The use of Chenopodium plants in China
Author(s): Xinyi Liu; Zhijun Zhao
Year: 2017
This article reviews the use of Chenopodium plants in Chinese archaeobotanical record. We will draw attention to two regions particularly, Northeast and Southwest China. We will consider the use of Chenopodium food in the context of origins of agriculture in China.
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The use of Chenopodium plants in China. Xinyi Liu, Zhijun Zhao. Presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2017 ( tDAR id: 429820)
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Archaeology of China
Geographic Keywords
East/Southeast Asia
Spatial Coverage
min long: 66.885; min lat: -8.928 ; max long: 147.568; max lat: 54.059 ;
Record Identifiers
Abstract Id(s): 16190