The Best Days at FPAN are Shared with Others: The Various Partnerships FPAN had Developed Over the Years

Author(s): Barbara Clark

Year: 2016


Since its inception, the Florida Public Archaeology Network has relied on partnerships with other organizations to help meet our goal of public awareness and education. Throughout the years we have partnered with various organizations to offer training, workshops, youth and adult programs and other opportunities for the public to learn about Florida’s archaeological heritage. Each of these partnerships is unique and bring with them their own challenges and successes. This paper will discuss some of the partnerships FPAN has developed over the last ten years and share some of the lessons we have learned through these partnerships.

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The Best Days at FPAN are Shared with Others: The Various Partnerships FPAN had Developed Over the Years. Barbara Clark. Presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando, Florida. 2016 ( tDAR id: 403971)


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