Patterns of Postclassic Ceramic Exchange in the Toluca Valley and Surrounding Areas of Central Mexico

Author(s): Angela Huster

Year: 2015


In Central Mexico, the Late Postclassic period encompasses the expansion of both a robust market system and the growth of the Aztec Empire. However, increasingly refined chronologies in multiple subregions have made it clear that changes in economic and political organization did not happen simultaneously, nor did they happen consistently across the region. This poster presents data on the changing geographic patterning and intensity of ceramic exchange at the site of Calixtlahuaca, in the Toluca Valley during the Middle and Late Postclassic periods (AD 1130-1530). The discussion of exchange incorporates both type-based ceramic classification and INAA. The pattern observed at Calixtlahuaca is then compared to patterns of ceramic exchange at contemporaneous sites in the Basin of Mexico and Morelos.

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Patterns of Postclassic Ceramic Exchange in the Toluca Valley and Surrounding Areas of Central Mexico. Angela Huster. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 397202)


Aztec Exchange Pottery

Geographic Keywords

Spatial Coverage

min long: -107.271; min lat: 12.383 ; max long: -86.353; max lat: 23.08 ;