Temple, Tavern, and Table: Zooarchaeology at the Area Sacra di Sant'Omobono from the 7th century BCE to the 13th century CE

Author(s): Victoria Moses

Year: 2015


The Area Sacra di Sant’Omobono in Rome, situated on the banks of the Tiber River at the base of Capitoline Hill, contains evidence of Rome’s people from the earliest inhabitants to modern day. This research utilizes zooarchaeological analysis to investigate how the space was used in three time periods: Archaic, late Roman, and Medieval. The diachronic analysis of the faunal remains reflects the range of uses at the site during its occupation and highlights the integration of quotidian activities in a sacred space.

The Archaic faunal assemblage, associated with the late 7th to early 6th century BCE temple, contains the remains of sacrificed animals. The sacrifices consists mostly of very young sheep/goat, but pig, cattle, and dog are also represented. The late Roman assemblage is a 3rd to 4th century CE tavern. In contrast to the sheep/goat dominated Archaic assemblage associated with the temple, these later remains are dominated by pig. The 12th to 13th century CE midden contains remains of domestic consumption that are more varied and show a marked increase in chicken consumption.

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Temple, Tavern, and Table: Zooarchaeology at the Area Sacra di Sant'Omobono from the 7th century BCE to the 13th century CE. Victoria Moses. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 397354)

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