Archeological Tests at the Hoover Birthplace Cottage (HS-1) and a Shovel-Test Survey along the Route of a New Waterline to the Hoover Library Addition, Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa
Author(s): William J. Hunt, Jr.
Year: 1996
The yard around the Hoover Cottage (also known as the Birthplace Cottage) and a portion of the meadow southwest of the cottage were tested by a Midwest Archeological Center crew between July 15 and July 26, 1991. This investigation was initiated in response to proposed construction and associated ground disturbance at the cottage and between the cottage and the Hoover Library expansion. The purpose of this work was simply to determine whether prehistoric or historic archeological resources existed in the proposed construction zones. Test excavations on the north and south sides of the cottage identified scattered archeological resources affiliated with the period from the first decade or so of the village of West Branch's existence to the modern era. A limestone-slab walk and other features of uncertain function and origin were also identified near the surface in the west yard of the cottage. A shovel-test survey of the proposed route for the Hoover Library expansion waterline identified several concentrations of building materials. Surveyor flags were left at these find spots to allow the construction contractor to avoid these locations. Management recommendations included avoidance of the west yard of the cottage and locations where artifacts had been encountered during shovel testing.
Cite this Record
Archeological Tests at the Hoover Birthplace Cottage (HS-1) and a Shovel-Test Survey along the Route of a New Waterline to the Hoover Library Addition, Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa. William J. Hunt, Jr.. Midwest Archeological Center Technical Report ,No. 48. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service. 1996 ( tDAR id: 376074) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8S46RPW
Building Materials
Site Name
Birthplace Cottage
Hoover Cottage
Site Type
Domestic Structures
Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey
Trench Testing
Temporal Keywords
Late 19th Century
Spatial Coverage
min long: -91.364; min lat: 41.66 ; max long: -91.328; max lat: 41.69 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Repository(s): Midwest Archeological Center National Park Service
Record Identifiers
MWAC Accession No.(s): 438
HEHO Accession No.(s): 83
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