Archeological Determination of the Configuration and Size of the Arnold Barn and Mitigation of Construction-Related Impacts, Lincoln Home National Historic Site

Author(s): Forest Frost

Year: 1997


The Master Plan (1970) of the Lincoln Horne National Historic Site calls for the

reconstruction of the Arnold Barn using available historic documentation and information derived

from controlled archeological investigations. The Site's management staff seeks to use all sources

of evidence to ensure that the barn appears as it did circa 1860. Excavations at the site revealed

evidence of two barns. The earlier rectangular barn was replaced with a smaller square barn.

The sequence of construction has been established. The dates of construction, however, are not

documented historically and have not been established from archeological evidence for either

structure. Monitoring of ground disturbance by a qualified archeologist is suggested during later

stages of the project.

Cite this Record

Archeological Determination of the Configuration and Size of the Arnold Barn and Mitigation of Construction-Related Impacts, Lincoln Home National Historic Site. Forest Frost. Midwest Archeological Center Technical Report ,No. 55. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service. 1997 ( tDAR id: 376084) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8862G43

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min long: -89.667; min lat: 39.774 ; max long: -89.622; max lat: 39.813 ;

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Repository(s): Lincoln Home National Historic Site

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MWAC Accession Number (s): 695

LIHO Accession Number(s): 217


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