Scaffolding Archaeology, Education, and Collaboration at Sesquicentennial State Park, Columbia, South Carolina

Author(s): Kelly Goldberg; Stacey Young

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "Collaborative and Community Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Sesquicentennial State Park, built by the Civilian Conservation Corps and opened to the public in 1940, contains multiple archaeological sites representing both precontact and historic occupations. Current archaeological excavations are focused on investigating the history of nineteenth and twentieth century African American communities which were present prior to the park’s construction, and not currently represented in park interpretive narratives. Since May 2022, collaborations between South Carolina Parks, Recreation, and Tourism and the University of South Carolina have developed a collaborative approach centered on educational opportunity and community outreach. This presentation discusses the ways in which collaborations with local descendants and a focus on educational engagement among K–12 and postsecondary institutes have directed the research design of the Sesquicentennial archaeology project. These collaborations have directly contributed to the development of interpretive materials seeking to magnify the potential community outreach and engage diverse stakeholders throughout the state.

Cite this Record

Scaffolding Archaeology, Education, and Collaboration at Sesquicentennial State Park, Columbia, South Carolina. Kelly Goldberg, Stacey Young. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 497461)

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min long: -93.735; min lat: 24.847 ; max long: -73.389; max lat: 39.572 ;

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Abstract Id(s): 41695.0