Hohokam Sedentary period (Temporal Keyword)
1-25 (98 Records)
The UMOM Additional Testing Project is located in Phoenix. The UMOM development project is a multi-phased development project that began in 2009 and involves the acquisition of property, the demolition of existing buildings, and the construction of multi-family housing and associated amenities. The project is on private property, but has received federal funding from Housing and Urban Development (HUD), so the effects of this undertaking on cultural resources have been considered in order to...
Archaeological Data Recovery at a Small Portion of AZ EE:9:174 (ASM), a Prehistoric Habitation Site North of Nogales, Santa Cruz County, Arizona (2005)
Archaeological data recovery was conducted at the eastern margin of a larger site, AZ EE:9:174 (ASM), by Desert Archaeology, Inc. Four pit structures and 11 extramural features were identified and excavated. No human remains were found. The structures were all structures-in-pits oriented toward the east and the Santa Cruz River. Results from this project were limited because only a small portion of the site was investigated. Ceramic analysis suggested this portion of the site was occupied during...
Archaeological Investigations at a Portion of the Julian Wash Site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (2008)
Archaeological work was conducted in April and May of 2004, at a portion of the Julian Wash site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM), located in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, prior to construction of a drainage system. Previous excavations by Desert Archaeology, Inc., and Statistical Research, Inc., identified several loci of this large prehistoric Hohokam site.The new project area was between these loci in an area that once lay beneath an embankment of Interstate 19 (I-19). The removal of this embankment and...
Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:9:7 (ASM) and at AZ BB:9:391 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2006)
Results of archaeological investigations at two sites, AZ BB:9:391 (ASM) and AZ BB:9:7 (ASM), are detailed in this report. The work at BB:9:391 was requested by the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Arizona prior to construction of a Ronald McDonald House along Allen Road. The work at BB:9:7 was requested by the University Medical Center (UMC) prior to construction of the University Medical Center North. Both sites are located on the grounds of the former Tucson General Hospital,...
Archaeological Investigations Within a Floodwater Detention Basin, Reach 5A, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Yuma and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (1976)
Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management,Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, undertook the investigation of four sites located within a floodwater detention basin situated immediately to the north of Reach 5A of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project. These sites were initially located and recorded during a survey completed by the Office of Cultural Resource Management in February, 1976 (Brown 1976a) (see...
Archaeological Resource Report: Arizona Highway Department Project F-043-1 (1), Hohokam Freeway (1973)
The following report has been prepared by the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson, at the request of the Environmental Planning Division of the Arizona Highway Department as an aid in identifying the impact of the proposed improvement on the archaeological resources of the region. Data presented has been gathered from two primary sources; a) archaeological survey of all areas to be utilized in construction, and b) archival and published material pertaining to the prehistory of...
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 5A, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Yuma and Maricopa Counties, Arizona
Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management (OCRM), Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University completed an archaeological survey to identify and evaluate the cultural resources in the area of a flood water detention basin along Reach 5A of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, upslope from the aqueduct right-of-way, and then conducted archaeological investigations at four sites to mitigate the adverse effects of the detention basin. This project...
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 9, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona
Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management (OCRM), Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, completed an archaeological survey of the Reach 9 realignment, a detention basin, a waste disposal area, and associated access roads. Reach 9 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct extends about 11 miles from U.S. 60 to the New River on the east. Following the initial realignment survey, OCRM archaeologists conducted archaeological investigations at six...
Archaeological Survey for the Dove Valley Ranch Project, North Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
This report presents the results of a Class III archaeological survey conducted on 500 acres of land in north Phoenix, Arizona. The survey was conducted for PK Development LLC prior to their proposed development of the area. SWCA conducted the survey under an Arizona Antiquities Act permit (97-03). The project area consisted of 500 acres of privately-owned land: one irregularly-shaped parcel contains 480 acres and a smaller adjacent parcel contains 20 acres. The survey located a total of four...
Archaeological Survey for the Tucson Aqueduct System Reliability Investigations (TASRI) Reservoir, Pima County, Arizona
This project covers two archaeological surveys conducted prior to the construction of the Tucson Aqueduct, part of the Central Arizona Project (CAP). One of the surveys was done on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation, and thus relates to the CAP Indian Distribution Division (IDD) collection. The other survey was conducted in a lot adjacent to the Reservation, and relates to the broader Tucson Aqueduct collection.
An Archaeological Survey of Nearly 1000 Acres for the Tucson Aqueduct System Reliability Investigations Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona (1994)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a cultural resource survey of approximately 1000 acres located west of Tucson. The survey, requested by the Bureau of Reclamation, was undertaken to identify and assess the cultural resources that might be affected by the development of the Tucson Aqueduct System Reliability Investigations (TASRI) Reservoir. Two additional surveys have been completed in conjunction with the TASRI project, an 880-acre parcel directly south of the current...
An Archaeological Survey of the Floodwater Detention Basin, Reach 5A, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Yuma and Maricopa Counties, Arizona (1976)
Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management (OCRM), Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University conducted an archaeological survey to identify and evaluate the cultural resources in the area of a flood water detention basin along Reach 5A of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, upslope from the aqueduct right-of-way. The objectives of the survey were 1) to inspect the entire area within the designated boundaries, in order to locate and record...
An Archaeological Survey of the Reach 9 Realignment, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona (1977)
Under contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, the Office of Cultural Resource Management, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, completed an archaeological survey of areas within Reach 9 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project. The survey area encompassed approximately 728 hectares (1800 acres) on the northwest margin of the Salt River Valley just west of the Agua Fria River. Reach 9 is located about 48 km (30 mi) northwest of Phoenix and runs east from U.S....
Archaeological Testing of Seven Sites in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, Maricopa County, Arizona (1997)
This report details the results of an archaeological testing program conducted in the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development, located in Goodyear, Arizona. The testing program was implemented to assess the significance of seven archaeological sites, AZ T:11:27, AZ T:11:55, AZ T:11:57, AZ T:11:58, AZ T:11:59, AZ T:11:64, and AZ T:11:65 (all ASM). The sites were among a total of twelve located during an archaeological survey of 3900 acres of the Estrella Mountain Ranch Development. Further...
The Archaeology of Schoolhouse Point Mesa, Roosevelt Platform Mound Study: Report on the Schoolhouse Point Mesa Sites, Schoolhouse Management Group, Pinto Creek Complex (1997)
This report describes the archaeological investigations and results for studies of sites on Schoolhouse Point Mesa, a large geographic unit naturally bounded by the Salt River on its northern end and by major washes on its eastern and western sides (see Figure 1.1). Although people living on the mesa may have interacted with people living on the other side of major washes or rivers, the ease of interaction among people living on the mesa would have made them relatively more...
Archaic Occupation on the Santa Cruz Flats: the Tator Hills Archaeological Project (1993)
This report describes the results of archaeological investigations undertaken northeast and in the vicinity of the Tator Hills at the southern edge of the Santa Cruz Flats. The archaeological investigations were funded by the Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Projects Office, and identified as Tasks 43 and 45 of Contract 3-PA-30-00740. The work was conducted to mitigate the impact to prehistoric resources in the construction of the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District, Central Unit IV...
The Central Arizona Project Historic Preservation Program: Conserving the Past While Building for the Future (1986)
On July 15, 1983, the chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) ratified a programmatic memorandum of agreement among the Arizona and New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), the Bureau of Reclamation, and the ACHP. The subject of that agreement was the construction of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) and its impact upon historic properties. That agreement was negotiated in compliance with Section 2(b) of Executive Order 11593, "Protection and Enhancement...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 1,270 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake: Photo Log (2007)
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 1,270 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake: Photos (2007)
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 1,270 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Class III (Intensive) Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 1,270 Acres of Reclamation Withdrawn Land Along the Salt River at Saguaro Lake: Report (2007)
Other entries related to work done on the withdrawn lands along the Salt River can be found at the following link: https://core.tdar.org/collection/27771 The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has identified approximately 1,270 acres of land for a Class III (intensive) cultural resource survey for Section 110 inventory purposes. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is located upstream from the Granite Reef Diversion Dam on the south side of the Salt River. The withdrawn...
Classic Period Occupation on the Santa Cruz Flats: The Santa Cruz Flats Archaeological Project, Part 1 (1993)
This report presents the results of archaeological investigations at 13 prehistoric sites located on the Santa Cruz Flats. The investigations were sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation in order to mitigate the impact to prehistoric resources in the construction of the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District, Central Unit II and III irrigation systems. These systems are located southwest of Interstate 10, south and west of Eloy, Arizona, south and east of Arizona City, Arizona, and...
Classic Period Occupation on the Santa Cruz Flats: The Santa Cruz Flats Archaeological Project, Part 2 (1993)
This document contains the specialized analyses and syntheses of archaeological data recovered during the excavation of sites on the Santa Cruz Flats. The investigations were sponsored by the Bureau of Reclamation in order to mitigate the impact to prehistoric resources in the construction of the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District, Central Unit II and III irrigation systems. These systems are located southwest of Interstate 10, south and west of Eloy, Arizona, south and east of...
Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Granite Reef Recharge Project, Salt River Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona (1990)
An archaeological survey of a portion of the Salt River Indian Reservation was completed for the Salt River Project (SRP) by SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, during July and August, 1990. Work was performed under special use permit Number 440 issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Phoenix District, and a letter of authorization from the Salt River Indian Community. The project was undertaken for a proposed ground water recharge system located north of Mesa, Arizona, along the north side...
Cultural Resources Assessment of 28 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reach 4 of the Fannin-McFarland Portion of the CAP Canal
The Bureau of Reclamation has developed an archaeological site database for the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal main stem based on the Class III survey data that includes all previously recorded sites. An unknown number of these sites were either destroyed by construction or excavation, while others are no longer located within the CAP right-of-way (ROW). To assist Reclamation in checking the accuracy of its site database, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) was asked to revisit...