Subconscious Expressions of Identity in Migrant Communities: A Look at Lithic Debitage

Author(s): Peter Babala; Joseph Reti

Year: 2017


Subconscious expressions of cultural identity can be found in low-visibility attributes of every-day processes such as lithic production. In the late 13th century, Kayenta migrants into the southwestern New Mexico maintained or adapted many archaeologically visible traditions. This research examines lithic debitage assemblage morphology and attributes from three archaeological settings: southwestern New Mexican sites, Kayenta sites, and Salado sites (representing post-migration communities) during the 13th and 14th centuries to identify potential patterns of continuity and adaptation amongst the migrant communities. Previous research has demonstrated continuity in Kayenta traditions in Salado communities in the form of home and ceremonial structures, ceramic production and stylistic patterns, and in projectile point style. As Kayenta populations migrated in new regions, lithic production patterns changed when they were introduced to new raw material and went from having primarily chert resources to having access to abundant obsidian nodules. This research hypothesizes that low visibility attributes in the form of lithic debitage will demonstrate continuity in lithic production patterns as this migrant community engages with local raw materials.

Cite this Record

Subconscious Expressions of Identity in Migrant Communities: A Look at Lithic Debitage. Peter Babala, Joseph Reti. Presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2017 ( tDAR id: 431500)


Geographic Keywords
North America - Southwest

Spatial Coverage

min long: -115.532; min lat: 30.676 ; max long: -102.349; max lat: 42.033 ;

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 16673