Derrio Wash Complex Arizona Site Steward File

Author(s): Brian Kenny; P. G.; J. M.; B. J.; Jim Bayman; James Vinf

Year: 1984


This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Derrio Wash Complex, located on State Trust land. The complex is comprised of a Hohokam village, compound, mound, trash middens, ball court, artifact scatter, rock piles, check dams, and roasting pits.

The file consists of a Site Steward Program resource nomination form, five Arizona State Museum Archaeological Survey forms, and two additional site maps. The earliest dated document is from 1984.

Cite this Record

Derrio Wash Complex Arizona Site Steward File. Brian Kenny, P. G., J. M., B. J., Jim Bayman, James Vinf. 1984 ( tDAR id: 400988) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8377BHM

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.995; min lat: 31.269 ; max long: -109.413; max lat: 33.331 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Arizona State Parks

Contributor(s): Arizona State Museum

Landowner(s): Arizona State Land Department

Prepared By(s): Arizona State Parks

Record Identifiers

Project Name(s): Marana Survey

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Derrio-Wash-Group.pdf 489.47kb Dec 2, 2015 11:53:28 AM Confidential
This file is unredacted.

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At least one of the files for this resource is restricted from public view. For more information regarding access to these files, please reference the contact information below

Contact(s): Arizona State Parks