year – year of collection 3. Field Number – a sequential item number, reset to one each field season 4. Northing – the arbitrary grid northing coordinate in meters 5. Easting – the arbitrary grid easting coordinate in meters 6. Elevation - the arbitrary grid elevation coordinate in meters 7. Protype – Provenience type – IS (in situ, used for single items shot in with the total station), MD (meter diameter, all artifacts were collected within a 50 cm radius of the location described by the northing, easting and elevation) 8. Class – first part of a tripartite item classification system to describe what kind of item. CS (chipped stone) CS/BO (chipped stone and bone) 9. Genus - second part of a tripartite item classification system to describe what kind of item. FK (Flake), CH (Channel Flake), RT( Retouched Flake), PP(Projectile Point), ES (Endscraper), PR (Projectile Point Preform), GR (Graver), BF (Biface), CO (Core), ANG (Angular Debris). For lines with multiple items, US (unspecified) 10. Elem - third part of a tripartite item classification system to describe what kind of item. For screen bags, ochre, and charcoal, and sediment samples, US (Unspecified. Chipped stone and Groundstone element codes: CH (Chert), SS (Sandstone), QZ (Quartzite), OB (Obsidian), QT (Quartz) GR (Granite), PW (Silicified Wood), BS (Basalt), IG (Other igneous), UN (Unknown). 11. Lithic count – number of lithic items 12. Bone count – number of bone items 13. Other Count – number of other items (e.g., ocher, charcoal, sediment samples) 14. Min Cat – minimum catalog number, if a range of catalog numbers was applied to these items 15. Max Cat – maximum catalog number, if a range of catalog numbers were applied to these items 16. Comments – additional comments about the item *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** BIFACES – laboratory analysis of bifaces ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Site Number - Field Number – a sequential item number, reset to one each field season 3. Catalog Number - Catalog number for single items or occasionally for conjoined fragments 4. Portion – CO (complete), END (end fragment), RDF (radial break fragment), EDGE (other edge fragment), LS (longitudinal split). See illustrations in Surovell (2003). 5. Raw Material – lithic raw material type 6. Cortex – The amount of cortex retained on an artifact estimated as a percentage by placement into one of six categories: 0%, >0 and <25%, ?25 and <50%, ?50 and <75%, ?75 and <100%, 100%. 7. Burned – Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 8. Mass – The mass of the artifact, measured to the nearest .01 g 9. Length – The maximum length of the artifact measured parallel to the long axis of the biface. Length is a line, parallel to the long axis, connecting two lines tangent to the proximal and distal edges that are perpendicular to the axis of percussion (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 10. Width 1 – One of three width measurements taken at approximately 25% of the length of the biface, measured from edge to edge perpendicular to the long axis (see illustration below). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 11. Thickness 1 – Maximum thickness measurement taken on the axis of the Width 1 measurement, measured from face to face perpendicular to the length and width measurements. 12. Width 2 – One of three width measurements taken at approximately 50% of the length of the biface, measured from edge to edge perpendicular to the long axis (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 13. Thickness 2 - Maximum thickness measurement taken on the axis of the Width 2 measurement, measured from face to face perpendicular to the length and width measurements. 14. Width 3 – One of three width measurements taken at approximately 75% of the length of the biface, measured from edge to edge perpendicular to the long (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 15. Thickness 3 - One of three width measurements taken at approximately 75% of the length of the biface, measured from edge to edge perpendicular to the long axis (see illustration below). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 16. Edge Thickness - One of three measurements of bifacial edge sinuosity to estimate the average sinuosity of the bifacial edge, measured between three adjacent ridges between flake removals (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 17. Edge Thickness 2 - One of three measurements of bifacial edge sinuosity to estimate the average sinuosity of the bifacial edge, measured between three adjacent ridges between flake removals (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 18. Edge Thickness 3 - One of three measurements of bifacial edge sinuosity to estimate the average sinuosity of the bifacial edge, measured between three adjacent ridges between flake removals (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 19. Skill Level – skill level assessed by width:thickness and error density. Only recorded for a sample of bifaces. Two values are possible: expert or novice. Data were taken from Zink (2007)., *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** BURNED BONE – counts of charred and calcined bone fragments ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Catalog Number – Catalog number 3. Count – number of fragments of burned bone *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** CHANNEL FLAKES – laboratory analysis of channel flakes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Catalog Number – Catalog number 3. Portion – CO (complete, reliable length and width measurements), LWWP (nearly complete, reliable width and length measurements), LGWP (Nearly complete, reliable length measurement possible), PR (proximal, reliable width measurement), ME (medial, reliable width measurement), DI (distal, reliable width measurement), LS (longitudinal split), RNP (radially broken flake, no platform), RWP (radially broken flake with platform), OTNP (edge fragment no platform), OTWP (edge fragment with platform). See illustrations in Surovell (2003). 4. Mass – The mass of the artifact, measured to the nearest .01 g 5. Length - The length of the artifact measured from the platform to the most distant point on the distal edge. Length is a line, parallel to the axis of percussion, connecting two lines tangent to the proximal and distal edges that are perpendicular to the axis of percussion (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 6. Width - The width of the artifact. Width is a line perpendicular to the axis of percussion, that connects two lines tangent to the right and left edges that parallel are parallel to the axis of percussion (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 7. Thickness - The maximum thickness of the artifact, measured along the actual line connecting the two points that define the width measurement, perpendicular to the length and width measurement (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 8. Burned - Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 9. Raw Material – Lithic raw material type – codes are specific in Lithic Raw Materials table. 10. Interior Platform Angle – if platform is present, the greater angle formed by the intersection of two lines tangent to the platform and ventral face of the artifact. In the case of platform lipping and/or a pronounced bulb of percussion, the angle measurement was taken immediately beyond these features. Measured to the nearest 1°. 11. Platform Plain - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a noncortical platform lacking facets. 12. Platform Cortical - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of cortex on the platform surface. 13. Platform Dihedral - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of only two facets on the platform surface. 14. Platform Facetted - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of three or more facets on the platform surface. 15. Platform Sheared - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a platform shearing, defined as a platform split by fracture. 16. Platform Crushed - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence platform crushing 17. Platform Lipped - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of platform lipping. 18. Platform Dulled - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of platform dulled by grinding or battering. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** CORES – laboratory analysis of cores ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Catalog Number – Catalog number 3. Type - Artifact type. Only four types of cores were recognized: tabular, centripetal levallois (or discoidal), bifacial, and amorphous. 4. Raw Material – Lithic raw material type – codes are specific in Lithic Raw Materials table. 5. Mass – The mass of the artifact, measured to the nearest .01 g 6. Length - Length was measured so as to best approximate the dimensions of the core. Length is always greater than width, and width is also greater than thickness. Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 7. Width - Width was measured so as to best approximate the dimensions of the core. Width is always less than length and greater than thickness. Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 8. Thickness - Thickness was measured so as to best approximate the dimensions of the core. Thickness is always less than length and width. Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 9. Cortex - The amount of cortex retained on an artifact estimated as a percentage by placement into one of six categories: 0%, >0 and <25%, ?25 and <50%, ?50 and <75%, ?75 and <100%, 100%. 10. Burned - Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 11. Broken – Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a break edge (nonconchoidal fracture) on the core. 12. Skill Level - skill level assessed for only a few specimens classified as bifacial cores and included in Zink (2007). Skill level was assessted by width:thickness and error density. Two values are possible: expert or novice. Data were taken from Zink (2007)., *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** DEBITAGE – laboratory analysis of debitage including all pieces mapped in situ and all screen debitage greater than or equal to 20 cm in maximum length ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Catalog Number – Catalog number 3. Artifact Type - =FK (flake), AD (Angular debris) PL (potlid) CH (chunk) 4. Portion - CO (complete, reliable length and width measurements), LWWP (nearly complete, reliable width and length measurements), LGWP (Nearly complete, reliable length measurement possible), PR (proximal, reliable width measurement), ME (medial, reliable width measurement), DI (distal, reliable width measurement), LS (longitudinal split), RNP (radially broken flake, no platform), RWP (radially broken flake with platform), OTNP (edge fragment no platform), OTWP (edge fragment with platform). See illustrations in Surovell (2003). 5. Mass – The mass of the artifact, measured to the nearest .01 g 6. Length - The length of the artifact measured from the platform to the most distant point on the distal edge. Length is a line, parallel to the axis of percussion, connecting two lines tangent to the proximal and distal edges that are perpendicular to the axis of percussion (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 7. Width - The width of the artifact. Width is a line perpendicular to the axis of percussion, that connects two lines tangent to the right and left edges that parallel are parallel to the axis of percussion (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 8. Thickness - The maximum thickness of the artifact, measured along the actual line connecting the two points that define the width measurement, perpendicular to the length and width measurement (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 9. Cortex – The amount of cortex retained on an artifact estimated as a percentage by placement into one of six categories: 0%, >0 and <25%, ?25 and <50%, ?50 and <75%, ?75 and <100%, 100%. 10. Dorsal Flake Scars - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of more than three dorsal flake scars. Dorsal flake scars were counted if they were larger than 2 mm in maximum length. 11. Burned - Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 12. Bifacial Thinning Flake - Subjective variable used to distinguish bifacial thinning flakes from core reduction flakes. Assigned a value of “Y” for artifacts believed to have been produced via bifacial reduction, a value of “N” for artifacts believed to have not been produced via bifacial reduction, or a value of “I” for pieces that could not confidently be assigned to the “Y” or “N” categories. 13. Raw Material Type – Lithic raw material type – codes are specific in Lithic Raw Materials table. 14. Interior Platform Angle – if platform is present, the greater angle formed by the intersection of two lines tangent to the platform and ventral face of the artifact. In the case of platform lipping and/or a pronounced bulb of percussion, the angle measurement was taken immediately beyond these features. Measured to the nearest 1°. 15. Platform Plain - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a noncortical platform lacking facets. 16. Platform Cortical - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of cortex on the platform surface. 17. Platform Dihedral - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of only two facets on the platform surface. 18. Platform Facetted - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of three or more facets on the platform surface. 19. Platform Sheared - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a platform shearing, defined as a platform split by fracture. 20. Platform Crushed - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence platform crushing 21. Platform Lipped - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of platform lipping. 22. Platform Dulled - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of platform dulled by grinding or battering. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** EXCAVATION POLYGONS– vertices defining the polygons for all excavation areas ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Excavation Area - name of the excavation area 3. Point number - sequential number designaing plotting order of polygon vertices 4. Northing - the arbitrary grid northing coordinate of the vertex in meters 5. Easting - the arbitrary grid easting coordinate of the vertex in meters *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** EXCAVATION UNITS – Summary data for excavation units ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Block - Block designation- the site grid was divided into 5x5 m blocks with alpha numeric designations. The first two letters refer to the northing of the block (e.g., LF-). The last three digits refer to the easting (e.g. -486). 3. Unit - a number between 1 and 25 referring to a specific unit within each block. Unit numbers snaked from 1 to 25 beginning in the NW corner of the block, continuing to eventually to the SE corner. 4. Northing – the arbitrary grid northing coordinate of the southwest corner of the excavation unit in meters 5. Easting – the arbitrary grid easting coordinate of the southwest corner of the excavation unit in meters 6. 1st year – first year of excavation 7. Last year – last year of excavation 8. Complete – boolean (true/false) variable recording whether the unit was completely excavated (TRUE) or left unifinished (FALSE) 9. NW Start El – Starting elevation for the center of the NW quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 10. NE Start El – Starting elevation for the center of the NE quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 11. Center Start El – Starting elevation for the center of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 12. SW Start El – Starting elevation for the center of the SW quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 13. SE Start El – Starting elevation for the center of the SE quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 14. NW End El – Ending elevation for the center of the NW quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 15. NE End El – Ending elevation for the center of the NE quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 16. Center End El – Ending elevation for the center of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 17. SW End El – Ending elevation for the center of the SW quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 18. SE End El - Ending elevation for the center of the SE quad of the excavation unit in abitrary grid coordinates. Units are meters. 19. Area - Name of the excavation block. Values: Main Block, East Block, South Block, Southwest Block, Test Units, Northwest Area 20. High Density Level - central grid elevation of the 5 cm excavation level with the highest artifact count 21. Occupation Surface – estimated elevation of the Folsom occupation surface based on the weighted average elevation artifacts in the three contiguous levels of highest artifact density. 22. Last Item Number – Last item number used for this unit 23. Excavators - initials of excavators *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** GROUND STONE – Laboratory data for ground stone artifacts ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Catalog Numbre - Catalog Number 3. Type - Artifact type - AB (abrader) AS - Anvil stone, HS - hammerstone 4. Raw Material - Lithic raw material type – codes are specific in Lithic Raw Materials table. 5. Mass - The mass of the artifact, measured to the nearest .01 g 6. Length - Length was measured so as to best approximate the dimensions of the core. Length is always greater than width, and width is also greater than thickness. Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 7. Width - Width was measured so as to best approximate the dimensions of the core. Width is always less than length and greater than thickness. Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 8. Thickness - Thickness was measured so as to best approximate the dimensions of the core. Thickness is always less than length and width. Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 9. Burned - (true/false) Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 10. Broken – (true/false) Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a break edge (nonconchoidal fracture) on the artifact. 11. Ocher - (true/false) Boolean variable recording whether there are there traces of ocher on the artifact 12. Striation - (true/false) Boolean variable recording whether the surface of the artifact shows striations *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** FEATURE POLYGONS– vertices defining the polygons for all identified features, including houses, hearths, and the Main Block pit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Feature Name - name of the feature 3. Point number - sequential number designaing plotting order of polygon vertices 4. Northing - the arbitrary grid northing coordinate of the vertex in meters 5. Easting - the arbitrary grid easting coordinate of the vertex in meters *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** POINTS AND PREFORMS – Laboratory data for projectile points and preforms ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Catalog Number - Catalog Number 3. Artifact type - PP (projectile point, PR (preform) 4. Raw Material - Lithic raw material type – codes are specific in Lithic Raw Materials table. 5. Portion - CO (complete), ABE (nearly complete, ear missing), LS (longitudinal split), PR (proximal), ME (medial), DI (distal), PRQ (proximal fragment with ear and platfrom), EAR (ear only), OT (Other), for illustrations, see Surovell (2003) 6. Raw Material - Lithic raw material type – codes are specific in Lithic Raw Materials table. 7. Proximal End - The state of the proximal end of the piece. Assigned CO for complete, BR for broken, or OP for an over passed flake scar. 8. Distal End - The state of the proximal end of the piece. Assigned CO for complete, BR for broken, or OP for an over passed flake scar. 9. Burned - (true/false) Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 10. Resharpened – only recorded for projectile points, assigned values of Y (yes), N (no), or I (indeterminate) 11. Mass - The mass of the artifact, measured to the nearest .01 g 12 Length - The length of the artifact measured parallel to the axis of fluting, or the long axis of the point in the absence of a flute (see illustration below). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 13. Width - The maximum width of the artifact measured perpendicular to the axis of the length measurement. Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 14. Maximum Thickness - The maximum thickness of the artifact measured perpendicular to the axes of the length and width measurements. Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 15. Flute Thickness - The thickness of the artifact measured in the center of the flutes. Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 16. Depth Basal Indent - The depth of the basal concavity measured from a line drawn between the proximal tips of the ears to the most distal portion of the basal concavity (see illustration in Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 17. Flute Length1 - The length of the flute on side one, measured from the point of detachment (or the basal edge within the concavity) to the distal edge of the flute. Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 18. Flute Length2 - The length of the flute on side two, measured from the point of detachment (or the basal edge within the concavity) to the distal edge of the flute. Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 19. Fluted Side 1 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a flute on side one of the piece. 20. Fluted Side 2 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a flute on side two of the piece. 21. Ground edges – Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of lateral edge grinding. 22. Fluting platform – Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a platform for removing channel flakes 23. Comments – additional comments *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** RADIOCARBON DATES – Radiocarbon dates from the site area ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID - sequential line number 2. Site number - always assigned the value of 5GA195 3. Locality - usually assigned "B" for Locality B. Other values refer to geologic profiles dated near the site. See Mayer et al. (2005, 2007, 2010). 4. Catalog Number - catalog number of the sample, if it has one 5. Sample Number - the radiocarbon laboratory sample number 6. Northing – the arbitrary grid northing coordinate for the sample in meters (if available). 7. Easting – the arbitrary grid easting coordinate for the sample in meters (if available). 8. Elevation - the arbitrary grid elevation coordinate for the sample in meters (if available). 9. Strat - field assigned stratigraphic designation if available (see CODING SHEETS above) 10.Sample Material - bone, calc bone (calcined bone), charcoal, SOM (soil organic matter) 11. Fraction - fraction of the sample that was dated 12. Date - uncalibrated on sigma radiocarbon age as reported by lab 13. d13C - delta 13C as reported by lab 14. comments - additional comments for the sample *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** RAW MATERIALS – Lithic Raw Material Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. CODE – the code used in all of the lithic analysis tables for that raw material type (see values). 2. Name – Name given a particular raw material type 3. Petrographic description of raw material, often with a color designation 4. Local or Exotic – whether the raw material is local (L) or nonlocal (E) to the site. If unknown, a value of U is assigned. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** REFITS – catalog of refittinga and conjoining artifacts ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID - sequential line number 2. Catalog Number One – Catalog Number of first artifact in refitting pair 3. Catalog Number Two – Catalog Number of second artifact in refitting pair 4. Conjoin - Boolean variable to record whether the paired arifacts are conjoining (TRUE) or refitting (FALSE) *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** REFITTED ITEMS ATTRIBUTES – Certain artifacts were analyzed as multiple conjoining fragments. For the purpose of spatial analysis and mapping, however, it was important to also analyze each fragment individually. This table records key attributes of artifacts that were analyzed as conjoined pieces. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID - sequential line number 2. CATALOG NUMBER - catalog number 3. Length - The length of the piece in mm 4. Width - The width of the piece in mm, measured perpendicularly to length 5. Mass - Mass in grams 6. Thickness - the max thickness of the piece, measured perpendicular to the plane defined by length and width 7. Burned - Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 8. Skill level - skill level assessed for only a few specimens bifaces and a few bifacial cores. . Skill level was assessted by width:thickness and error density. Two values are possible: expert or novice. Data were taken from Zink (2007). *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** SCREEN BAGS – ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID - sequential line number 2. Catalog Number - catalog Number 3. Raw Material - raw material code. See Raw Materials table. 4. Mass - the total mass of all artifacts of that raw material 5. Count - the total count of all artifacts of that raw material 6. Cortex - the total number of artifacts with cortex of that raw material 7. Platforms - the total number of artifacts with platforms of that raw material 8. Burned - the total number of artifacts showing clear evidence of burning of that raw material *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** TOOLS – Laboratory data for flake tools ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID - sequential line number 2. Catalog Number - catalog number 3. Artifact type - CHRT (retouched channel flake), ES (endscraper), GR (graver), NCH (notch), NCH/GR (notch/graver), NCH/RT (a notch + another retouched edge), RT (generic code for a retouched flake or flake tool), SES (spurred endscraper), SHV (spokeshave), SS (side scraper), SS/GR (side scraper & graver) 4. Portion - CO (complete, reliable length and width measurements), LWWP (nearly complete, reliable width and length measurements), LGWP (Nearly complete, reliable length measurement possible), PR (proximal, reliable width measurement), ME (medial, reliable width measurement), DI (distal, reliable width measurement), LS (longitudinal split), RNP (radially broken flake, no platform), RWP (radially broken flake with platform), OTNP (edge fragment no platform), OTWP (edge fragment with platform). See illustrations in Surovell (2003). 5. Mass - The mass of the artifact, measured to the nearest .01 g 6. Length - The length of the artifact measured from the platform to the most distant point on the distal edge. Length is a line, parallel to the axis of percussion, connecting two lines tangent to the proximal and distal edges that are perpendicular to the axis of percussion (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest .01 mm. 7. Width - The width of the artifact. Width is a line perpendicular to the axis of percussion, that connects two lines tangent to the right and left edges that parallel are parallel to the axis of percussion (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 8. Thickness - The maximum thickness of the artifact, measured along the actual line connecting the two points that define the width measurement, perpendicular to the length and width measurement (see Surovell 2003). Measured to the nearest 0.01 mm. 9. Cortex – The amount of cortex retained on an artifact estimated as a percentage by placement into one of six categories: 0%, >0 and <25%, ?25 and <50%, ?50 and <75%, ?75 and <100%, 100%. 10. Dorsal Flake Scars - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of more than three dorsal flake scars. Dorsal flake scars were counted if they were larger than 2 mm in maximum length. 11. Burned - Boolean variable recording whether an artifact has been burned. Burning was recognized by the presence of thermal fractures such as crazing and pot lids. 12. Bifacial Thinning Flake - Subjective variable used to distinguish bifacial thinning flakes from core reduction flakes. Assigned a value of “Y” for artifacts believed to have been produced via bifacial reduction, a value of “N” for artifacts believed to have not been produced via bifacial reduction, or a value of “I” for pieces that could not confidently be assigned to the “Y” or “N” categories. 13. Raw Material Type – Lithic raw material type – codes are specific in Lithic Raw Materials table. 14. Interior Platform Angle – if platform is present, the greater angle formed by the intersection of two lines tangent to the platform and ventral face of the artifact. In the case of platform lipping and/or a pronounced bulb of percussion, the angle measurement was taken immediately beyond these features. Measured to the nearest 1°. 15. Platform Plain - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a noncortical platform lacking facets. 16. Platform Faceted - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of three or more facets on the platform surface. 17. Platform Dulled - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of platform dulled by grinding or battering. 18. Platform Lipped - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of platform lipping. 19. Platform Cortical - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of cortex on the platform surface. 20. Platform Sheared - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of a platform shearing, defined as a platform split by fracture. 21. Platform Dihedral - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of only two facets on the platform surface. 22. Platform Crushed - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence platform crushing 23. EU1 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 342 to 18 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 24. EU2 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 18 to 54 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 25. EU3 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 54 to 90 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 26. EU4 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 90 to 126 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 27. EU5 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 126 to 162 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 28. EU6 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 162 to 198 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 29. EU7 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 198 to 234 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 30. EU8 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 234 to 270 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 31. EU9 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 270 to 306 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 32. EU10 - Boolean variable recording the presence or absence of edge modification on any portion of the tool edge in edge unit 1 – 306 to 342 degrees, with the tool centered on a radial diagram with the axis of percussion parallel to the 0 to 180?? line with the proximal portion of the tool placed downwards (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 33. Retouch Intensity - A subjective measure of retouch intensity assigned a value of 1, 2, 3, or i. A value of 1 was given to tools showing slight retouch on a portion of the tool edge. A value of 3 was given to tools showing very invasive retouch on most or all of the tool edge. A value of 2 was given to intermediate cases. A value of i (indeterminate) was given to small tool fragments were retouch intensity was difficult to gauge. 34. Retouch Thickness 1 - Thickness of retouched edge measured parallel to tool thickness measurement. One of three measurements taken to attempt to capture the average thickness of the retouched edge (see illustration in Surovell 2003). 35. Retouch Thickness 2 - Thickness of retouched edge measured parallel to tool thickness measurement. One of three measurements taken to attempt to capture the average thickness of the retouched edge (see illustration in Surovell 2003 36. Retouch Thickness 3 - Thickness of retouched edge measured parallel to tool thickness measurement. One of three measurements taken to attempt to capture the average thickness of the retouched edge (see illustration in Surovell 2003 37. - String of all edge units represented entirely by a break edge. If any portion of the original tool edge was present in an edge unit, it was not recorded as absent. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** TOPO SHOTS – total station shots take on various locations on the ground surface to produce a topographic map of the site ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fields: 1. ID – sequential line number 2. Easting - the arbitrary grid easting coordinate in meters. For screen bags, the center of the unit or quad is used. 3. Northing - the arbitrary grid northing coordinate in meters. For screen bags, the center of the unit or quad is used. 4. Elevation - the arbitrary grid elevation coordinate in meters. For screen bags, the bottom elevation of the level is used. 5. Data Source - who produced the shot or the purpose for which the shot was taken. *********************************************************************** REFERENCES CITED Mayer, James H., Todd A. Surovell, Nicole M. Waguespack, Marcel Kornfeld, Richard G. Reider, and George C. Frison (2005) Paleoindian environmental change and landscape response in Barger Gulch, Middle Park, Colorado. Geoarchaeology 20:599–625. Mayer, J.H., N.M. Waguespack, T. A. Surovell, and J. M. Daniels (2007) Paleoindian geoarchaeology of the Barger Gulch area, Middle Park, Colorado. In Roaming the Rocky Mountains and Environs: Geological Field Trips, edited by R.G. Raynolds, pp. p.79-99. Geological Society of America Field Guide 10, Geological Society of America. Mayer, James H., Richard G. Reider, and Marcel Kornfeld (2010) The geoarchaeological and paleoenvironmental context of Paleoindian sites in western Middle Park, Colorado, USA. Geoarchaeology 25:151–194. Surovell, Todd A. (2003) The Behavioral Ecology of Folsom Lithic Technology. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Zink, Andrew Noble (2007) A Dynamic View of Folsom Lithic Technology: Intrasite Analysis of Variation, Flintknapping Skill, and Individual Projectile Point Producers at Barger Gulch Locality B. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.