Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Photos


The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 4,514 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located within the Tonto National Forest (TNF), west of the lower Verde River, south of Bartlett Reservoir, and north of the Fort McDowell Mohave-Apache Indian Community.

At the request of Reclamation, ACS conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the project area to provide an inventory and assessment of cultural resources that occur within the parcel. The survey, conducted on TNF land under permits TON26 for 2000, TON86 for 2001, and MES912 for 2002, was performed between 2000 and 2002. In total, 93 sites and 494 isolated occurrences were identified.

These photos were taken during the survey.

The photo log can be found at tDAR ID: 393920.

The report is available at tDAR ID: 393919.

Cite this Record

Class III Cultural Resources Survey of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands along the Lower Verde River: Needle Rock Survey: Photos. M. McCurdy, S. Reichardt. Tempe, Arizona: Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. ( tDAR id: 393921) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8988801

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Site Name
AR-03-12-01-1074(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1600(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1601(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1602(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1603(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1604(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1605(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1606(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1607(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1608(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1609(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1610(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1611(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1614(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1615(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1616(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1617(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1618(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1619(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1620(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1621(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1622(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1623(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1624(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1625(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1626(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1627(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1628(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1629(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1630(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1631(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1632(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1633(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1634(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1635(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1636(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1637(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1638(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1639(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1640(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1641(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1642(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1643(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1644(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1645(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1646(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1647(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1648(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1649(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1650(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1651(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1652(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1653(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1654(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1655(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1656(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1657(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1658(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1659(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1660(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1661(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1662(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1663(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1664(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1665(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1666(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1667(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1681(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1682(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1683(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1684(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1685(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1686(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1687(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1688(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1689(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1690(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1691(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1692(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1693(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1694(TNF) AR-03-12-01-1695(TNF) AR-03-12-01-196(TNF) AR-03-12-01-198(TNF) AR-03-12-01-199(TNF) AR-03-12-01-206(TNF) AR-03-12-01-210(TNF) AR-03-12-01-215(TNF) AR-03-12-01-217(TNF) AR-03-12-01-220(TNF) AR-03-12-01-225(TNF) AR-03-12-01-226(TNF) AR-03-12-01-228(TNF) AR-03-12-01-229(TNF) AR-03-12-01-233(TNF) AR-03-12-01-25(TNF) AR-03-12-01-68(TNF) AR-03-12-01-713(TNF) AZ U:2:12(ASM) AZ U:2:13(ASM) AZ U:2:14(ASM) AZ U:2:18(ASM) AZ U:2:46(ASM) AZ U:6:1(ASM) AZ U:6:101(ASM) AZ U:6:103(ASM) AZ U:6:2(ASM) AZ U:6:21(ASU) AZ U:6:261(ASM) AZ U:6:265(ASM) AZ U:6:3(ASM) AZ U:6:3(ASU) AZ U:6:4(ASM) AZ U:6:71(ASM) AZ U:6:73(ASM) AZ U:6:76(ASM) AZ U:6:78(ASM) AZ U:6:95(ASM) AZ U:6:96(ASM) NA12596 Show More

Site Type
Agricultural or Herding Artifact Scatter Ball Court Canal or Canal Feature Domestic Structures House Plaza Ranch sites Reservoir Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features Rock Alignment Trash Midden

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 300 to 1450

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.71; min lat: 33.711 ; max long: -111.651; max lat: 33.821 ;

Record Identifiers

Bureau of Reclamation Delivery Order No.(s): 02A6320110

ACS Project No.(s): 00-373

Bureau of Reclamation Contract No.(s): 01-CS-32-0110

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
P0000030.JPG 541.93kb Oct 15, 2014 11:07:49 AM Confidential
P0000048.JPG 672.89kb Oct 15, 2014 11:07:49 AM Confidential
P1010001.JPG 689.62kb Oct 15, 2014 11:07:49 AM Confidential
P1010004.JPG 729.41kb Oct 15, 2014 11:07:49 AM Confidential
P1010014.JPG 695.70kb Oct 15, 2014 11:07:49 AM Confidential

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Contact(s): USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office

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