The Final Frontier: Chaco Great Houses in the Great Sage Plain of Southwestern Colorado
Author(s): Grant Coffey; Mark Varien
Year: 2018
The expansion of the Chacoan regional system into Southwestern Colorado was relatively late compared to other areas, occurring for the most part from A.D. 1080 to 1140. This poster examines this late expansion by focusing on Chaco-style great houses located in the Great Sage Plain of southwestern Colorado. Information on these Chacoan sites has been compiled during a series of projects that began in the late 1980s and continued with 2017 fieldwork during the Community Center Reassessment Project. We present an inventory of all known great houses, assess their chronological development, document variation in their size, examine their association with other types of public architecture, and identify groups of great houses that occur in distinct clusters. We conclude by examining the connection between these sites and those in Chaco Canyon and at Aztec.
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The Final Frontier: Chaco Great Houses in the Great Sage Plain of Southwestern Colorado. Grant Coffey, Mark Varien. Presented at The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC. 2018 ( tDAR id: 444928)
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Public and Community Archaeology
Geographic Keywords
North America: Northern Southwest U.S.
Spatial Coverage
min long: -123.97; min lat: 37.996 ; max long: -101.997; max lat: 46.134 ;
Record Identifiers
Abstract Id(s): 20641