USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix DAHA Resources

Part of: Digital Archive of Huhugam Archaeology (DAHA)

Resources pulled from the existing USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office (PXAO) tDAR collection to be included in the DAHA collection.

You can find the main USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area office collection here:

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 301)

  1. Addendum Report to the Class III Survey Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation: Report (2014)
  2. Additional Cultural Resources Survey within the Fannin-McFarland and Tucson Aqueducts, Central Arizona Project Canal, Maricopa, Pinal, Pima Counties, Arizona (2017)
  3. The Ak Chin Farm Project: Archaeological Survey on the Ak Chin Indian Reservation, West Half (1983)
  4. An Archaeological Analysis of the Proposed Florence Water Treatment Plant (1987)
  5. An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Photo Log (1997)
  6. An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Photos (1998)
  7. An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Report (1998)
  8. Archaeological Assessment of 16 Sites at Lake Pleasant Regional Park: Photo Log (2008)
  9. Archaeological Assessment of 16 Sites at Lake Pleasant Regional Park: Select Photos (2008)
  10. Archaeological Assessment of a Proposed Borrow Area Adjacent to Avra Valley Airport, Marana, Pima County, Arizona (1996)
  11. An Archaeological Clearance Survey of a Borrow Area Associated with the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (1976)
  12. Archaeological Excavation of Isolated Human Remains at the Tres Rios Wetlands Demonstration Site in Southwest Phoenix, Maricopa County: Report (1995)
  13. Archaeological Investigation of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Cave Creek Archaeological District, Arizona (1977)
  14. Archaeological Investigations Along Reach 1 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1980)
  15. Archaeological Investigations Along Reach 11 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1979)
  16. Archaeological Investigations Along Reach 12 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1980)
  17. Archaeological Investigations Along Reach 4 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1979)
  18. Archaeological Investigations Along Reach 7 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1978)
  19. Archaeological Investigations Along Reach 8 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1978)
  20. Archaeological Investigations Along the Bouse Hills-Harcuvar-Little Harquahala Transmission Lines, Features of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1980)
  21. Archaeological Investigations Along the Liberty-Parker 230 kV Transmission Line, Central Arizona Project (1978)
  22. Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:13:16(ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Pima County, Arizona: Photos (2001)
  23. Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:13:16(ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O'odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Pima County, Arizona: Report (2001)
  24. Archaeological Investigations at AZ T:4:53 (ASU), A Site Located Along the Reach 9 Completion of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1979)
  25. Archaeological Investigations of Cultural Resources Located in the Burnt Mountain and Agua Fria Tunnels Right-of-Way, Central Arizona Project (1978)
  26. Archaeological Investigations Within a Borrow Area Associated with the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (1976)
  27. Archaeological Investigations Within a Floodwater Detention Basin, Reach 5A, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Yuma and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (1976)
  28. An Archaeological Overview of the Middle and Lower Santa Cruz Basin: A Class I Cultural Resource Survey for the Central Arizona Project - Tucson Division (1979)
  29. An Archaeological Overview of the Middle Santa Cruz Basin: A Supplemental Class I Cultural Resource Survey for Reach 3 of the Central Arizona Project - Tucson Division (1981)
  30. An Archaeological Reassessment and Evaluation of Eight Site Clusters Around Horseshoe Reservoir, Tonto National Forest (1993)
  31. An Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of the Proposed Liberty-Parker 230 KV Transmission Line (1974)
  32. An Archaeological Resurvey and Assessment of 15 Previously Recorded Sites on the Bureau of Reclamation Right-of-Way Along the Hayden-Rhodes Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project Canal, Located in La Paz County, Arizona (2015)
  33. An Archaeological Sample Survey of the Middle Santa Cruz River Basin, Picacho Reservoir to Tucson, Arizona: A Class II Survey of the Proposed Tucson Aqueduct Phase A, Central Arizona Project (1982)
  34. An Archaeological Survey in the Blackwater Area, Volume 1: The History of Human Settlement in the Blackwater Area (1994)
  35. An Archaeological Survey in the Blackwater Area, Volume 2: Site Descriptions and Related Data (1994)
  36. An Archaeological Survey of a Portion of the Proposed Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona (1968)
  37. Archaeological Survey of Burnt Mountain and Agua Fria Tunnels, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1978)
  38. An Archaeological Survey of Nearly 1000 Acres for the Tucson Aqueduct System Reliability Investigations Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona (1994)
  39. An Archaeological Survey of the Floodwater Detention Basin, Reach 5A, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Yuma and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (1976)
  40. An Archaeological Survey of the Granite-Reef Aqueduct (1972)
  41. An Archaeological Survey of the Reach 10 Realignment of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1976)
  42. An Archaeological Survey of the Reach 9 Realignment, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (1977)
  43. Archaeological Survey of the Salt River and Windy Hill Parcels Around Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona (1992)
  44. An Archaeological Survey of the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1973)
  45. Archaeological Survey of the Schoolhouse Point, Cottonwood Wash, and Indian Point Parcels Around Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto National Forest, Gila County, Arizona (1992)
  46. An Archaeological Survey of the Tucson Aqueducts, Central Arizona Project (1969)
  47. Archaeological Test Excavations at Two Sites In the Vicinity of the Lake Pleasant Regional Park (1990)
  48. Archaeological Testing at AZ T:3:79(ASM) in Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Yavapai County, Arizona (1993)
  49. Archaeology in the Distribution Division of the Central Arizona Project: Thoughts on the History of the Hohokam Culture of Southern Arizona and on the Practice of Archaeology in the 1990s (1995)
  50. The Archaeology of Schoolhouse Point Mesa, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites, Schoolhouse Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex (1997)
  51. Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: Material Cultural and Human Remains (1990)
  52. Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: Research Design (1986)
  53. Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: Subsistence Studies and Synthesis and Interpretation (1990)
  54. Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: The Archaeological Data Recovery Program (1990)
  55. Archaeology of the Ak Chin Indian Community West Side Farms Project: The Land and the People (1990)
  56. Archaeomagnetic Dates and the Hohokam Phase Sequence (1988)
  57. Archaic Occupation on the Santa Cruz Flats: The Tator Hills Archaeological Project (1993)
  58. Archeological Investigations Along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1979)
  59. An Archeological Survey of the Gila River Farms Expansion, Pinal County, Arizona (1987)
  60. Arizona U:5:13: A Short-Term Limited Activity Site (1974)
  61. The Central Arizona Project Historic Preservation Program: Conserving the Past While Building for the Future (1986)
  62. Class I (Overview) Survey of Approximately 700 Acres Along the Upper Gila River Near Fort Thomas (2005)
  63. Class I (Overview) Survey Update of the San Carlos Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) Joint Works for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Pinal County, Arizona: Photo (2009)
  64. Class I (Overview) Survey Update of the San Carlos Irrigation Drainage District (SCIDD) Joint Works for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Pinal County, Arizona: Report (2009)
  65. Class II (Reconnaissance) Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Photo Log (2010)
  66. Class II (Reconnaissance) Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Photos (2010)
  67. Class II (Reconnaissance) Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Report (2011)
  68. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resource Survey of 458 Acres of Federal and Private Land for Proposed Construction and Operations of a Sediment Removal Pond and Storage Area Below Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Florence, Pinal County, Arizona: Photo Log (2010)
  69. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resource Survey of 458 Acres of Federal and Private Land for Proposed Construction and Operations of a Sediment Removal Pond and Storage Area Below Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Florence, Pinal County, Arizona: Photos (2010)
  70. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resource Survey of 458 Acres of Federal and Private Land for Proposed Construction and Operations of a Sediment Removal Pond and Storage Area Below Ashurst-Hayden Diversion Dam, Florence, Pinal County, Arizona: Report (2010)
  71. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake: Photo Log (2007)
  72. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake: Photos (2007)
  73. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake: Report (2007)
  74. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1600 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photo Log (2005)
  75. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1600 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photos (2005)
  76. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1600 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Report (2005)
  77. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photo Log (2006)
  78. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Photos (2006)
  79. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 2,530 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Coon Bluff: Report (2006)
  80. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 960 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along Queen Creek: Photo Log (2008)
  81. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 960 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along Queen Creek: Photos (2008)
  82. Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 960 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along Queen Creek: Report (2009)
  83. A Class III Archaeological Survey of the Phase B Corridor, Tucson Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1986)
  84. A Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District (SCIDD) Rehabilitation Project in Reach 1 of the SCIDD and Joint Works Irrigation Facilities, Pinal County, Arizona. (2017)
  85. A Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District (SCIDD) Rehabilitation Project in Reach 2 of the SCIDD and Joint Works Irrigation Facilities, Pinal County, Arizona. (2017)
  86. A Class III Cultural Resource Survey for the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District (SCIDD) Rehabilitation Project in Reach 3 of the SCIDD and Joint Works Irrigation Facilities, Pinal County, Arizona. (2017)
  87. Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Photo Log (2012)
  88. Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Photos (2011)
  89. Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the East Side of the Lower Verde River: Report (2012)
  90. Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Photo Log (2001)
  91. Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Photos (2000)
  92. Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Report (2004)
  93. Class III Pedestrian Survey, Shovel Probe Testing, Limited Nonsite Backhoe Trenching, and Magnetometer Sampling for the San Xavier District Farm Rehabilitation Project, Tohono O’odham Nation, Pima County, Arizona: Photos (2011)
  94. Class III Survey of Expanded Area of Potential Effect for the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation of Reaches 1, 2, and 3: Photos (2017)
  95. A Class III Survey of the Tucson Aqueduct Phase A Corridor, Central Arizona Project: An Intensive Archaeological Survey in the Lower Santa Cruz River Basin, Picacho Reservoir to Rillito, Arizona (1984)
  96. A Class One Overview for the Proposed San Carlos Irrigation Project Joint Works Rehabilitation: Report (1995)
  97. Classic Period Occupation on the Santa Cruz Flats: The Santa Cruz Flats Archaeological Project, Part 1 (1993)
  98. Classic Period Occupation on the Santa Cruz Flats: The Santa Cruz Flats Archaeological Project, Part 2 (1993)
  99. Cultural Affiliation Statement, Upper Gila River Valley, Arizona: Report (1997)
  100. A Cultural Inventory of the Proposed Granite Reef and Salt-Gila Aqueducts, Agua Fria River to Gila River, Arizona (1969)