Publications in Salvage Archeology, 4: Molstad Village
The Molstad Village report, by J. J. Hoffman, provides a comprehensive analysis of the Chouteau Aspect (Extended Coalescent Horizon), an important group of complexes that foreshadow the historic period within the Middle Missouri area. The generic "La Roche" development, which includes the Chouteau Aspect, is the most widespread of the archeological horizons presently recognized within the Middle Missouri. At the same time, the constituent complexes have been thought to be characterized by a remarkable degree of uniformity wherever found. Paradoxically, La Roche has been among the most often discussed but least understood developments within the region. To a degree, Hoffman has confirmed our preconceptions but, in addition, he has succeeded in distinguishing firm taxonomic units and has added significant increments of space and time. He has broadened and, concurrently, sharpened major cultural units that are essential to an understanding of Middle Missouri prehistory.
Cite this Record
Publications in Salvage Archeology, 4: Molstad Village. John J. Hoffman, Warren W. Caldwell. Publications In Salvage Archeology ,4. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. 1967 ( tDAR id: 18412) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8GM885N
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Chouteau Aspect
Extended Contact Coalescent
Le Compte Focus
Chipped Stone
Ground Stone
Site Name
The Molstad Village (39DW234)
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Data Recovery / Excavation
Ground Disturbance Monitoring
Reconnaissance / Survey
Archeological Overview / Synthesis-Project Spec
Arzberger Site
Cultural Chronology
Earthlodge Village
Field Reconnaisance--Intensive
Molstad Village
Geographic Keywords
46041 (Fips Code)
Dewey (County)
North America (Continent)
Oahe Reservoir
South Dakota (State / Territory)
United States of America (Country)
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: 1500 to 1599
Spatial Coverage
min long: -100.558; min lat: 45.456 ; max long: -100.239; max lat: 45.647 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Sponsor(s): Smithsonian Institution
Record Identifiers
Publications in Salvage Archaeology(s): 4
NADB document id number(s): 821739
NADB citation id number(s): 000000100814
File Information
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