Cultural Resources Assessment of 28 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reach 4 of the Fannin-McFarland Portion of the CAP Canal


The Bureau of Reclamation has developed an archaeological site database for the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal main stem based on the Class III survey data that includes all previously recorded sites. An unknown number of these sites were either destroyed by construction or excavation, while others are no longer located within the CAP right-of-way (ROW). To assist Reclamation in checking the accuracy of its site database, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) was asked to revisit 28 sites that had been identified in Reach 4 of the Fannin-McFarland portion of the CAP canal. This presents the results of the assessment.

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Cultural Resources Assessment of 28 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reach 4 of the Fannin-McFarland Portion of the CAP Canal. ( tDAR id: 393752) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8T72JWX

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Building Materials Ceramic Chipped Stone Fauna Fire Cracked Rock Glass Ground Stone Macrobotanical Metal Shell Wood

Site Name
AZ AA:3:10(MNA) AZ AA:3:2(MNA) AZ AA:3:20(ASM) AZ AA:3:21(ASM) AZ AA:3:22(ASM) AZ AA:3:23(ASM) AZ AA:3:24(ASM) AZ AA:3:25(ASM) AZ AA:3:26(ASM) AZ AA:3:27(ASM) AZ AA:3:3(MNA) AZ AA:3:4(MNA) AZ AA:3:49(ASM) AZ AA:3:5(MNA) AZ AA:3:6(MNA) AZ AA:3:8(MNA) AZ AA:3:9(ASM) AZ AA:3:9(MNA) AZ U:15:10(MNA) AZ U:15:100(ASM) AZ U:15:102(ASM) AZ U:15:103(ASM) AZ U:15:11(MNA) AZ U:15:12(MNA) AZ U:15:13(ASM) AZ U:15:13(MNA) AZ U:15:14(MNA) AZ U:15:15(MNA) AZ U:15:16(MNA) AZ U:15:19(ASM) AZ U:15:20(MNA) AZ U:15:21(MNA) AZ U:15:22(MNA) AZ U:15:23(MNA) AZ U:15:24(MNA) AZ U:15:32(MNA) AZ U:15:33(MNA) AZ U:15:46(ASM) AZ U:15:76(ASM) AZ U:15:77(ASM) AZ U:15:78(ASM) AZ U:15:79(ASM) AZ U:15:80(ASM) AZ U:15:81(ASM) AZ U:15:82(ASM) AZ U:15:83(ASM) AZ U:15:84(ASM) AZ U:15:85(ASM) AZ U:15:87(ASM) AZ U:15:88(ASM) AZ U:15:9(MNA) Dust Bowl site Florence Water Treatment site Gopherette site Junkyard site Las Fosas Los Canales Ruin NA15635 NA15636 NA15637 NA15638 NA15639 NA15640 NA15641 NA15642 NA15647 NA15648 NA15649 NA15650 NA15651 NA15653 NA15654 NA15655 NA15656 NA15657 NA15658 NA15659 NA15660 NA15668 NA15669 NA18024 Saguaro site Show More

Site Type
Artifact Scatter Bedrock Grinding Feature Canal or Canal Feature Corral Fence Funerary and Burial Structures or Features Hamlet / Village Hearth Historic Structure Pit House / Earth Lodge Roasting Pit / Oven / Horno Rock Alignment Trash Midden

Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.407; min lat: 32.445 ; max long: -111.187; max lat: 33.797 ;

Record Identifiers

Bureau of Reclamation BPA No.(s): 09A1324001

ACS Project No.(s): 09-300-02

General Services Administration Contract No.(s): GS10F0224P

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-3 of 3)


  1. Cultural Resources Assessment of 28 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reach 4 of the Fannin-McFarland Portion of the CAP Canal (2009)
  2. Photolog for Photos from the Cultural Resources Assessment of 28 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reach 4 of the Fannin-McFarland Portion of the CAP Canal (2009)


  1. Photos from the Cultural Resources Assessment of 28 Archaeological Sites Located Along Reach 4 of the Fannin-McFarland Portion of the CAP Canal (2009)