Brian Fagan, Climate Change and Us
Author(s): Andrew Moore
Year: 2015
Brian Fagan has been a leader in illuminating the human past for students, and the public of all ages. From his writings and lectures thousands of people have come to understand how human societies have shaped the world in which we live. In recent years Fagan has built on these insights to bring a compelling message to his many audiences: that climate change has profoundly impacted human communities in the past and that it continues to do so in the present. He invites them to ponder these lessons and to consider how they should respond in the light of past human experience, now intensified by increasingly dense populations, large-scale exploitation of the earth’s resources, and modern technology. This paper will examine Fagan’s recent publications on the theme of climate change, explore the development of his thinking, and offer an assessment of the contributions he is making to present-day debates.
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Brian Fagan, Climate Change and Us. Andrew Moore. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 396554)
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Climate Change