An Archaeological Survey of the Floodwater Detention Basin, Reach 5A, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Yuma and Maricopa Counties, Arizona


Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management (OCRM), Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University conducted an archaeological survey to identify and evaluate the cultural resources in the area of a flood water detention basin along Reach 5A of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, upslope from the aqueduct right-of-way. The objectives of the survey were 1) to inspect the entire area within the designated boundaries, in order to locate and record prehistoric remains impacted by proposed construction;2) to characterize and evaluate those remains in relation to other known prehistoric activity in the region; and 3) to submit a plan for further investigation of those sites which seem likely to yield significant information about the prehistoric utilization of the area. Field work was completed in 30 worker days from 12 February 1976 to 24 February 1976.

This report describes the results of the archaeological survey along Reach 5A of the Granite Reef Aqueduct. The survey resulted in the identification and documentation of ten archaeological sites.

Cite this Record

An Archaeological Survey of the Floodwater Detention Basin, Reach 5A, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Yuma and Maricopa Counties, Arizona. Patricia E. Brown. 1976 ( tDAR id: 393043) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8MW2J44

Spatial Coverage

min long: -113.389; min lat: 33.566 ; max long: -113.282; max lat: 33.606 ;

Record Identifiers

Bureau of Reclamation Purchase Order No.(s): 6-01-20-02520

NADB document id number(s): 2202391

NADB citation id number(s): 000000166495

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
OCRM-09-1976-Flood-Water-Retention-Basin-Reach-5A-Granite-Reef... 1,003.54kb Jun 11, 2014 5:24:27 PM Confidential
OCRM-09-1976-Flood-Water-Retention-Basin-Reach-5A-Granite-Reef... 2.32mb Jun 11, 2014 5:24:27 PM Public

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