Corner Construction and Possible Construction Sequence for Room Blocks in Richinbar Ruin on Black Mesa at Agua Fria National Monument

Part of the Legacies on the Landscape project

Author(s): Michael Hoogendyk

Year: 2007


Prior research as a part of the Legacies on the Landscape project has addressed architectural issues at Richinbar Ruin. In the spring of 2005, Karen Schollmeyer wrote a paper, Architecture Studies at Richinbar Ruin, which outlined the rationale for and the results of study into how Richinbar was built. Since that time, changes due to both wild fires and seasonal variation potentially made possible the acquisition of improved data in the same area. The purpose of this study was to obtain that updated information and carry the process further toward an understanding of the construction sequence at Richinbar. As stated by North (2002:157), “a detailed architectural analysis of large habitation centers such as…Richinbar Ruin… may reveal additional information on the occupational history of each site.” In addition, the opportunity was taken to clarify any discrepancies which may have existed when comparing room reports on file with maps and reports from earlier studies by North (2002) and Schollmeyer (2005).

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Corner Construction and Possible Construction Sequence for Room Blocks in Richinbar Ruin on Black Mesa at Agua Fria National Monument. Michael Hoogendyk. 2007 ( tDAR id: 406884) ; doi:10.6067/XCV85Q4Z18

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