The Otherness of Objects? The Material Turn and Historical Archaeology
Author(s): Anders Andrén
Year: 2015
The material turn in archaeology – and in humanities in general – has led to a new interest in the non-verbal and non-signifying aspects of the material world. Instead of discussing meaning of objects, issues such as longterm durance and agency of objects have come into focus. Consequently, many archaeologists have turned away from the textual metaphor to a recognition of the otherness of materiality. However, this material turn has above all taken place in a dialogue with modern ruins and remains, and not in relation to historical archaeology in a broader sense. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to critically discuss some challenges of the material turn for historical archaeology in general.
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The Otherness of Objects? The Material Turn and Historical Archaeology. Anders Andrén. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 397080)
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