Exploring the Ancient Mitochondrial DNA of Pre-Columbian Populations inhabiting Basin Mexico during the Post-Classic Period (900-1521 AD)

Author(s): Ana Morales-Arce; Norma French

Year: 2015


The genetic study of pre-Columbian populations that inhabited the Basin of Mexico has recently started. The genetic analysis of different periods in specific spatial territories could contribute to understand patterns of interaction for pre-Columbian populations that lived in vast Mesoamerica. I use ancient mitochondrial DNA analysis to explore genetic similarities and differences within and between pre-Columbian bone samples, provided by the INAH, Mexico, belonging to post-Classic (900-1521 AD) from Cholula, Tlatelolco y Teotihuacan, in comparison with the pre-Classic period (1200-600 BC) from Tlatilco and the Classic period (1-900 AD) from Jaina; to assess their biological affinities and contributing to better understand the possible movements and origin of the populations that lived during the post-Classic Period. This research’s intention is to contribute the understanding of theoretical patterns of migration, cultural fusion, or replacement of Mesoamerican populations through contrasting material culture evidence of social changes and genetic consequences

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Exploring the Ancient Mitochondrial DNA of Pre-Columbian Populations inhabiting Basin Mexico during the Post-Classic Period (900-1521 AD). Ana Morales-Arce, Norma French. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 397467)

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