Archeological Investigations Relating to Restoration of the Charles E. Arnold House, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois

Author(s): Vergil E. Noble

Year: 2001


In response to preliminary plans for restoration of the Charles E. Arnold House, the Midwest Archeological Center initiated field investigations within Lincoln Home National Historic Site in the summer of 1991. The excavation team sought specific information about the original position of the relocated structure, as well as more general information on associated cultural resources that might be present on the house lot. We found no unambiguous physical remains that would refine the restored house siting. Excavations to the east of the standing structure, however, revealed the apparent locations of two former privies and a barn or similar outbuilding.

Cite this Record

Archeological Investigations Relating to Restoration of the Charles E. Arnold House, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois. Vergil E. Noble. Midwest Archeological Center Technical Report ,No. 71. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service. 2001 ( tDAR id: 376099) ; doi:10.6067/XCV85D8RJ6

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min long: -89.669; min lat: 39.784 ; max long: -89.632; max lat: 39.819 ;

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Sponsor(s): Midwest Archeological Center National Park Service

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MWAC Accession Number(s): 492

Lincoln Home Accession Number(s): 124

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