Hellenistic and Roman Votive Sculptures as Markers of Foreign Influence on Cyprus

Author(s): Bianca Hand; P.Nick Kardulias

Year: 2015


The Hellenistic and Roman periods on Cyprus (310 BC- AD 330) were times of transformation. Drastic changes in politics such as the movement of the island capitol to Paphos, new coinage, and the introduction of Christianity into the region had pervasive and deep consequences throughout the island. These changes can be traced through the artistic record, specifically through votive statues, as these can be seen as a reflection of social and political conditions in the region. As one of the premiere forms of expression and identity, art can be used to gauge the level of foreign influence a culture has been exposed to. As values and social structures change, so does their visual representation. By tracking these changes, one can determine different styles and discern vital information about past foreign interaction. By interpreting terracotta figurines found in religious sanctuaries at Athienou-Malloura and surrounding sites such as Golgoi, Arsos, and Salamis, this study seeks to determine first the level of foreign influence in the region and whether or not it had an impact on the religious and/ or ritualistic practices of the sanctuaries and the types of people giving these offerings.

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Hellenistic and Roman Votive Sculptures as Markers of Foreign Influence on Cyprus. Bianca Hand, P.Nick Kardulias. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 397588)

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